5' - 5'3" females- want to lose 25-30 lbs



  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    edited January 2017
    Sunday Weigh In -- Finishing Week #7 (49 days)
    SW: 155.6 - 12/4/2016
    PW: 145.2
    CW: 143.6
    GW: 122

    Week's report
    This week I continued to be true to my eating goal of 1340 calories. Felt it necessary to back off on my treadmill time because of pain in my foot which I attributed to my shoes. Shoes replaced by Wednesday. Able to get treadmill time last night. My heroine on the candy isle of my grocery store called to me and I left the store without it. (How 4 little pieces of candy candy can be equivalent of a nice roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans is always difficult for me to get through my head. Difficult after years of paying attention to calories!) It is paying off. Style of pants I typically wear to work are getting loose. Tried another pair of size 10 pants that were too tight in Nov and they fit well, even a bit loose. I lost 1.6 pounds this week.

    Desire for data and my exercise
    Now that I'm consistently walking and on track with my food, my growing dissatisfaction with reliable data to track health improvement continues. Was finally able to get my Garmin 405CX to upload data and that lifted my spirits as I continue to sort through info on Garmin's 230 vs Garmin's new release of the Fenix 5S. If my 405CX will continue to upload properly, my self-imposed urgency on this matter will be eased. As of last night, I've raised the incline on the treadmill and am working in a HR range. My heart becomes the barometer to drive my exercise and conditioning, which is as it should be. I'm in crappy aerobic condition so have a long ways to go. Hoping I can see quick progress like when I was younger. Time will tell.

    Challenges this coming week
    This coming week I'm going to have to come home from work and put in treadmill time each night because I'm attending a conference at the end of the week and over the weekend. Expecting 16 hours of travel time. Also will have the opportunity to see a friend from grad school. We've already planned dinner at a nice restaurant and I've purchased the wine. (Dry county requires patrons to bring their own alcohol.)

    Still finding motivation in the weight loss challenge at work. Sixteen of us joined. Keeps the conversation of health improvement at the forefront. I'm most excited about a health assessment I will be doing in May. More details as the date approaches. This is something I've wanted to do for years and it serves as another goal to keep my eye on the big prize -- my overall good health. Hope everyone can find their motivation!

    Success is ours for the taking. We need only demand it from ourselves.
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    edited January 2017
    Im 5"2' and lost about 20 lbs on MFP a few years back. I'm maintaining well but still don't have the healthiest habits when it comes to food - I stress eat and need me sugar/carb fixes so I'm back on MFP to try to change my ways and kick up my energy and enthusiasm for life. Please add me, I would love to have others to share this journey with. Diary is open.

    Congrats on maintaining your 20lb weight loss! Finding the tweaks I can live with has been one of my challenges. You seem really focused and clear on your goal. Look forward to seeing your weekly update and details of your journey.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Fiddletime, I can relate to the multiple weight loss successes and wanting to stress maintance this go round. Help me understand the 1350 calories you are saying are your maintance. I'm eatin 1340 calories and each week I'm losing weight.

    Are you exercising? Are you active at all? My maintance is probably about 1850. We are the same height and I'm small boned.

    fiddletime wrote: »
    I'm 5'2" and 62. Eating 1200 calories a day.
    SW 145
    CW 140
    GW 120

    I eat well but do miss the chips and sweets. They're so calorie dense they're hardly worth it! Since this is my 3rd time I want to nail maintenance. I've lost the weight twice before. Maintenance is 1350 so that's hard to sustain in the long term, for me.

    Rebecca, I think my metabolism is slow since I'm older. I exercise but am not putting exercise calories in (about 800 a week). My TDEE is 1550. I was eating back my exercise calories but wasn't losing more than a half pound every 2 weeks roughly.
  • SkinnyMomma02
    SkinnyMomma02 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi! I'm Brandi I'm in Virginia USA and I have two boys 8 and almost 3. Last time I stood on a scale I was 147 my goal is to at least drop to 120, but I think I'd be ok with 130 and tone everything up, I know muscle weights more so as long as I have that and tone I think I'd be ok with whatever weight. I've been sick and stopped working out slowly trying to get back to some workouts. Also looking for meals that are healthy and easy. My husband and I are both active duty military and I work 12hr shift flip flopping Day watches and nights which messes with my sleeping and eating habits not the best when trying to be in a routine and eat healthy.
  • loviesplan01
    loviesplan01 Posts: 7 Member
    I am also 5'3 and weigh 168. I would like to weigh 145 - 140 or less. I have struggled with my weight all my life. Just recently had a health scare so really looking to become healthy.
  • StrongGirlFitGirl
    StrongGirlFitGirl Posts: 183 Member
    5 foot zero here! I am getting back on track over months of eating too much, drinking too much, just not following any particular plan. I lost 33 pounds last year, but I've gained some back. I worked so hard to get that weight off, I just can't backslide. I don't have any clothes left that would fit, if nothing else :)

    I do official weigh ins on Wednesdays, but I usually weigh in every day or so. It helps me not freak out over fluctuations.

    SW - 205
    CW - 179.5
    1st Goal - 172 by March 24
    Ultimate Goal - Somewhere under 160
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Hi there, Im 5'3 I started at 192, and I am down to 170 now, but it's taken almost a year, I do know there were times where I was happy with just maintaining, but I've been working pretty hard to get under 170 since late Nov, and it just isn't budging, it's getting really frustrating...... Anyway, Hi..... Feel free to friend me.....
  • karleeggarner
    karleeggarner Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there, Im 5'3 I started at 192, and I am down to 170 now, but it's taken almost a year, I do know there were times where I was happy with just maintaining, but I've been working pretty hard to get under 170 since late Nov, and it just isn't budging, it's getting really frustrating...... Anyway, Hi..... Feel free to friend me.....

