Women in their 30's and 40's - Let's Help Each Other!!

I am looking for women in their 30's and 40's who want to help each other stay accountable, motivate each other and give suggestions! Like share recipes, ideas, things that are working, things are not working. I am a 41yo in Washington State. I have a love/hate relationship with running. Am just recovered from an injury and restarting my running. I really need to get my food in shape. I might run but geez...my diet is atrocious!


  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    I understand your love/hate relationship with running. Add me if you like.
  • gingchey
    gingchey Posts: 7 Member
    I also live in Washington, please friend me or like me.
  • hannys
    hannys Posts: 85 Member
    34 year old mom of 4 living in TX. I have about 50lbs im.hoping to lose. I used to live running and working out in general and I was a successful person all trainer. I was able to keep up with that through 2 pregnancies, but then once I got pregnant with baby #3 I spiraled out of control, sadly. So after 4 babies in 5.5 years (youngest is already a year old), I am more than ready to get back to where I was! Well, realistically I know I'll never get quite to where I was before children, but if I can get back to enjoying workouts and runs and being happy with myself then I will be good!

    I've started c25k, but I'm doing it faster than the 8 weeks it claims it takes simply because, thankfully, it's been going very well despite the extra weight.
  • lilcanadianmommy22
    lilcanadianmommy22 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a 39 year old mother of 2. 5 years ago I went thro a devastating divorce and due to all the stress lost too much weight. I am now remarried, happy and learning how to manage what I eat and exercise. Counting cals helps me alot to stay on track. I am making monthly goals rather than getting overwhelmed with yearly goals.
    I also am a runner. However, haven't ran in a while. I am starting c25k now and hope to get into the groove of running once or 2ce a week. I have already signed up for Ragnar in June. :-) Feel free to add me. I need all the motivation, encouragment and tough love I can get. :-)
  • k2theSo
    k2theSo Posts: 26 Member
    Hiya ! I'm new here and also looking to connect with women for mutual support. From Montreal, Canada I'm a 34 grad student with performance issues! I love to run, I love to work out and I love to eat well, but I definitely need to move from pushing at max capacity to just enjoying the activity and the health benefits. I've had some nasty injuries over the past 4 years. I'm just recovered from a herniated and torn open wide lumbar disc. So, in a sense I get the love-hate relationship! I'd love to connect with you gals so we can reach our goals together. :)
  • rainykatie
    rainykatie Posts: 91 Member
    It is great to hear that lots of you are running despite the extra weight! I am just over 200 lbs and have been running too. I have actually ran several 5ks at this weight. I do think I eat too much when I am training for one though, I kind of give myself a free pass on running days to eat whatever.

    I would like to sign up for a relay this summer too. We have a fun one here where I live. I did do it three years ago (in between kids) but never lost any weight despite running 3-4× a week. I feel like if I do that again and track my food this time, I can maybe get down a few pounds to a healthier weight. Healthy for me is about 170 (I am tall).

    Let's motivate each other!
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 41 from Ontario Canada, not a runner but have been doing yoga for most of my life. Feel free to add me!
  • sugandhabrar
    sugandhabrar Posts: 1 Member
    Iam 38 from India, moving to a new place/ no friends/ foot injury....i can go on with self pity ☹️ Gained 15 kg in last 3 years!!! Had been running before foot injury but now shifted to yoga from past 6 months.

    Let's motivate !!! Feel free to add
  • jazzyspender
    jazzyspender Posts: 49 Member
    Hi All! I'm 38 & from Arizona. I've never liked running, but envy those who do! I live in a place that has perfect weather for over half the year, so it would be the perfect exercise for me! I do like walking, and have thought about trying to incorporate some jogging into that. Maybe walk 1 min, jog 30 sec? I don't know the exact plan, but I think I need to take baby steps! I lost 35 lbs last year, but it was mostly from diet changes. I'm at goal weight and now focusing on fitness. Any help from runners would be awesome, feel free to friend/message me. I love the goal of doing a 5k on your 39th birthday. I'm far from that goal, but maybe for my 40th! I'm inspired @jhroper! I'd really like to hit the big 4-0 in the best shape of my life...21 months to go!
  • Hello everyone. I am 39 and live in Ohio. I have a love/hate relationship with running. I love to run, my body however does not. I have three kiddos, which are my inspirations. My oldest started a year ago and has lost over a 100 pounds. I am trying to lose 120 pounds, so far I am down 10. I could use all the motivation and insight from others as i travel on this road.
  • Popsies66
    Popsies66 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love some new friends on MFP. I really need to be held accountable and cheered on. I too used to be a runner, not so much anymore!
    Please add me! I will also try to add some of the peeps on this thread.

    I'm 37 with 2 kiddos and trying to get back to my pre-kids weight.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just turned 36, love weight lifting and hiking! Half way to my weight loss goal so far.
  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    34 here and taking it super slow. I have a lot of weight to lose, but I want to lose is sustainably. At this point I'm not really motivated to work hard to lose but I'm logging and taking small steps toeat at maintenance or slightly below and focus on strength training.

    I'll probably be more motivated in a month or so but for now I'm just taking it day by day and trying to to close my eyes and look the other way when it comes to how I treat my body.
  • tlcs68
    tlcs68 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm always looking for motivational friends! I'm in my late 40's and still trying to take off the baby weight.. my baby is 20, lol!!!