January 2017 Running Challenge



  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    had a tender interview meeting today, so could fit in a longer morning run than normal. Managed a 5.4mile run and felt like I could have gone a bit further.

    total miles so far this month are 30, and I think I set myself a goal of 40 miles, so am hoping to smash that.

    Having said that - I'm living on borrowed time. Everyone around me has been sick, with one of the worst colds and coughs I've seen in years. I'm hoping the nausea I've had the last couple of days and the lingering headache is just a migraine. Can't be many times I'd be HOPING for a migraine!!!!

    I hear you there. Not sure if it works, but I hold my breath sometimes as I walk down the hall after hearing someone sneeze and think to myself, "please don't get me sick."
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @JessicaMcB I'm sorry for your loss. I will send love and positive thoughts to your family.

    @greenolivetree that doesn't sound fun for hubs. I hope he has a speedy recovery!
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    edited January 2017
    My original plan for today involved a long 28k run this morning as I had nothing on until lunch time but events and my laziness conspired against that, so set out hoping for HM distance. Was a cold one today (-1C when I set out) but fortunately was still and sunny so I tried to avoid the shade wherever possible.

    Although my legs felt fine, my head just wasn't in the game today. By about 6k I was just bored and wishing I'd stayed in bed. By 8k my fingers were starting to get *very* cold and when I heard the 10k check on my phone and realised I wasn't even half way I was fighting a losing battle. I plodded on for a little more but at 13k I called it quits when I realised there was no way I was going to get to HM distance without either needing a bathroom or my fingers falling off. On the positive side though my pace was quite good - right at the top end of my easy pace range, and that's after recalculating it after my 10k PB run yesterday.

    Will be in town later so really must have a look for some decent gloves!

    3-Jan: 11.49k [6.7k MP + 4.8k easy - suffering with cold]
    4-Jan: 5.3k treadmill intervals [TM]
    5-Jan: 12.9k MP (slight hills)
    6-Jan: 5.2k treadmill tempo + 2.2k treadmill intervals [TM]
    7-Jan: 5.8k + 6.1k 'tired' runs (slightly slower than MP)
    11-Jan: 24.2k long run
    16-Jan: 5.6k MP
    17-Jan: 10.6k Fast
    18-Jan: 13.1k Easy
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    1/1: 5 miles
    1/2: 2.4 miles
    1/3: Busy day
    1/4: 4.5 miles (am), 4.5 miles (pm) + lifting
    1/5: 6 miles
    1/6: 4 miles + lifting
    1/7: 4.2 miles trails
    1/8: 10 miles +0.6 (Cocoa Classic 10 miler)
    1/9: Sick day
    1/10: Sick day
    1/11: 4.5 miles
    1/12: 6 miles
    1/13: 5 miles + lifting
    1/14: Lazy day
    1/15: Lazy day
    1/16: 4 miles + lifting
    1/17: 8 miles
    1/18: 4.5 miles

    My legs are totally dead after that speedwork yesterday. Holy crap. I met a friend to run at 6 am and it was all I could do to run the loop and get back to my house! Luckily we were both feeling slow & chatty so it was still an enjoyable run. I will probably do another easy 4 miler tonight to really shake out the tiredness. Skipping my lifting tonight though since my back is still a bit sore from deadlifts on Monday. I'll put off the lifting until tomorrow, then do Friday's session on Sunday or Monday. Now that I'm back to race training mode, I really should only be lifting 2x a week anyway, rather than my scheduled 3x.


    Winter/Spring 2017 Races:
    1/8: NYCRUNS Cocoa Classic 10 mile 1:21:37 (10th AG)
    2/18: FebApple Frozen 50 - 10 mile (trail)
    3/12: E. Murray Todd HM
    3/18: Looney Leprechaun 10k (trail)
    3/26: Philly Love Run HM
    5/14: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM
    5/21 or 5/28: Cleveland or Vermont City Marathons (maybe)
    7/1: Finger Lakes Fifties 50k (trail)