    Could you be eating too few calories? Also, Sometimes we need to give our metabolism a boost after being in a calorie deficit for a long time. Might try eating more for a couple weeks (still keeping it relatively healthy of course) to feed your metabolism and then go back to cutting calories.

    Also are you able to weight train? Developing muscle is incredibly beneficial for burning calories at rest. Muscle weighs more though, so it won't show on the scale, but rather by body measurements (inches lost). Once you develop it, the weight will come off faster.

    Hopefully this group can help you figure out what's going on and get you back on track!
  • HappyBride917
    HappyBride917 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey I'm looking for friends to add as well! 30 years old and have about 30-35 lbs to lose to get me to my goal! Need support & motivation!
  • madderzz
    madderzz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm in the same boat! I'm 23 and am 5'2.5". I weigh myself every three weeks and take transformation pics every four weeks...so my current weight might not be up to date. I'm starting Week 6 of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide (BBG) program...it's been working very well! I also meal prep every week and limit added sugar. Looking forward to working towards a healthier lifestyle with everyone!

    SW: 144.7 (12/19/16)
    CW: 135.4 (this is from 1/9/17....will weigh myself again on 1/30/17)
    GW: 125 (for now)
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm back in.
    I need a new motivator.
    I was on a good roll in September to December, but I lost steam.

    Appreciate all help!
    (mainly to not eat crap).

    need to lose 10#, and then we'll see about the other 10#
    need to lose body fat <<=== my main focus

  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Huango. I find that if I cut out eating the high calorie junk food, my weight loss journey is pretty easy. I never gain weight on salads or an occasional burger. It's always the cookies, cakes and candies and chips that do me in. So now I take a bite of that yummy food if I must, and really taste it and savor the taste, and give my husband or the garbage the rest, if I decide it isn't worth the calories. Yesterday that equaled one bite of a home made cupcake (was really good, but not worth it), two pieces of kettle corn (were stale after all) and one small piece of fudge (was worth it). I navigated through that party not missing out, and not over doing it.
  • asmallermeplz
    asmallermeplz Posts: 125 Member
    New friends wanted for support. I will return the favor! We got this! It really helps to have fun size friends on here as we understand the low calories!
  • redmaryclare
    redmaryclare Posts: 33 Member
    No weight loss this week, but feeling good about this week. 12 months ago tomorrow I started my mfp journey and lost 16lbs in 4months. It seemed easy at the time so I need to channel that mind set. For me it is all about - prelogging, loads of exercise, eating filling foods, having high calorie days and having a little bit of chocolate everyday.
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    My weigh in day -- I've got to say, doing this weekly really helps remind me to try to stay on track!

    Lots happening this past week -- son was getting ready to go back to college, some family birthday celebrations -- so lots of going out to dinner! I maintained, so I will not complain! Still trying to get to 125 (maybe 126 now...) by the end of January!

    SW (in Aug.) 152
    GW 115
    Last Week's weight 128.6
    CW 128.4
  • SparklyBubblyBabe
    SparklyBubblyBabe Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, I am looking for some motivational friends. Who wants to lose 25 ish lbs. I am 31 yo currently weigh 154 lbs. My goal weight is 130 ish lbs. Anyone with similar stats, feel free to add me...

    Sign me UP! But seriously, are we the same person?

    My starting weight was 155 and now I'm about 147. I'm 5' 2" 22 years old!

    Also, anyone else in this group, feel free to add me. I'll support you by making any choice you make look way better! And you can look at all the times I fell off the horse and had to get started again! And the up and down weight! Basically, I'll let you know it's okay the mess up as long as you never quit :)
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    My weigh in day -- I've got to say, doing this weekly really helps remind me to try to stay on track!

    Lots happening this past week -- son was getting ready to go back to college, some family birthday celebrations -- so lots of going out to dinner! I maintained, so I will not complain! Still trying to get to 125 (maybe 126 now...) by the end of January!

    SW (in Aug.) 152
    GW 115
    Last Week's weight 128.6
    CW 128.4
    Great job, especially with all that good craziness going on. Do the best you can, and enjoy life too. This is a lifestyle anyway, not just a quick fix. I went to a birthday party at a restaurant and just had fish, salad, and 2 bites of cake- really, only two! I've gained 3 pounds due to TOM, but my weigh in is on Sunday and I hope to have lost it by then. I soooo wish I was at your weight already, but I'm only a month in. I'm proud of you for losing during the holidays (and hibernation season too). Keep it going!
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    @SheilaCali -- Thank you for the encouragement! I can't believe how great this feels -- hang in there and you WILL get there -- all it takes is time! I'm doing power yoga (vinyasa or "flow" yoga done in 90 degrees) and tonight the practice centered on finding "true North" -- I made the connection! I'm finding true North -- and making healthy choices and loving it. And yes -- enjoying life.
  • samanthasantos
    samanthasantos Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I've been on for about 2weeks. Please add me. I'm 4'8" 134lbs. I hate when people tell me that's not a lot of weight! Not for a5'7" person!!
    If you know my struggle add me.