Weight loss plan / Cutting foods.



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    There's no "easy" or "enjoyable " weight loss plan on earth. Once your body gets used to a strict diet and hard workouts, you start to enjoy yourself. Whoever's telling you "don't cut out soda or candy" is a total bullshitter. Those people have no idea how to lose fat. Cut out sugar and bad carbs completely. Eat high protein and healthy fat. What you're doing is no bad. Actually that's the way to go. If you consume carbs such as candy, white bread, soda or potatoes and workout at the same time, you will burn what you ate not your fat. Don't do cardio too much, resistance training is gonna help you gain muscles and lose fat mass. Have a cheat day once per week where you consume all junk food, soda whatever you want to eat to keep you sane. It actually boosts your metabolism and keeps you on track.

    Um, no.

    Curious username, though.

    Yeah... isn't it?
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am 21 years old

    244 lbs

    I want to lose at least 44 lbs.

    I have cut out soda, candy, fast food, and meat.

    Or anything that screams unhealthy!

    I plan to eat 1400 cals a day

    And workout 30 mins a day 10 minutes cardio ( machine cardio) elypitcal/ treadmill/ bike and use the rest doing sit ups/ leg kicks/ planks/ wall squats/ push ups / arm circles/ flutter kicks.. at home stuff.. Also going to be using tricep machine for arms..

    Is this a good plan? Adjustments? Tips..

    You do you, OP, and if it doesn't work, then try something else. If anything, I'd recommend going for diet soda or sparkling water, just to help with the transition. Also, instead of cutting out meat completely, try cutting out just red meat. Go for chicken and fish. If you're really set on cutting out meat, though, eggs are your friend. Moderation may work for some people, but not for everyone. I personally feel better and less hungry when I get most of my calories from fresh fruit and veggies, whole grains, and fresh protein sources (fresh chicken cuts, eggs, and, because I live by the ocean, very fresh fish). I was successful on this plan for 5 years before life threw me a curveball, but now I'm finding success on it once again. If you find that doesn't ring true for you, that's fine. What works for me may not work for you.

    My only recommendation would be not restricting calories by so much. I average 2,400 a day, with a net of 1,700 on average after exercise. Don't try to lose too much too fast. I did make that mistake when I first started and I felt awful.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    There's no "easy" or "enjoyable " weight loss plan on earth. Once your body gets used to a strict diet and hard workouts, you start to enjoy yourself. Whoever's telling you "don't cut out soda or candy" is a total bullshitter. Those people have no idea how to lose fat. Cut out sugar and bad carbs completely. Eat high protein and healthy fat. What you're doing is no bad. Actually that's the way to go. If you consume carbs such as candy, white bread, soda or potatoes and workout at the same time, you will burn what you ate not your fat. Don't do cardio too much, resistance training is gonna help you gain muscles and lose fat mass. Have a cheat day once per week where you consume all junk food, soda whatever you want to eat to keep you sane. It actually boosts your metabolism and keeps you on track.

    I've lost 94 pounds eating potatoes and Snicker bars.

    You burn fat by creating a calorie deficit.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    There's no "easy" or "enjoyable " weight loss plan on earth. Once your body gets used to a strict diet and hard workouts, you start to enjoy yourself. Whoever's telling you "don't cut out soda or candy" is a total bullshitter. Those people have no idea how to lose fat. Cut out sugar and bad carbs completely. Eat high protein and healthy fat. What you're doing is no bad. Actually that's the way to go. If you consume carbs such as candy, white bread, soda or potatoes and workout at the same time, you will burn what you ate not your fat. Don't do cardio too much, resistance training is gonna help you gain muscles and lose fat mass. Have a cheat day once per week where you consume all junk food, soda whatever you want to eat to keep you sane. It actually boosts your metabolism and keeps you on track.

    Except I've lost 40 lbs eating lots of carbs.

    Same here. Learn what works for your body. Personally, I avoid white bread unless it's really really good really really fresh sourdough or similar because white bread doesn't fill me up. White rice, white pasta and potatoes, on the other hand, I have no issues with at all.

    And I eat "candy" every day - if you call dark chocolate "candy".

    Other people will have different foods they prefer not to waste calories on and different foods that they consider "worth it".

    Dark chocolate is usually my choice too, but my son got his braces off the other day and wanted to get caramels. I've been taken with those lately myself. 45 calories each. Delicious.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    There's no "easy" or "enjoyable " weight loss plan on earth. Once your body gets used to a strict diet and hard workouts, you start to enjoy yourself. Whoever's telling you "don't cut out soda or candy" is a total bullshitter. Those people have no idea how to lose fat. Cut out sugar and bad carbs completely. Eat high protein and healthy fat. What you're doing is no bad. Actually that's the way to go. Have a cheat day once per week where you consume all junk food, soda whatever you want to eat to keep you sane. It actually boosts your metabolism and keeps you on track.

    No wonder you feel losing weight can't be easy and enjoyable, if you associate it with "strict diet and hard workouts", cutting out "sugar and bad carbs", eating "high protein and healthy fat", and then having weekly cheat days to eradicate whatever calorie deficit you may have achieved through the week. That is a miserable way to live. That is also your perogative, but be aware that it's a choice you are making, based on correct information and your own values and preferences.
    If you consume carbs such as candy, white bread, soda or potatoes and workout at the same time, you will burn what you ate not your fat.
    This is just nonsense.
    Don't do cardio too much, resistance training is gonna help you gain muscles and lose fat mass.
    You will gain muscle, but you lose fat from a sustained calorie deficit.