started 2 weeks ago - no weight loss

I started about 2 weeks ago. I also joined the gym and hired a personal trainer 2/wk and have went to the gym with my friend 1/week in addition. This past week I also started couch 2 5k 3/wk (days I don't go to the gym). I have also cut back my calories and cut down on my snacking drastically.

The 1st week I saw a 2 lb weight loss.. now I'm back up to where I started. Shouldn't going to the gym alone and exercising which I hadn't done in years, have me lose some weight on it's own? Not to mention the cut back in calories?

I ordered the portion containers today and hopefully that will help as well. I want to lose 25-30 lbs by my birthday (4/6).

It can't possibly be muscle gain already, could it?

Any suggestions or positive feedback would be appreciated. I don't want to get discouraged.


  • marykat968
    marykat968 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so glad you brought this issue up. What you wrote is almost exactly what I have been doing with the same results. I joined a gym the last week of Dec, signed up with a trainer, track my of today my weight is the same! I'm also trying to lose about 30 pounds and I'm trying not to get frustrated. I have a very physical job and when I'm at work I feel like I'm starving. Kevin's response about the body wanted to store fat for fuel kinda makes sense to me. Don't get discouraged...we got this!
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    Water weight is the likely culprit. Water weight is temporary and can surge because of TOM/hormones, muscle fatigue, sodium and a number of other reasons. Keep going. GIving up has no positive outcome, afterall. Keep going and while you can weigh in as often as you want, compare the trend over time. Such as compare your starting weight to what you weigh 30 days later, and then 30 days after that.

    Oh don't worry, I won't be giving up..I just know that if I was seeing how results, it would push me harder. Unfortunately this is my TOM..and I feel horrible. Hopefully that has a lot to do with it. Good idea with the 30 day comparison
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    marykat968 wrote: »
    I'm so glad you brought this issue up. What you wrote is almost exactly what I have been doing with the same results. I joined a gym the last week of Dec, signed up with a trainer, track my of today my weight is the same! I'm also trying to lose about 30 pounds and I'm trying not to get frustrated. I have a very physical job and when I'm at work I feel like I'm starving. Kevin's response about the body wanted to store fat for fuel kinda makes sense to me. Don't get discouraged...we got this!

    It's frustrating, isn't it? I had that happen to me a few years ago when I was working out, I was eating too little. I'm positive that I'm eating enough now, likely too much. My portion sizes are way off. I have an office job so I smack far too much..but I am starving after a work out.

    I would add you as a friend but I can't figure it out in the app lol
  • jenwil1999
    jenwil1999 Posts: 38 Member
    I'd also suggest making sure you're counting your calories accurately. I think a lot of people are off by hundreds of calories per day. I recommend getting a scale and weighing in grams. It's far more accurate than measuring in cups. Also, really watch oils and butters - and extra tbsp of oil is 120 calories. If you've been exercising so much, it'll make you pretty hungry until you adjust. Make sure you have a filling post-workout snack all ready.
  • marykat968
    marykat968 Posts: 4 Member
    jenwil1999 wrote: »
    I'd also suggest making sure you're counting your calories accurately. I think a lot of people are off by hundreds of calories per day. I recommend getting a scale and weighing in grams. It's far more accurate than measuring in cups. Also, really watch oils and butters - and extra tbsp of oil is 120 calories. If you've been exercising so much, it'll make you pretty hungry until you adjust. Make sure you have a filling post-workout snack all ready.

    I also use the heck out of the barcode scanner on the phone app when I log my food. That's a huge help
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    jenwil1999 wrote: »
    I'd also suggest making sure you're counting your calories accurately. I think a lot of people are off by hundreds of calories per day. I recommend getting a scale and weighing in grams. It's far more accurate than measuring in cups. Also, really watch oils and butters - and extra tbsp of oil is 120 calories. If you've been exercising so much, it'll make you pretty hungry until you adjust. Make sure you have a filling post-workout snack all ready.

