Weight loss - 1200cal too low?



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    Also wanted to add, that at your current weight you aren't overweight as such so there's no need to panic about losing 15lbs, you might even find losing 7 to 10 lbs will make a difference...but you'll know better as time passes and the weight comes off.

    All the best.


    Even losing no weight but getting in shape will also make a difference.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    narmin92 wrote: »
    @narmin92 thanks for answering, so at sedentary you should be eating a minimum of 1420 MINIMUM. that's without exercise. IF you do exercise then you would eat a bit more, you could eat at least 50% of those exercise calories.
    Why not try 1500-1600 for a week and see how the loss goes?

    Will go for that. Just have to make sure to get the exercise in too.

    Wanted to give you a headsup that often when someone starts a new exercise program they gain some temporary water weight. If the scale is making you crazy, use a pair of jeans to measure yourself instead.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    narmin92 wrote: »
    15lbs in two months is not unheard of for someone who is starting out and extremely overweight, but less typical a result for those who aren't overweight (and it seems your weight is within the normal range). 1200 is probably the number MFP spit out because you entered your information hoping for a 2lb per week loss. It isn't altogether enjoyable or particularly sustainable to eat so little, and if you resume your current habits after your special event, the weight typically comes right back + some.

    You might try getting a digital food scale to measure out your portions so you know exactly how many calories you are eating per day. Measuring cups and estimations won't quite cut it for your goal. Only you can decide if 1200 is sustainable for you.

    Most of the advice on MFP I've seen given to someone with your stats is that aiming for a .5 lb per week loss is a more realistic goal for long term success.

    It is just a hope that I can get into a smaller size dress for the event, but of course if it's not healthy I would want to do it the right way. Thank you for your helpful answer! I guess I will work my way through a healthy meal plan for .5-1lbs per week.

    Recomp could help you. I did that at the end of summer/early fall and saw muscles tighten up and tummy flatten. You don't need to lose weight, but it sounds like you don't like the shape you are in.
  • afazackerley1
    afazackerley1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm 25 & 5ft4 and currenrlty 157lbs! (Heavier than I was full-term pregnancy) No idea what I've been eating!!!!! I have a desk job... MFP states 1,200 per day for me to achieve my goal!

    I've been on 1,200 calorie diet now for 2 weeks, and I have lost 6lbs so far in total.
    I now and then go over but only by 100, I just think they need to be made up of 3 substantial clean meals. Packing them out with Veg & Salad, and not completely restricting yourself, but cutting out the bad stuff, not just calorie counting. My own made up rules are:
    - No White Bread!! (My weakness, I've had 2 slices of brown in 3 weeks, I'd usually eat that in a day!)
    - Sweet Potatoe only
    - No fizzy pop
    - No white rice! Basmati, Wholegrain and Quinoa only...
    - No white pasta! - Wholegrain only
    - Lots of water
    - No takeaways
    - Loads of veg
    - Loads of salad
    I feel more energetic than ever, and lost that lethargic feeling... Last year on the same pre-holiday diet I lost 15lbs in 2.5 months.
    I think most days, I feel like I'm eating more and feeling fuller on this diet.
    I've done no exercise due to a knee injury apart from 5 walks a week (about 30-45 minutes per day). When exercising I don't eat my calories back, however I'd include a protein shake after the gym or a banana before.
    I know my weight loss will slow down, but usually this helps me lose 1-1.5lbs per week after the first month.

    I'd recommend pre-tracking your meals with myfitnesspal, so you can play around with meal ideas, and swap items!

    Good Luck :)
  • narmin92
    narmin92 Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2017
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Also wanted to add, that at your current weight you aren't overweight as such so there's no need to panic about losing 15lbs, you might even find losing 7 to 10 lbs will make a difference...but you'll know better as time passes and the weight comes off.

    All the best.


    Even losing no weight but getting in shape will also make a difference.


    Wow! The photo is very inspiring!
  • tarothelp
    tarothelp Posts: 167 Member
    I have been keeping to 1200 for over a month and have no problem sticking by with it. I do enjoy healthier food though so maybe that's why it hasn't been much of a struggle. Also once u start working out u can eat those spent calories back if you want to. Good luck! The exercise will help u with the flab and my tip is to drink lots of water too I drink 2 litres a day it helps.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited January 2017
    Im on a lite n easy 1200 calories meal plan so far its going well just had my 2nd week and the food is great. Its just unfortunate i cant log my diary every day because i come in just under 1200 calories every day

    Yes - you're a guy - so unless you are 4'6" tall - 1200 isn't nearly enough calories for you. Try NETTING at least 1500.

    It's not "unfortunate" that you can't finish out your diary. It's how the site works. Very low calorie diets aren't to be celebrated, or congratulated because they are dangerous.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited January 2017
    tarothelp wrote: »
    I have been keeping to 1200 for over a month and have no problem sticking by with it. I do enjoy healthier food though so maybe that's why it hasn't been much of a struggle. Also once u start working out u can eat those spent calories back if you want to. Good luck! The exercise will help u with the flab and my tip is to drink lots of water too I drink 2 litres a day it helps.

    1200 (+ exercise calories) is a one-size-fits-all minimum. It works much better for women that are petite. OP is 5'10" - so not at all petite.

    It's not just about "healthy" foods. Most people here try to eat satiating foods.....but what is satiating to you, might not be satiating to someone else. It's different macro combinations. If I stayed full on fat-free fiber I could stay full on 1200 calories. Fat-free fiber doesn't work that well for me.
  • marie2684
    marie2684 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'10, started last week at 257.6 - and I weighed this morning 244.2... I eat only about 1200 calories a day, I drink one gallon of water along with a bottle of water at night lol .. but I also walk for 1 hour on the treadmill a day... So, it works for me and I'm not hungry because I eat things with a lot of protein - plus the water really helps!
  • narmin92
    narmin92 Posts: 32 Member
    Update: I've been doing 1200-1500 calories a day mostly, depending on how hungry I am, I'm aware it may be a bit low, but i do maintenance or just below maintenance calorie days once or twice a week, because I found it works better for me to alter caloric intake throughout the week and stay under about 1400-1500 on average, rather than sticking to same level every day. Works different for everybody of course! I just feel like I am more able to keep it under control if there are days to look forward to where I am going to be treating myself for being good on the other days! :smiley: