Bad tasting, healthy food.



  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    turtle dan..I understand what your saying. Fast food is cheap , its tasty and its high in calorie. I also believe it makes you want to eat more. Sure as others have said you can still have it if you fit it into your calories but for me I find its sets me off, down the wrong track of continuous eating. I actually don't crave it or think about it anymore. I read an interesting article the other day that said Taco Bell, was quietly revamping their menu to healthier choices. On my weight reduction journey I find that planning my meals out for the day helps me more than anything. If I am out and won't get home for my meal I either prepare and take it with me or have some type of protein bar orchard boil egg to tide me over. LOL
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Fast food is cheap and the industry knows about food addictions, they base their food on those addiction, such as salty sweet, salty savory (the bacon craze), sweet and gooey, etc. I dont think good food tastes bad, we just need to adjust our habits and eventually when you see a Carls Jr commercial you can recognize how awfully unhealthy they are. I eat a lot of tuna, it is one of my staples. bad food is an aquired taste as is healthy food.

    Yes, making you crave more of their food is a legitimate scientific endeavour.
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    Please read the book salt, sugar, fat. Will change your life. Literally
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    It's very easy to get addicted to eating bad food from fast food restaurants - or get used to eating it. Eating healthier doesn't have to taste bad though. I thought the same as you - eating healthier sucks. What I've found is that the better the food you eat, the less you crave the crap you were getting.

    Yes - food addict in me rears it's ugly head every now and then, but there are things I haven't had in a LONG time - like a whopper with cheese only ketchup - that's what I'd get at BK all the time. A few months ago, I thought - Oooh...I'll go get one of those...I used to love them!! Then when I started eating it - for some reason it tasted different than I remembered. It wasn't as good somehow. I can't explain why.

    Eating healthier doesn't have to be expensive either. You don't have to go wild getting the organic, farm raised, cage free chickens if you don't want. My brother is HUGE into not buying things with high fructose corn syrup, and buying non-GMO things, and all organic. I do *try* to be conscious of it, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I buy the best quality of stuff I can buy with the amount I have to buy it with - so be it.

    The bariatric dietician I once saw told me to focus on lean, quality protein and the fats/carbs take care of themselves, and I've found it to be pretty accurate.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    I think, to some degree, your taste buds adjust to what you eat regularly.

    For the most part, I prefer home cooked food and/or good quality restaurant food. Home cooked and healthy does not have to mean flavourless or bland. e.g. We made a delicious spaghetti sauce from a blend of ground beef and italian sausage meat (drained). It also had onion, fennel, carrot, tomato and variety of herbs/spices. *So* much yummier than a bland burger from McDonalds.


    I dropped potato chips from my diet ... replaced it with salted cucumber slices.

    Then after four months, I took a diet break on a trip, and decided to have a bag of chips. I did finish them, but it took several days where it used to take 1 day (1 hour!) because I found them way too salty.

    Some months later we stopped at a McDonalds for a burger on another trip. I was kind of looking forward to it because I hadn't had a burger in ages. It was actually quite awful. Like eating heavily salted ground up cardboard.

    The meal I made last night (and we'll have the rest of it tonight) has so much more flavour and was much more satisfying than that burger.
  • cruisin99
    cruisin99 Posts: 31 Member
    cruisin99 wrote: »
    I must say I'm shocked at the number of people who don't want to eat healthy and eat better food, they just want to lose weight :(

    Why shocked each to their own
    Also you find most people are saying they eat fast food but in moderation what's wrong with that
    cruisin99 wrote: »
    I must say I'm shocked at the number of people who don't want to eat healthy and eat better food, they just want to lose weight :(

    Why shocked each to their own
    Also you find most people are saying they eat fast food but in moderation what's wrong with that

    I'm shocked that people are more concerned with how they look or appear than be concerned with actual healthy eating to get to a healthy weight and stay there.