2017~~52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Starting weight: 168.4
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 166
    Total weight lost: 2.4
    This week's successes: Never hungry, lots of energy
    This week's challenges: Traveling w/ a very picky and cranky child, and hubby who insists on eating crap even though he knows better-- forced to eat from a vending machine on Thursday, BK on Friday :(
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Challenge starting weight: 238 12/26/2016
    Goal weight: 186
    Current weight:235.6
    Total weight lost:-2.4
    This week's successes: Stayed below calories all week!
    This week's challenges: Getting my water consumption up to 100ml/day.
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Starting weight as of 2 Jan 17: 238.1
    Goal weight: 186.1
    Current weight: 232.9
    Total weight lost: 5.2
    This week's successes: Cooked healthy meals for the family and avoided eating out.
    This week's challenges: Didn't get in as many workouts as I would like and slacking on my water drinking.
  • wendyron3
    wendyron3 Posts: 91 Member
    Starting weight-182
    Goal weight-145
    Current weight-177
    Total lbs lost-5lb
    This weeks success was I managed to loose weight while being sick for the past 4 days and not getting to workout.
    Goals would be to feel better and get back on schedule with working out.
  • moremonica
    moremonica Posts: 32 Member
    Week 2 -
    Starting weight: 253.7
    Goal weight: 199.9
    Current weight: 245.2

    Total weight lost: 1.7/8.5
    This week's successes: staying positive during tough social food events
    This week's challenges: getting into a schedule with work, starting exercise even though I have cold/flu

  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm in. I hope it's not too late to join. My weigh in will be weekly on Tuesdays.

    Starting weight:182.6
    Goal weight:140
    Current weight:179.8
    Total weight lost: 2.8
    This week's successes: I'm running again.
    This week's challenges: I wore myself out by Thursday and ate some dairy.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    I'm so proud of you all!

  • sandrachis
    sandrachis Posts: 52 Member
    Iced in over a week with two more days to go. Goal was to clean whole house....sure. Did the cat box and homework. Thankfully nothing here to snack on.
  • rungirl71
    rungirl71 Posts: 7 Member
    Starting weight: 175
    Goal weight: 122
    Current weight: 171
    Total Weight loss: 4 lbs
    This week's successes: I logged my food and exercise daily
    This week's challenges: not eating enough fruits and veggies..gonna try again next week

    Struggling to make healthy food choices a habit. My goal this week is 2 fruits and at least 2 veggie servings a day!
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    Starting weight: 203
    Goal weight: 168
    Current weight: 101.3
    Total weight lost: 1.7
    This week's Success: exercised 5 days this week
    This week's challenges: that time of the month.
  • AngelaHackwell
    AngelaHackwell Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight: 171.6
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 168.8
    Total weight lost: 4.8 lbs
    This week's successes: No sugar feels good.
    This week's challenges: going on vacation and trying to exercise and eat right.