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @garyse - I feel the same if a pickle has touched my bread. I always tell them, don’t give me one. Not only for the reason of not touching my bread but unless someone is with me, it’s just getting thrown out. If someone is with me as soon as I get my food I’m yelling “take the pickle!”
    @beeerrunner - yeah when I get a pedicure it’s never pretty. They always want to use that cheese grater thing and I tell them NO I need those callouses.
    @skippygirlsmom - hope she’s okay!
    @greenolivetree - Hope DH recovers quickly. Hang in there.
    @JessicaMcB - so sorry about your BIL. It’s going to be very difficult for you and the family.
    @orphia - he looks like a nice running partner but hopefully he finds his way home. The scenery in your picture is amazing!
    @dkabambe - I don’t think I’ve ever tried to avoid shade while running. The rare days I run in daylight I know just where the sun will be and I will cross the streets a few times to remain in shade. But that’s Florida for you.

    Planning on going to strength training after work today. Hubby saw me doing the balance exercises this morning and joined in. They only take about 10 mins.

    1/1 - rest day (recovering from stomach virus)
    1/2 - 40 mile bike ride
    1/3 - 4 miles
    1/4 - 4.1 miles
    1/5 - rest day
    1/6 - 5 miles
    1/7 - 4 miles
    1/8 - 5 miles
    1/9 - 4 miles
    1/10 - 4.1
    1/11 - rest day
    1/12 - 4.1
    1/13 - 4.0
    1/14 - 34 miles biking
    1/15 - 56 miles biking - hills! felt like 100 miles
    1/16 - 4 miles + strength training
    1/17 - 4 miles + neuromuscular activation (lol)
    1/18 -

    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando


  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,232 Member
    edited January 2017
    04/01 3.11 miles
    07/01 3.07 miles
    10/01 3.14 miles
    17/01 3.14 miles - this month is going by in a blur

    @RunsOnEspresso - sorry to read you weren't up to running your marathon


  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited January 2017
    @JessicaMcB I'm so very sorry for the loss of your brother in law.

    @greenolivetree best wishes for a good recovery for your husband. Take care of yourself too!
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I sure hope Skip gets to feeling better really soon. Injuries are tough. So sad for her, but you are definitely doing the right thing.

    @OSUBuckeye906 Sorry to hear about the car wreck, but glad you're ok. Hope the swimming and cycling is going well for you.

    @7lenny7 I'll bet pickle juice shots or pickle backs would really help the pain!! (Yes...that's a thing…) Lol!

    @JessicaMcB Sorry to hear about your BIL. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    @greenolivetree I hope all goes well with your husband’s recovery

    @Orphia What a pretty pic!

    @ddmom0811 Yeah, I never let them scrub off my callouses either when I get a pedi. I just explain I'm a runner and I need them. But my feet have never looked this bad: lots of callouses, some now popped blisters, black toenails...Eek!! Lol!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Take care of that girl <3

    @JessicaMcB Sorry for the loss of your bil. Your husband will definitely need your support.

    My left hip was killing me all night on this hospital couch so I'm definitely going to sleep at the hotel tonight. Thinking back-to-back pm/am run. Probably just 30 mins bc I'll be tired tonight and in the morning anxious to get back to the hospital.
  • _RNR_
    _RNR_ Posts: 875 Member
    1/1 - 10
    1/2 - 1
    1/3 - 4.6
    1/4 - 6
    1/5 - 2.1
    1/7 - 15
    1/8 - 9
    1/10 - 6
    1/12 - 8
    1/13 - 3.1
    1/14 - 5k (race)
    1/14 - 20k (race)
    1/15 - 8
    1/17 - 8

    96 /150mi
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @JessicaMcB Sorry about loss of a precious family member.
    @greenolivetree Glad to hear that things are looking up.
    @skippygirlsmom Hope Skip's injury is quick to heal. She's young and the youth have that amazing healing ability.
    @Orphia Looks like you were adopted and have a new Running Buddy. Great Pic's - especially catching the long Shadows of early morning.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited January 2017
    January Mile totals
    1/1 rest. Colds suck
    1/2- 5.23
    1/3- 4.03
    1/4- 4.01
    1/5- 5.0
    1/6- 4.0
    1/7- Rest calf/achilles pain
    1/8- recovery from calf/achilles pain
    1/9- rest/recovery from calf/achilles pain
    1/10- 2.01 YAY!
    1/11-Rest, want to be careful before PT clearance
    1/12- Rest- Saw PT, got clearance to run!
    1/13- 4.02-first run after cleared
    1/14- 6.11 test run-can I run a normal training distance? Yes, yes I can.
    1/15- Rest, prepping for beginning training tomorrow
    1/16- 5.38
    1/17- REST
    1/18- 7

    Total: 46.8

    Monthly goal: stay healthy and continue base building to start marathon training at the end of the month.
    Nominal mileage goal: 70 (revised down after injury).

