Going back vegan

What's the best way to transition from lchf diet, consisting of mostly eggs, beef, pork,and cheese...to Vegan. Im dealing with food poisoning right now, and cannot even look at meat or dairy. Im on fluids right now. Pedialyte, Perrier, water.
Any tips.


  • kuftae
    kuftae Posts: 299 Member
    My tip is to do lots of research. Vegan can be done healthy but many people do it and create lots of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. As far as tips go, start vegetarian and then go full vegan. Don't go from 100 to 0 overnight.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,885 Member
    kuftae wrote: »
    My tip is to do lots of research. Vegan can be done healthy but many people do it and create lots of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. As far as tips go, start vegetarian and then go full vegan. Don't go from 100 to 0 overnight.

    Pretty much this.

    This video explains how to do veganism properly.

  • avingers
    avingers Posts: 29 Member
    Just went to vegan last week, and so far so good. I ate mostly vegetarian before, only sometimes eating meat. The hardest part has been kicking dairy, since I've realized I'm a full on dairy addict! I do have to say that I feel like I have a lot more energy without meat and dairy. Feel free to add me. I have a pretty good library going of great vegan recipes.
  • shelleyrhoads
    shelleyrhoads Posts: 103 Member
    Do your best. Don't stress if you slip or think something is vegan and find later it isn't. About the transition it is an individual thing I guess. I went straight to vegan 4 months ago with no problem, but others have had issues. My only issue was my face did break out after a week or so but then cleared up. Probably just clearing toxins. I ate lots of processed crap before going vegan.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Don't wear alligator skin cowboy boots.
  • triciadev
    triciadev Posts: 2 Member
    There are lots of really helpful tips on the Veganuary website about nutrition, recipes, etc: veganuary.com
  • kristinjoanne2013
    I just went for it. Saw a video on YouTube about how this guy went vegan to try and clear up his very bad cystic acne. I've been following him a while now but just decided to give it a go. I went vegan cold turkey. Never going back. Lost a ton of weight that hasn't budged for years and now using this app it's going even better. Also I have a very hard to manage neurological condition and I have had migraines and double vision every day for over 6 years. Been vegan for about a month and free of headaches and double vision for 3. There is a lot of info out there. Google will turn up a lot. For me I think the no salt, oil or sugar part of the diet is the biggest thing. It's so much easier to get no added salt or sugar this way. Dairy I've never been able to have anyways as I'm lactose intolerant.
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    By eating all the things you don't eat now and none of the things you do eat now.

    Also, I'm not sure food poisoning is a great reason to go vegan. Going vegan is typically done out of moral convictions regarding the treatment of animals.

    I grew up on farm, fully believe in the rights of anyone to grow production animals - you don't have to have moral conviction. You CAN try going Vegan strictly based on wanting to lead a HEALTHY plant based lifestyle.
  • shelleyrhoads
    shelleyrhoads Posts: 103 Member
    Many people use the terms interchangeable and nobody cares. Most vegans are happy plant based people are avoiding animal foods. Plus a lot of people are still not familiar with the term "plant based".
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Many people use the terms interchangeable and nobody cares. Most vegans are happy plant based people are avoiding animal foods. Plus a lot of people are still not familiar with the term "plant based".

    Some people do care.

    I agree that most vegans are happy and are avoiding animal foods. If you mean that most vegans are happy and avoiding animal foods while choosing to engage in other forms of animal exploitation (clothing, entertainment, health and beauty products, etc), I will have to disagree. If that is your argument, what is your source for that claim?
  • shelleyrhoads
    shelleyrhoads Posts: 103 Member
    Give me a break what is your source. Are you offended? Are you vegan?
  • mantramoon
    mantramoon Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck to you! I've been vegetarian for many years and am (mostly) vegan now. There is so much great plant-based food out there! Forks Over Knives is a helpful website - just search and you'll find lots of online resources. I've had some nice benefits from giving up dairy - I used to have terrible menstrual cramps, but once I stopped drinking milk they completely went away. There are plenty of tasty dairy substitutes available. Vegan food is tasty, better for your body and the environment.
  • shelleyrhoads
    shelleyrhoads Posts: 103 Member
    Give me a break what is your source. Are you offended? Are you vegan?

    Janejellyroll is a vegan and she's one of the nicest, most common sense posters here on MFP. I'm not a vegan but she's right-the term vegan has ethical implications that go beyond food choices.

    (edited for clarity)

    I did not say it did not have other implications. I said many people used the terms interchangeable. And I just feel since this is a food and nutrition thread we can assume we are speaking of a vegan diet and leave advocating to other conversations.
  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    I just went for it. Saw a video on YouTube about how this guy went vegan to try and clear up his very bad cystic acne. I've been following him a while now but just decided to give it a go. I went vegan cold turkey. Never going back. Lost a ton of weight that hasn't budged for years and now using this app it's going even better. Also I have a very hard to manage neurological condition and I have had migraines and double vision every day for over 6 years. Been vegan for about a month and free of headaches and double vision for 3. There is a lot of info out there. Google will turn up a lot. For me I think the no salt, oil or sugar part of the diet is the biggest thing. It's so much easier to get no added salt or sugar this way. Dairy I've never been able to have anyways as I'm lactose intolerant.

    How are cutting these things out Vegan? None of these are animal products or by-products.

    Exactly what I was going to ask