I am sick of ''you look fine'' comments (before/after pics)

GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
edited January 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Literally, I can't even take ''you look fine'' anymore. I have always been size 6 put on weight because of my careless life and take away binge, I jumped into size 12/14 and I certainly didn't look ''fine''. I was tired, couldn't concentrate and had no motivation to life.

Despite that I may have appeared ''fine'' looking because they never seen me in anything tight (no bodycon dresses) just very side jumpers, oversized t-shirts etc. so no one could tell. I am petite girl, and no one really realised ...

The one thing that annoyed me the most is people saying ''you look fine'' while i was getting worse and worse and if I mentioned, that I want to start eating healthy or exercise- people would say - ''but what for?' you look fine- while the hypocrites would post themselves 2 days later on FB that they need to lose weight!! So wait a second, I have to stay unhealthy, sick and not looking great while you have the right to lose weight?

I am seriously sick of it. i stopped mentioning to anyone and just did my own way, still to hear ''but you looked okey before'' like these days being overweight is something normal...

Don't you realise that posting picture on social media with unhealthy burger or pepperoni pizza will get more likes than picture of a healthy salad? People want to promote unhealthy lifestyle? Why???

I managed to get down of the main weight and get into size 10 but with muffin tops and tummy
and now (picture after taking literally today) I am I think size 8!

I am finally eating healthy, I am getting more energised- but I need to strat exercising more.

I am getting there to get really healthy body and remove annoying muffin tops etc. I just hate when people talk to me about it- instead of saying- oh wow- you did well, they come and moan- why I did?? is it me or is this stupid? shall I stay how I was because I am fine? and should i love my tired and unhealthy body??? Why people feel it's okey to come to me and say thing like that at all? I don;t even ask them to!I don't asked them their opinion whether they think I should or shouldn't lose weight. Why they think it's okey to comment on someones body???!!!

Picture below after I managed to drop from size 12/14 ( and here around size 10 on left and 8 on right)


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    ps - I'd be happier with the After body as well, but you said people didn't see you in tight clothes so I'm sure to them you did look fine at the Before weight (which you said is a size 10 and not your highest size of 12/14.)
  • mfpmishka
    mfpmishka Posts: 36 Member
    It is how you feel. Others don't live inside of you to tell you what is best for you and you only.
  • z4oslo
    z4oslo Posts: 229 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    When I stopped abusing alcohol my social interactions changed quite a bit. Maybe spend more time with people who feel the same way about fitness as you do? For example, spend more time here rather than FB?

    Thats what this site needs, more people that make yet another "I hate" thread.

    PS: glad yo hear you have stopped abusing alchohol. That's not an easy task.

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    What others think of you is none of your business. :+1:

    One of my favorite sayings, and began steps towards not caring what others are saying.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    z4oslo wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    When I stopped abusing alcohol my social interactions changed quite a bit. Maybe spend more time with people who feel the same way about fitness as you do? For example, spend more time here rather than FB?

    ...PS: glad yo hear you have stopped abusing alchohol. That's not an easy task.

    Thanks! I attribute my success to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and yoga, both of which help me manage food issues as well.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    sometimes other people can see things we cant. especially when it comes to our bodies. we are our own worst critics.so to them you may have looked fine and not overweight.but to you you may think OMG Im FAT or even obese. not saying you do but it happens
  • z4oslo
    z4oslo Posts: 229 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    z4oslo wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    When I stopped abusing alcohol my social interactions changed quite a bit. Maybe spend more time with people who feel the same way about fitness as you do? For example, spend more time here rather than FB?

    ...PS: glad yo hear you have stopped abusing alchohol. That's not an easy task.

    Thanks! I attribute my success to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and yoga, both of which help me manage food issues as well.

    Quite a ride you have been on. Kudos!
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    Well done, OP!

    Now, you look fiiiiiiiiiiine


    NOW, Yes- but I don't even talk to anyone about it from people around me
  • atiana19
    atiana19 Posts: 94 Member
    theres a difference in appearing healthy and feeling healthy..if you dont feel good then you are not fine..your figure is beautiful but if your not treating the inside then the outside does not matter...keep doing what makes you "feel" fine and healthy and good and dont listen to anyone else = )