Low Carb Diet

For people already on a low carb diet-- how much carbs do you have daily? Also looking for some receipes for low carbs if anyone wants to share!! :smiley:

Anyone can add me as they please! Looking for people to help me through this journey!


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    20 grams or less per day for me. They have great recipes for low carb on dietdoctor.com, irule.com, and ibreatheimhungry.com
  • xProfLupin
    xProfLupin Posts: 35 Member
    I aim for 50kg or lower, and on my bad days I limit myself to 100kg. I jump off the wagon on the weekends but I don't go crazy.

    I started January 5th at 280 and 2 weeks later, I'm now down 15 pounds exactly. I have PCOS so losing weight is hard for me. I've tried counting calories but I only gained with that. And I do not limit myself food even though I'm eating pretty low carb because I love food :)

    My favorite low carb recipes so far would be pork rind "breaded" baked chicken chicken (it sounds gross but it tastes pretty good) and for the past two nights, I did a search for keto asian takeout.. and I came across two recipes for cashew chicken and Kung Pao chicken. I cant remember what each serving ended up being but I think it was around 6carbs, 3 net carbs per serving.

    I've found that I dislike riced cauliflower but Trader Joe's has a bag of riced Broccoli which I love. It just seems to have a better taste to me than Cauliflower does :)

    I've been meaning to try Cauliflower "Steaks" but have yet to get the nerve to try it.

    I love Indian food as well. I just bought a can of Light Coconut Milk and some curry paste from Walmart.. with some chicken, broccoli on a bed of broccoli rice? yes please :)
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    35 grams is my target, I just came off a heavy travel schedule and the holidays (both of these things mean I usually have an "organic" increase in carbs cause...life) so right now I'm "stepping back down" to 35 grams. I'll eat 50 Grams this week, 45 next week, 40 the week after. Stepping down like that helps me personally get back on track and stay on track faster. I also find I don't go through the detox period where my body withdraws from the carb addiction.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    my macros are at 20/40/40...i try for 10 percent carb, but cant seem to go that low...here is a great recipe!

    Curried Chicken Salad

    chopped cooked white turkey or chicken breast.
    Miracle whip flavored with a teaspoon or two of curry powder
    small amount of chopped onion or green onion
    chopped celery
    salt and pepper
    Combine well.
    Then add any of the following that you like:
    One or two shredded carrots
    ¼ cup chopped sugar free coconut
    2 tablespoons chopped peanuts or almonds
    handful of grapes or mandarin oranges or raisins
    Combine all and add more mayo and curry powder to taste if needed.
    Chill until time to serve.
  • S00126195
    S00126195 Posts: 2 Member
    My favorite low-carb breakfast recipe: 1 carb protein waffles.
    I use:
    1 scoop (34g of protein powder - I use PEScience frosted chocolate cupcake flavor, its 1g carb/ scoop).
    1 whole egg
    50g egg whites
    1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
    2 teaspoons of stevia sweetener
    4-5 sprays of cooking oil spray to grease the waffle maker

    I whisk all of these ingredients in a bowl with a metal whisk until well-combined. I don't add any water or milk.
    I pour it into my hot waffle maker slowly, I leave it open for 2 minutes to allow the batter to cook for a bit so that it doesn't spill over when I close it shut. I then hold the lid closed half-shut for a minute, before closing it completely and cooking the waffle for a further two minutes. I top mine with sugar-free syrup, peanut butter, and sometimes berries and slices of banana. You could also use yogurt or sugar-free whipped cream.
    If you don't have a waffle iron you could cook these in a well-greased non-stick skillet and make pancakes instead.

    I also like to make a milkshake in my Nutribullet for dessert using 150ml Lite Soy Milk, 1/2 of a scoop of the PEScience protein that I currently have on hand, and 2 tspsn of sugar-free hot chocolate powder (stevia based). I blend this in my nutribullet with a handful of ice cubes and 150ml of chilled water. The result is a frothy and creamy milkshake with zero protein aftertaste!

    Hope it helps!
  • chdawg23
    chdawg23 Posts: 2 Member
    Lot of great recipes on skinnytaste as some good ones on YouTube...keto connect has some great simple recipes as well as chef buck. Paleo recipes are also great but don't forget low carb diets also need to be low sugar be careful with fruit and adding sugars to recipes. You will not see great weight loss if the two are not balanced.....lots of fluids. Good luck.
  • rosan7534
    rosan7534 Posts: 14 Member
    When I diet I stay under 20 total carbs and normally I stay under 50 total carbs.
  • fupthesides
    fupthesides Posts: 71 Member
    Okay... so maybe I am not a low carb person after reading all the comments. I am more about balanced eating. I try for a 1:1 ratio on meals (1 carb: 1 protein). Try to make sure I get in most of my fruit and veggies. I try not to go over 100 carbs-I don't do the whole net carbs thing.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Okay... so maybe I am not a low carb person after reading all the comments. I am more about balanced eating. I try for a 1:1 ratio on meals (1 carb: 1 protein). Try to make sure I get in most of my fruit and veggies. I try not to go over 100 carbs-I don't do the whole net carbs thing.

    I will second the suggestion of: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group

    There are different ways of looking at "low carb". For some that is VLCD, others maybe moderate carbs, etc. Generally speaking anything under 150g is considered somewhat low carb.

    Ultimately though, the label doesn't matter so much, just as long as what you are doing works for you and is sustainable. The group mentioned above welcomes anyone that moderates/watches their carbs and is interested in finding a group that supports that.
  • Rachel_E83
    Rachel_E83 Posts: 3 Member
    I try to stay under 20g a day,how ever I have been not going over 50g a day
  • warlikepeace
    warlikepeace Posts: 2 Member
    I'm usually below 20g net carbs a day, and if I do go over its not by more than 10g.
  • debpet666
    debpet666 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on 20G Carbs a day and I aim at 15 g from veg. I am also aiming at 5% carbs, 70% fat and 25% protein. This after extensive reading of about every LCHF/Atkins thing I've found on internet. Upgraded to premium on MyfitnessPal which helps as I track everything I eat. Ive lost 8lbs in 2.5 weeks just another 2 stone to go!! It works for me because you just cant cheat on this diet (NO ALCOHOL OR SUGAR)
  • jlauria4
    jlauria4 Posts: 1 Member
    My range is 35-50g of CHO a day. 50g is usually on the weekends. I also do a lot more cardio on the weekend. I also notice if I don't eat at least 30g of CHO throughout the day I am hungry at night which then leads to over eating, not good.