Weight loss trick



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member

    Actually I have. I lost 5lbs in one week without using a calorie intake. I ate regular. But don't think you can eat straight junk & expect weight loss.

    you were still in a deficit then. yes you can eat straight junk and lose weight in a deficit(its been proven many times), I have done it.I dont do it everyday but I still eat what I want as long as it fits into my calories. I lost over 44lbs and a lot of fat and inches without drinking some gimmicky drink,wraps,pills,etc. if you lost 5 lbs then you were not overeating. I also became overweight eating nothing but healthy foods as well. its not about what you eat but how much. as for not using a calorie intake how about you eat 3500 calories or more over your maintenance calories for a month and then try using this "miracle weight loss supplement". I can guarantee you will gain weight.as for losing 5 lbs in one week it was mostly water water,maybe some fat but that much in a week you were either losing water or not eating enough calories hence the deficit.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,069 MFP Staff
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  • vanessamolano
    vanessamolano Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone again, I am no scam. I don't use other peoples photos. Please know that I am a regular 18 year old highschool student. I'm not trying to convince no one to use the ACV. I'm only providing as much as I know based on the ACV that I MYSELF RESEARCHED. I use the ACV. So please stop saying that I'm a fake, or a scam. Somewhat offended on how people just say things that are not true, & how insulting they can be. Thank you everyone for demonstrating your perspective towards the ACV, & thank you for those who were kind to tell me there opnion based on what I presented. Just know that my information is not fake.Unless, the websites I read about the ACV is fake. Which I highly doubt. I saw youtube videos, went on numerous websites, & even consulted with my doctor about it. Like I stated before I was only trying to provide a little tip on how to lose weight. It worked for me. I'm on week 3 , & I've already lost 13lbs in total. You can no longer continue assuming that it was water weight that I lost. I lost 4 inches from my waist. So, seeing how I lost weight I decided to announce that on MFP. In the future I will reveal photos of myself before & after. Please just be open minded & try not to attack others with words. Especially, if you aren't aware of the ACV, & didn't do your own research. This world is full of lies alone. Thank you everyone for your time , & thank you for those who stated there opnions with no insult, or negative comments towards me. Xoxo
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Hey everyone again, I am no scam. I don't use other peoples photos. Please know that I am a regular 18 year old highschool student. I'm not trying to convince no one to use the ACV. I'm only providing as much as I know based on the ACV that I MYSELF RESEARCHED. I use the ACV. So please stop saying that I'm a fake, or a scam. Somewhat offended on how people just say things that are not true, & how insulting they can be. Thank you everyone for demonstrating your perspective towards the ACV, & thank you for those who were kind to tell me there opnion based on what I presented. Just know that my information is not fake.Unless, the websites I read about the ACV is fake. Which I highly doubt. I saw youtube videos, went on numerous websites, & even consulted with my doctor about it. Like I stated before I was only trying to provide a little tip on how to lose weight. It worked for me. I'm on week 3 , & I've already lost 13lbs in total. You can no longer continue assuming that it was water weight that I lost. I lost 4 inches from my waist. So, seeing how I lost weight I decided to announce that on MFP. In the future I will reveal photos of myself before & after. Please just be open minded & try not to attack others with words. Especially, if you aren't aware of the ACV, & didn't do your own research. This world is full of lies alone. Thank you everyone for your time , & thank you for those who stated there opnions with no insult, or negative comments towards me. Xoxo

    Since you're so adamant about research, other than youtube, where have you gotten your research from? I'd like to see real peer reviewed studies that say ACV aids in weight loss.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Hey everyone again, I am no scam. I don't use other peoples photos. Please know that I am a regular 18 year old highschool student. I'm not trying to convince no one to use the ACV. I'm only providing as much as I know based on the ACV that I MYSELF RESEARCHED. I use the ACV. So please stop saying that I'm a fake, or a scam. Somewhat offended on how people just say things that are not true, & how insulting they can be. Thank you everyone for demonstrating your perspective towards the ACV, & thank you for those who were kind to tell me there opnion based on what I presented. Just know that my information is not fake.Unless, the websites I read about the ACV is fake. Which I highly doubt. I saw youtube videos, went on numerous websites, & even consulted with my doctor about it. Like I stated before I was only trying to provide a little tip on how to lose weight. It worked for me. I'm on week 3 , & I've already lost 13lbs in total. You can no longer continue assuming that it was water weight that I lost. I lost 4 inches from my waist. So, seeing how I lost weight I decided to announce that on MFP. In the future I will reveal photos of myself before & after. Please just be open minded & try not to attack others with words. Especially, if you aren't aware of the ACV, & didn't do your own research. This world is full of lies alone. Thank you everyone for your time , & thank you for those who stated there opnions with no insult, or negative comments towards me. Xoxo

    I think people are saying that the web sites & blogs that trumpet results for some things like ACV, especially those that sell a product or method or book (including YouTube or site clicks), are the ones that are using photos in scam-y or fake ways, not that you personally are scam-y or fake in your intentions. At least that's how I interpreted that part of it.

    I also think we've heard from others who've tried ACV, without finding it successful for them. There are lots of things that don't work for everyone. I drank ACV as an experiment for a while, and I personally didn't see weight loss (not really why I did it, though).

    I'm happy for you that you're having good results, through any healthy methods that work for you.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    You are young and will learn not everything you read or hear is always true. Please post your citations and give us an update after 1 month. Best of luck.