    Thank you for the tips, normally after a workout during the week I will make eggs for dinner. They're easy, packed with protein and my 16 mo old loves them!
  • jenwil1999
    jenwil1999 Posts: 38 Member
    marykat968 wrote: »

    I also use the heck out of the barcode scanner on the phone app when I log my food. That's a huge help

    I'm curious about this. In fairness, I haven't tried it very often - but my understanding is that the barcode is mostly for pre-packaged goods, like cereals. Is that right? I mostly buy fresh veggies and meats, I don't think it's much use for that, or am I mistaken?
  • LongaVitaSana
    LongaVitaSana Posts: 14 Member
    I would make sure I have all the nutrients my body needs particularly iron. I am not a vegetarian but my iron levels were very very low surprisingly. Iron doesnt build up in your system but needs continual "topping up". I was running a lot but feeling really wiped out and tired and not losing weight. I took a break , went to the doctor for health checks and took time to build up my system. Who knows but now I am losing again and feel a whole lot better. HTH
  • DavidRocketts
    DavidRocketts Posts: 80 Member
    Accurate measurement of calories consumed, and calories burned through exercise is critical. If you can afford one of the popular monitors, get one, they don't cost a lot. My Polar was £60. If you do this and maintain a consistent calorie defecit your weight will begin to drop. There's no clever science to this, just simple logic. Be careful of self appointed 'experts' on here. I would read with interest the experience of other members but be guided by proper, professional advice, which you can research. Not suggesting you hire someone, most of us couldn't afford that :wink:
  • kare77
    kare77 Posts: 78 Member
    It's frustrating but don't give up
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    I would make sure I have all the nutrients my body needs particularly iron. I am not a vegetarian but my iron levels were very very low surprisingly. Iron doesnt build up in your system but needs continual "topping up". I was running a lot but feeling really wiped out and tired and not losing weight. I took a break , went to the doctor for health checks and took time to build up my system. Who knows but now I am losing again and feel a whole lot better. HTH

    Unfortunately I went to the drs first because I thought maybe it was my thyroid. They tested my thyroid and did a full panel on all of my other levels. Everything came back normal
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    edited January 2017
    It's only been two weeks. Give it time. Log everything. Like one of the other posters mentioned, the little things add up. 1tbs of olive oil, 1 "tbs" of peanut butter. One cookie here, half a donut there etc etc. If you actually weigh some of that snacking, you'd be surprised on how many calories you're actually consuming. PB is amazing but it's also the devil if you don't measure it correctly. I weighed out 2tbs of peanut butter which I believe was 28grams or along those lines. It looked like one normal 1tbs of peanut butter when I used to just "eye" it out. I couldn't imagine why I was never losing weight until that moment. Also, the barcode scanner is fantastic, but it's 100% accurate. Some codes don't scan in correctly so always double check and weigh everything!!! 30 lbs by April is a huge commitment so just track as accurately as you can. Don't get discouraged. You got this. But patience is key.
    PS, if you want some veterans to give you advice on here, you might want to open up your diary to the public so some can give you pointers on what might be the issues.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    You said it's TOM. If you're truly at a calorie deficit, that's your culprit. I can go up 8lbs the week of my cycle.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
  • bigpete44
    bigpete44 Posts: 32 Member
    Trust the process I was in your shoes 200 days ago frustrated and I posted here. Needless to say it all changed for the better don't get caught up in the lbs lost it will happen feel free to add me and see the journey best of workouts.
  • igottapee333
    igottapee333 Posts: 9 Member
    its been over 3 weeks and i don't exercise don't drink water and was always at a calorie deficit, I logged every piece of food I logged from the search list and double checked it on the package! I did not lose a ounce! go figure I am ready to give up but at least I did not gain!
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    its been over 3 weeks and i don't exercise don't drink water and was always at a calorie deficit, I logged every piece of food I logged from the search list and double checked it on the package! I did not lose a ounce! go figure I am ready to give up but at least I did not gain!

    I always read that it was important to drink a lot of water when trying to lose weight. I am trying to up my water intake. Don't give up yet!
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    its been over 3 weeks and i don't exercise don't drink water and was always at a calorie deficit, I logged every piece of food I logged from the search list and double checked it on the package! I did not lose a ounce! go figure I am ready to give up but at least I did not gain!

    I always read that it was important to drink a lot of water when trying to lose weight. I am trying to up my water intake. Don't give up yet!

    That's wrong. You don't need to drink a lot of water to try and lose weight.

    I'm sorry but I think you are wrong in this case. Drinking water helps to keep you hydrated and some "hunger pains" may actually be "thirst pains", being hydrated also helps keep you regular in respects to the bathroom and flushing toxins.

    What makes you think this is wrong?