

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
    Hello all: Beautiful morning here. Sorry for all the bad weather elsewhere. Hope all of you stay safe. Have done yoga this morning. Was in the pool and there was a young man wearing some kind of scent that just about drove me out of the pool. At first I thought the water would wash it off and the chlorine neutralize it but that did not happen. Whenever I got too close to him in class I started coughing. Really weird! Cleaned out the fridge yesterday and ready to start a new week.

    Looking good Katiebug!!

    Pip - I like the short hair. I know what you mean about helmet hair.

    Barbie - You must be getting really excited about the new dog.

    Margaret - You are a voice of reason. Yay!

    "Laughter...The most civilized music in the world." - Peter Ustinov

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks, Mary. I really appreciate your encouragement. Usually can make the brain override the gut, but had trouble today! I thought about measuring, but decided to hold out till the month is up. I'm the same way about salt -- have had my weight go up 3-4 lbs in a day just due to that. Getting ready to go take a brisk little walk around the neighborhood lake (haha...at home we'd call it a pond); a blustery day turned into a beautiful afternoon. Penny, how lucky you are to see the northern lights...makes it worth the polar bear proximity!! :smiley:
    I'm looking forward to a visit from older daughter, who's up in Jacksonville. She's got 2 days off in a row and doesn't go in till afternoon on Thursday, so I'll get to have her for a while. Yay!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,620 Member
    thanks for the comments on my short hair, i sure do miss it., it'll come back one year.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Penny thank you so much for the update on Heather, I was beginning to worry about her and had told my husband that. I'll have to tell him all is well :) Thanks again.

    Janetr OKC

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Hello everyone, had a a great workout today. Have been focusing on improving my plank time and am up to 1 minute now and I do 2 sets of 1 minute and 1 set of 30 sec at different points during a 30 min workout. Each week I increase by 5 seconds. First time I could make it to a minute so I am proud.

    Dmignola: you are so right, it is so much harder the older we get
    NYKaren: sending you positive energy for your physical
    Kate: what brand is your spiralizer? As for your stats, you could take all 3 and divide by 3 then at least you have an average
    KJ: love your niece's program - Crunches and Crock pots, how creative
    MSMAXPAX: welcome
    Lenora: thanks for your supportive comments. So sorry to hear about the scary weather and I pray it settles soon
    MrsGLT: great goal for March - you can do it!
    Beth: thanks and hope your headache is gone

    We are expecting a big snow storm tonight which always has me concerned as DH has an hour commute and I am always concerned. Hope everyone has a safe night and blessings to all!

    Sarah, Ontario, Canada
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Dr. Katiebug - Your outfit is lovely, just like you!

    NYKaren - You are a really wonderful friend to do all that for that family.

    Barbie - New pooch! How exciting!

    Lenora - Dangerous storms! It is time for Mother Nature to leave y'all alone down there!

    I have always thought of the word "gentleness" when I think of this special group. We are each unique but share a special bond here.

    Welcome to the Newbies! Join in the chatter!

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Penny - thanks for letting us know about Heather - she's usually so faithful posting, and I was getting really worried. Hope she's up and around soon, her voice is missed here.

    Charleen and Nancy - thanks for the good words on the quilt. Pieced like a quilt top, but not quilted, actually--that would have doubled the time investment. So glad it's done.

    Well, the investor came through today, and I actually walked him around the property, which is unusual--my real estate agent was tied up elsewhere. Apparently, he "loved it," but I got a really weird vibe. Not only not counting my chickens before they hatch, not really sure it's a chicken. Could be a duck. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Picture me shrugging.

    Off to writer's group tonight - trying not to let the folks who I find hard to tolerate get to me. If you ever saw the flick "Mean Girls," just picture them 30-35 years older, and it's this one lady.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2017
    Penny thanks for the update.

    Mary sorry you had to witness someone suffering such a difficult choice. I say where was the guy, I refuse to call him a man, during her difficult time.

    Sue thank you for the feedback.

    I said to my DH today. That this time in the change of leadership in some ways reminds me of when a teacher has to leave during the school year and is replaced by another teacher. It is the teachers (leaders) responsibility to see that the transition goes as smoothly as possible. It leaves a classroom and our country too vulnerable if students or citizens are fighting among themselves.

    I have been in those classrooms where it happens there is too muck discord and lack of respect. It is not a pretty sight.

    Lisa hope she is absent tonight. If not please know we are thinking of you and know what a phenomenal writer you are.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lenora: :smiley:

    Penney: Thanks for sharing Heather's situation. I'm sending her healing vibes right now. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello Luscious Ladies!

    Well, the Digital Scale Debacle continues... But, today, it shows the magical 212 again... so, I am taking it. I guess I really do weigh that, now. While I don’t log the half inches – I do see a half inch off on the waist and hips, so, I am just trying to wrap my head around 212. I didn’t believe it last time... but, I sort of do, now. AND, I don’t have to post a gain for the Summer Challenge. Bonus! Now I can get to work on the remaining 24 pounds.

    GOAL WEIGHT: 188

    Not much happening, right now... I am in a holding pattern on my knee until I see the Ortho on Thursday. I am still going to the gym to lift. I refuse to lose my hard-earned upper body strength just because my knee is bunged up. I had thought about working just the good leg – but decided against it... I will just strengthen them both, together – when I do the PT that will inevitably be required, regardless of what kind of fix they do on the knee.

    I am doing abs daily – like I used to do – and arms every other day. There are more arm machines that I haven’t been using – so I will probably start alternating arm machines, every other day. I don’t want to lose the habit of getting up and going to the gym, either. It’s too good a habit to have. Besides, DH doesn’t drive... so if I don’t go – he doesn’t either. Gotta keep the old fart tuned up... I will need him to take care of me after the knee-fix.... LOL


    – You are doing SO much better than me on the calories... *sigh* I am happy for you. I hope it is showing on the scales.