    Today's notes: Checked assignment for today, it was 7 mile miles with last 2 miles at SS pace, plus core work. Run went well, I kind of just meandered around for the first 5 miles and then booked it home. SS pace is supposed to between 8:45 and 9:00/mile, my average was 8:40 with an overall average of 9:22 for the run.

    Today I was supposed to do 2 rounds of the core routine, in minute per exercise per round. I ended up doing just 1 round, this is OK according to the plan, I'll just have to try to make more time to complete it when it comes up again.

    I also skipped one of the core exercises completely, supine leg raises, because my left shin didn't like it when I was supporting myself on my elbows and feet. It was really weird, I had absolutely no issues running or anything else, but resting like that, my shin told me not to do that.

    Tomorrow is an XT day, so I'll be back at the gym either on the elliptical or the bike, not sure which.

    Side note: I "had" to make a change to my scheduled 13 mile run on Saturday. One of my coworkers is also signing up for the marathon I am running (yay!) So I offered to help him get into the groove of things by running a "6 and a half" mile run with him. basically, I'll run to his house, then we'll both run back to mine, and then I'll drive him back home. This will be interesting. If nothing else, I' might have a real easy second half to my run.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for January
    1/1 REST DAY
    1/2 9 miles - 9
    1/3 10 miles - 19
    1/4 5 miles - 24
    1/5 10 miles - 34
    1/6 3.1 - 37.1 <<< Treadmill
    1/7 15 miles - 52.1
    1/8 REST DAY
    1/9 9.5 miles - 61.6
    1/10 10 miles - 71.6
    1/11 5 miles - 76.6
    1/12 10.15 miles - 86.75
    1/13 5.25 miles - 92
    1/14 16 miles - 108
    1/15 REST DAY
    1/16 8.25 miles - 116.25
    1/17 7.35 miles - 123.6
    1/18 5.25 miles - 128.85


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12 << 1:35:55 2 in AG & 25 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10 << 2:44:41
    Elkmont Hound Dog Half - 1/21
    Kentucky Derby Marathon - 4/29

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I'm sorry about your BIL @JessicaMcB

    @greenolivetree I'm hoping all goes well with your husband and a speedy recovery.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited January 2017
    6.4 miles with Kody last night.

    Though I was looking forward to my run all day, when I finally got home fatigue hit me and it took an hour to get my butt out the door. The run started as a slog but I was feeling great by the end and each successive mile was faster than the one before. Temps were lower 30's and borderline shorts weather but I went with tights. With temps dropping the roads started getting slick and while rounding a cul-de-sac I wiped out, second time of the season.

    I have my first race of the season next weekend, the Securian Half Marathon. I had been debating whether to taper for it or not and I've decided that I won't. Last week was only a 21 mile week and this week will be about 40 so I'm not pushing it anyway.

    Our high temps are going to be in the upper 30's, lower 40's so we're looking at melting during the day, freezing at night, so trail conditions will be awful so I'll likely not be making my trail mile goal, but total miles still looks doable.


