Does anyone go to the gym alone?



  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I prefer going to the gym alone. I've done the workout buddy thing in the past and what generally happens is that one of us finishes before the other. I don't like making someone wait for me because I start to feel rushed, and I don't really like waiting on others either. I've always viewed gym time as "me time", not "we time".
    TRI_COMMANDO Posts: 76 Member
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    Prefer to go alone. Then I'm not waiting on someone else to show up, I get in and out faster, and focus more. It's actually the best way to work out IMO.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I go to the gym alone all the time. I used to read on the treadmill and I'd only allow myself to read that book while I was working out. I've been doing the same thing with some podcasts recently too.

    After a while too it just becomes a habit. It's really cliche, but I never regret a workout. I DO regret being lazy and not going though. Working out makes me feel great, boosts me energy level, and lets me unwind.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I go alone. I don't feel you get a good workout if you can talk to the person next to you. Had some girls carrying on a conversation the other day. I look over and her elliptical was set at 4 incline and 1 resistance. They never broke a sweat...I was dripping when I got done. Much more effective workout when alone (for me) :)
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have always gone alone. Most of the other ladies that are there at the same time as me go alone too. There's actually only one pair of guys that come together at the same time, everyone else is solo.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I go to the gym alone. I don't go to socialize. I take my class or do my workout and leave. I meet friends for lunch, not a workout.
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    I go alone because I don't have anyone else to go with. I don't talk to anyone, I joined with two lads (strangers - discounted price) but I wouldn't recognise them if they stood in frount of me tomorrow. I watch Netflix when doing cardio and listen to music the rest of the time. I like that I don't have to consider anyone else, I see others that seem to spend too much time talking, sharing machines so they're on them for triple the time because of the talking and changing the settings etc, or the ones who seem to treat it like a social club, strutting around with a couple of 5kg weights. TBH, the only reason I'd want a buddy is for a coffee afterwards, and that wouldn't be every night.

    Make yourself a good playlist and get in there, you won't regret it. Best wishes for a new (more confident) you x
  • helloyukihayashi
    helloyukihayashi Posts: 12 Member
    I go alone all the time! I prefer it. It may be helpful to have a buddy for heavy weightlifting but I feel like for most cardio you're better off on your own with a great podcast or playlist.

    If you prefer the motivation, why not sign up for a group fitness class?
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    In the past when I belonged to a gym, I have always gone alone. Stompy music on headphones and focus on the equipment.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I also go to the gym alone. I have tried to get people to come with me, but they won't, which is just as well, I can focus on my workout and get in and get out. I'm not there to socialize either. I don't even like to walk with someone because we have different paces and it just seems to take longer.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Motivation comes from within. I like training with someone who has the same goals as me, but I have trained by myself for most of the time.
  • yourfriendlaurie
    yourfriendlaurie Posts: 32 Member
    I always go alone. The few times I've gone with a friend it was really awkward to be honest. We end up just talking and not working out or I want to work out longer than they do or they run way faster than me on the treadmill and I feel self-conscious or there's only one free machine and we have to decide who gets it, etc.

    That was a nice gift for you to give your friend but here's another way to think of it - would you have bought the membership for yourself if she had said no? It sounds like you needed that boost to push you to go. Now that she's bailed, it's all on you, but if you hadn't bought her that membership in the first place you might never have gotten one for yourself!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I go with hubby when his work schedule allows, but I also work out at home by myself a few times a week. I would venture to say that the vast majority of people at my Y come by themselves.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    I prefer going alone.

    Also just a positive note here, if your friend is already bailing she would not have been a good work out pal, so yay for not having someone holding you back!

    The fact that you care enough to reach out for ideas and keep to your plan shows that you have great determination and I have no doubt you will reach your goals!

    I never get bored at the gym... however some good ideas are watching movies/tv shows, listening to books on tape, and making a super amazing heart racing play list on your phone.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sorry that your 'friend' flaked on you. I have had periods of both solo and with a friend so here are my pros and cons :)
    I started with a friend but changed my hours to early morning so that meant I was going solo, some of the great things about that is - you set your own time; you don't have anyone comparing what you are doing; you don't have to find something two people can do; you can make this time all about you!!!!
    Of course when you are going with another you have to wait on them; discuss what you both want to do; if they are ready to go . . . either watch them sit there or cut your workout short :/ There are some pluses to having a workout buddy but for me I have always been the motivator, this can be a plus for you but as you see it's really hard. Either get yourself some great music or a good book and again, make that time your own.
  • CAlexRose
    CAlexRose Posts: 33 Member
    I've been going to the gym alone for years. I can't rely on anyone to be as consistent as I am, plus I don't want anyone to slow me down...
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    yes - but I'm doing classes so there are many others witnessing my attempts lol
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The money that you spent on your friends gym membership can now be used on a training session.

    Personally my best workouts are when I'm alone. Put your favourite music on and go and smash it!