    Margaret – I feel your pain... Hope your knee feels better, soon.

    Kim, Betty & Sue/WA – HURRAY – Good days are excellent!

    NYKaren – So sorry for your friends. Take your vitamins and think good thoughts for healthy travel... ((Hugs))

    Chris – Oh yeah, avoid the sales people by playing the Exercise card... Nice. WHOOT!! Size 6!

    Kelly – Burleson isn’t all that far – but, probably farther than I could go on my lunch hour. Hope you can visit again, later in the year.

    Sarah – Be careful with those dinner invites... you might get a whole mess of gals round your table. :]

    Grace – HUGS! Try just a tiny thing – say, five minutes of exercise – or ONE healthy meal – every day. You don’t have to do it all at once... once you get the first tiny thing incorporated – you can try another tiny thing – or adjust the one you have done. Trick yourself into it, if you must... Before you know it, you will be back on track.

    – Yeah – Calorie burn is a mystery – no two sources ever quite agree... but, you are correct. Up and moving – keeping the heart rate up – you rock! And I bet you are right about the water weight. I am sure it will disappear, quickly.

    – If you are planning on eating the calories back – probably safest to go with the lowest number. If not? Then it really doesn’t matter... it’s just a number on the page.

    Pip – You are Kirby are so darned CUTE!

    Gloria – HUGS!

    Kay – Great dress! And you look MAHVELOUS!

    – I have thought about an air fryer – but have not yet made the investment. Good to hear you like yours...

    Lenora – Hope you don’t get blown away!

    Barbie – Hurray for the new dog!

    Marni – Oh Sugar – if SWEARING burned calories, I would weigh 125. *giggles* But all that snow shoveling... yep - that will do it!

    Lisa – Darn that Hope! Always popping up when it should stay buried. And I have to say, I am loving the options in the “regular” women’s sizes (ladies?) Logging is a good thing... ((Hugs!)) *fingers crossed* that your duck turns into a swan.

    Allie – ((Hugs!!)) Stay Strong, Sister.

    Charleen – I know, right? We chat, a lot. And you have to actually sign into MFP to keep your streak... it’s not really about logging your food – but about visiting the site. You might be able to get them to fix your streak, if you ask.

    – I am sensitive to smells, too... I can hardly walk thru the perfume departments at any of the big stores... Instant head-throb. Hope you feel better, soon!

    DH is cooking tonight... so it’s package-rice with hamburger. I am just thrilled to not have to cook when I get there.

    And now, I must return to work...

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Re WTG, you've got the right idea, keeping your gym routine is really smart.

    Beth hate that kind of headache!

    Well I'm all tucked in for a nor'easter storm tonight, not a snow maker, but plenty of wind and rain. I think a round of scrabble is in order tonight, eventhough DH beats me everytime :|
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Sarah in Ontario, we are expecting snow south of Lake Ontario too. Not looking forward to spending our anniversary with shovels, but I will take it over tornadoes any time!
    Count me in as one of the perfume counter avoiders. And I forced some narcissus this month and they were so beautiful but I just could not stay in the same room for long.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,620 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Just a quick hello. Benny is a tad better, seemed happy to see me when I got home. The cops closed my case; they were able to find the vehicle, but not the person listed as the owner after a weekend of searching. I have read everyone's posts and enjoy hearing about all of you.

    Fancy: no anger here; just don't want to offend anyone! I love you all to much for that.

    OK gotta go try to get the beagle to eat! Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member

    Love your posts - love the Civil War history, haircuts, dogs and cats, quilts, husbands, kids, civil discussions about politics - no drama (thank you!). What a great group. I am getting caught up on your posts.

    Snow and ice left us, rain returned, I'm back to walking(in the sunshine today) and getting steps in and it feels great. Afraid I've been into DH's Reese cup and Little Debbie stash too much, but don't feel I've packed extra back on which is a victory in itself sometimes.

    Today the BOCC appointed me to the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Board; I'll go to meetings in Olympia once a month.

    The county is having financial problems - never really recovered from the 2009 recession - and they help fund Senior Centers- we have a "main one" and four others in little towns. BOCC announced they will have to stop the funding the end of this year and hell hath no fury like seniors who think they'll be denied a meal and a place to play cards.

    I'm joking - some of the centers also have exercise classes, crafts, other enjoyable programs.

    I agree it's a much needed place for them, keeps them sharp and they get a balanced meal. Very important. They have formed a committee to look at other funding, and that's great - I have high hopes for them, not sure if I have any ideas since I'm super new but want to learn about it.

    By the way, I am very proud of everyone getting in the exercise. Posting your stats and daily goals is truly inspiring. I know some of you have physical problems and still are doing a great job. Other than a "trick knee" which pains me now and then I have no excuse not to at least put on the walking shoes.

    Have a great week everyone!

    SW Washington State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,620 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13min, 13.5amph, 143mhr, 2.9mi= 132c
    applie iwatch- 112
    SPIN- 36MIN, 84ar, 96aw, 10-15g, 126ahr, 150mhr, 14.9mi = 295c
    apple iwatch- 304c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.52min, 140mhr, 12.4amph, 1.4mi = 76c
    apple iwatch- 55c
    jog station 2 wk- 5.05min, 9.57ap, 158mhr, .5mi = 57c
    apple iwatch- 55c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.03min, 9.46ap, 145mhr .5mi =76c
    apple iwatch- 62c
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.09min, 8.4amph, 153mhr, 2.5mi, wahoo quit midpoint only recorded 57c
    apple iwatch- 155c

    total cal 791