Posting My "Befores"...



  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    zella1100 wrote: »
    You have my support. :) I promise I won't mock or tease you. We have confidence in you and we look forward to your new future transformation.

    Zella - thanks for the sweet words. Is it selfish for me to say I'm excited to see it too?! :)
  • LHDad
    LHDad Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey to a healthier fitter you! You got this! I'll second what Harley said... You have a great smile and beautiful eyes. Very pretty. And tall!! lol Good Luck. Add me if you like. I'll never make fun of anyone. Brings back to many memories of being made fun of as an overweight teen.
  • AnsleyAdams97
    AnsleyAdams97 Posts: 28 Member
    Very similar story! I sent you a request, I hope we can be friends and encourage each other! If anyone else sees this post and would like a friend who is committed to the journey, please hit me Up!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    em_keith10 wrote: »
    Good for you!! That's awesome and inspirational

    Thanks, em_keith! Would love to stay connected!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    LHDad wrote: »
    Congrats on starting your journey to a healthier fitter you! You got this! I'll second what Harley said... You have a great smile and beautiful eyes. Very pretty. And tall!! lol Good Luck. Add me if you like. I'll never make fun of anyone. Brings back to many memories of being made fun of as an overweight teen.

    LHDad - Thanks so much. I appreciate the support. It's never fun being teased about weight, so I can certainly appreciate that.
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    Very similar story! I sent you a request, I hope we can be friends and encourage each other! If anyone else sees this post and would like a friend who is committed to the journey, please hit me Up!

    Absolutely, AnsleyAdams! I've accepted!
  • Marieyeyeam
    Marieyeyeam Posts: 103 Member
    Rootin for ya
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    very excited for you! adding so I can follow your journey and sponge off of your motivation!! very proud of you!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    Rootin for ya

    Thanks, @Marieeyeyeam! I appreciate the support!!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    You got this ..... just be patient ... it has taken me a lil over 2 years to lose 91 lbs ..You are welcome to add me ..wishing you nothing but the best on your journey :)

    91 lbs?! That's awesome! Congrats on your success!!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    1979kiki wrote: »
    very excited for you! adding so I can follow your journey and sponge off of your motivation!! very proud of you!

    :) Thank you! Excited to connect!;
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    serindipte wrote: »
    Welcome to the rest of your life :smile:

    Joining MFP was the best thing I've ever done! Coming back again for round two after letting go through some personal junk. I'd lost 50lbs before and regained 30lbs of that. I'm going to get down to my goal weight this time and keep it off.

    (Please read the following in the kindest tone possible. That's how it's meant)

    I took a glance through your diary and saw no actual food? Optifast everything plus some broth and vitamins... I can understand if you're just wanting to give yourself a kick start. I also wanted to let you know that you can do this with regular food. It's going to work better, be more sustainable and help you to keep the weight off if you lose it with food. Learning to properly proportion (via the use of a food scale), how to balance "good" food (nutritiously dense) with "bad" food (less nutritious but oh so yummy) is one of the great advantages of this program, in my opinion. ETA: I just caught the part of the year long medical weight loss program. Oops.

    I'm sending a friend request and hope to watch as you and I both shrink down to where we want to be!

    Hi Serindipte, Congrats on the previous weight loss - I'm sure you can do it again!! I've had a hard time losing weight my entire life. So many people turn to weight loss surgery at this point, which - I have no judgement against! I just am afraid of going under the knife and figured I would try this plan before ever thinking about doing that. The nice thing about this plan is it is very comprehensive, so it includes meeting with a doctor, medical assistant, nutritionist, fitness trainer, etc. every week! I think so much of the time when we struggle with our weight, especially when it's your entire life, there are deep mental issues also at work. This just felt like the right path for me.

    Fingers crossed for both of our success. Excited to follow your progress as well!

    I know for some people, the weight loss surgery is their best option and I've seen some with amazing results. It isn't for me, though. I've also seen others who've had troubles with it. I know that, in the end, I can do this without it and you can, too!

    It sounds like you have an amazing support and teaching system!! I can't WAIT to see how amazing you look after you've lost a bit! You're already a beautiful woman, but that is going to be even more obvious as the weight melts off.

    If you haven't already, I'd make sure to take measurements! Not only the few places listed in MFP, but I also add upper and lower abdomen, chest (under breasts and over), and around the largest portion of my hips which ends up being down at upper thigh almost.

    Even when the scale gets a bit stuck, you can take those measurements again and see progress.
  • CarpeDentum
    CarpeDentum Posts: 2 Member
    Hi My Optimal Life,

    I've sent you a friend request.
    I'm new and really enjoyed reading your post, very inspiring!
    Good luck to you and I hope we can share progress, ideas and inspiration :smiley: x
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    Just wanted to say hi! I'll send a friend request. I've been on MFP for about a year, but just started getting serious towards the beginning of December. I've lost 38 lbs so far, but I've got a long way to go. This is a really great community, and I've learned so much and been so inspired.
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    edited January 2017
    serindipte wrote: »
    serindipte wrote: »

    I know for some people, the weight loss surgery is their best option and I've seen some with amazing results. It isn't for me, though. I've also seen others who've had troubles with it. I know that, in the end, I can do this without it and you can, too!

    It sounds like you have an amazing support and teaching system!! I can't WAIT to see how amazing you look after you've lost a bit! You're already a beautiful woman, but that is going to be even more obvious as the weight melts off.

    If you haven't already, I'd make sure to take measurements! Not only the few places listed in MFP, but I also add upper and lower abdomen, chest (under breasts and over), and around the largest portion of my hips which ends up being down at upper thigh almost.

    Even when the scale gets a bit stuck, you can take those measurements again and see progress.

    Thanks so much, again. Yes, no shame in people who have done WLS, everyone is on a different path and journey to finding health and happiness. I'm excited to stay in touch!! Yes, funny you mention measurements...I just took those last night. Also super eye opening. I'll be meeting with the fitness trainer tomorrow, so I'm excited to incorporate exercise into the process.
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    Hi My Optimal Life,

    I've sent you a friend request.
    I'm new and really enjoyed reading your post, very inspiring!
    Good luck to you and I hope we can share progress, ideas and inspiration :smiley: x

    Hi CarpeDentum - Thanks so much! I've never thought of that as being inspiring, so that's nice to hear! :) I'm excited to see both of us progress!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    melkelmore wrote: »
    Just wanted to say hi! I'll send a friend request. I've been on MFP for about a year, but just started getting serious towards the beginning of December. I've lost 38 lbs so far, but I've got a long way to go. This is a really great community, and I've learned so much and been so inspired.

    38 lbs?! That's awesome, melkelmore! I'd love to stay connected! Sounds like you've figured out something that works well for you!! Congrats!
  • lowcarbog
    lowcarbog Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats on starting this journey! A lot of us are embarking on a similar journey. Good for you on posting before pics, I wasn't brave enough to that! I'm looking forward to seeing you kill this!
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    You got this and can't wait to see you in 2018
  • RYIwill
    RYIwill Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2017
    Well, yuo know what they say, if you loose eyour weight slower it will be more sustainable, but I think kickstarting it is good! But it's also good taht you plan to go back to real food, it's so tasty. Hope to see your change till the end! Let's motivate ourselves!