    Upcoming Races & Events (*Registered & Planned)
    01/28/2017 - * Securian Winter Half Marathon - St. Paul, MN
    04/08/2017 - Zumbro 17M Trail Race - Theilman, MN
    04/29/2017 - * Chippewa 50K Trail Race - New Auburn, WI
    05/24/2017 - * Endless Summer Trail Running Series, 10K - Eagan, MN
    06/24/2017 - Dan Patch Days 5K - Savage, MN
    07/19/2017 - * Torchlight 5K - Minneapolis, MN
    09/??/2017 - Outrun Hunger 5K - Savage, MN
    10/07/2017 - * Big Woods Run Trail Half Marathon - Nerstrand, MN
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @orphia, I read this article and thought about you. Be careful out there with the 'roos! Looks like you had a great running partner today.
    @JessicaMcB so sorry to hear about your BIL!
    @greenolivetree praying your husband recovers quickly! If you're at St. Mary's you may see my wife there today (not that you'd recognize her). She's there to see her mom. My mom was discharged from there yesterday after a fall a couple of days ago. Thankfully no broken bones.
    @kellybea73 it sounds like you're on the right path to break your goal time in the half!
    @BeeerRunner I'm definitely going to order a pickle back the next time I'm at a bar. I had never heard of them.

  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Happy mid-week day gang! :smile:


    1/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    2/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    3/1: 3.62 kms (Wk1 D1 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 10 mins Squat Challenge + 5 mins Tabata HIIT
    4/1: 3.64 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 7 mins HIIT
    5/1: 3.64 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K – repeat) + 30 mins yoga + 14 mins HIIT
    6/1: 3.73 kms (Wk1 D3 C25K) + 30 mins yoga
    7/1: Walked 16K+ steps + 4 hours of cleaning (post paint job)
    8/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    9/1: Walked 16K+ steps + 2.5 hours of cleaning (post paint job) - Had to fast for a medical app't in the morning, so no usual workout
    10/1: 3.65 kms (Wk2 D1 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    11/1: 3.73 kms (Wk2 D2 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    12/1: 3.70 kms (Wk2 D2 C25K – repeat) + Strength Training (Day 3 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    13/1: 3.80 kms (Wk2 D3 C25K) + Fit Test via FitStar (Day 4 of 30 Day Challenge is Rest) + 30 mins yoga
    14/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    15/1: Walked 11K+ steps
    16/1: Walked 13K+ steps
    17/1: 3.74 kms (Wk3 D1 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 5 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    18/1: 3.73 kms (Wk3 D2 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 6 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
  • melaniefay82
    melaniefay82 Posts: 34 Member
    Three miles this morning. Back to puking. Almost regret eating steak last night. Almost. Believe that takes me to 17.5/70. Is it the weekend yet? I need a good long run. Or even a bad one. I'm just really wanting some trail miles and I feel like I'm well enough (despite the puking) to start bumping my millage back up.

    @skippygirlsmom So sorry about Skip! Poor kid!

    @Orphia Great picture from your run and what a super cute running partner! You'll have to let us know if he/she joins you again!

    @JessicaMcB So sorry for your loss.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Jan 1-5.3 miles
    Jan 2- Rest day- P90X3 yoga
    Jan 3- 6 miles w/ 3 @ tempo
    Jan 4-5.1 miles (1 with crazy Stella)
    Jan 5-5 miles treadmill fartlek run
    Jan 6- 4 miles total -1 mile warm up outside with Stella then 3 miles of intervals on dreadmill
    Jan 7-7.7 miles
    Jan 8-14 miles
    Jan 9- Rest day
    Jan 10- 4.5 miles treadmill
    Jan 11-6 miles (slow and icy)
    Jan 12-5.7 miles
    Jan 13-4.3 miles 12X30 second hill sprints
    Jan 14-16.3 miles
    Jan 15-6.2 miles
    Jan 16-Rest day
    Jan 17-5.2 miles
    Jan 18-6.6 miles

    Lats 2 runs were rather uneventful. Trying to keep it slow. Stella did have a good 1.5 miles this morning though, so that was a plus. In other news, hubby registered for the Boston 5k this morning. The registration process is odd (go figure) and he is still not sure if he is 100% guaranteed entry. They make everything so complicated.

    @JessicaMcB- So sorry for your sudden loss. Take this time to be with your family. Running will be there when you are ready.

    @skippygirlsmom - Fingers crossed for Skip that it is nothing too serious.

    @greenolivetree- Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery. Did he have a resection?

    @Orphia- Love the new running buddy. I had a little guy follow me home a few times. I wanted to keep him, but he had a collar. I later found out where he lived, so I would just take him home after that. He was fun to have a long, but I was always nervous he was going to get hit by a car.
