Tiny Successes

fostersu Posts: 327 Member
I have logged for 2 weeks straight - even on the two days I went over. My goal is to log 100 days - even if its not pretty.

Feel free to post your own tiny successes - we all want to feel proud of the little things, and don't all have a BIG story to share....yet


  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Love the little successes for sure, they all eventually add up!
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Logged for 10 days, lost 4lbs last week, feeling great!
    was already pretty active, but the logging calories and protein goals has really helped.
  • Irv2015
    Irv2015 Posts: 15 Member
    fostersu wrote: »
    keezo1 wrote: »
    I have logged in for 100 days today, when i started i decided i would log everyday no matter what. Logging has kept me accountable.

    That's wonderful- however many times I've been active here I never managed 100 in a row. I'm working on changing that!

    what a great goal!
  • Catho36
    Catho36 Posts: 107 Member
    Totally agree, I weigh everything, if not I'm cheating myself
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Congratulations! No matter how short the logging streak, you're always doing better than the person that creates an account and then never bothers with their health again after a day or two.
  • fostersu
    fostersu Posts: 327 Member
    I've logged the last two days after saying for months "I'll start tomorrow." It's a very small win, but I'll take it!

    I know that feeling- welcome back!
  • slefko
    slefko Posts: 32 Member
    My goal for this week was to work out at least 4 days, and I already hit that goal. I'm actually hoping to make it so that I do a workout every day this week now. It doesn't seem like much, but hopefully this can get me into a better workout routine.
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    My new shoes are a half size smaller, and my A1C is down to 5.7!
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