Do you weigh yourself every day?

Hi- sorry for all my posts, but I'm really motiviated to lose weight! I weigh myself daily and for me it keeps me honest and keeps things real. I know that my weight can fluctuate a couple pounds from day to day, but when I see a 5 lb weight gain it gets me back on track quick! I find that if I don't weigh myself daily that I'll fool myself into thinking I haven't gained any weight.

I wondered what you all did because I hear a lot of fitness guru's say "get rid of your scale!"


  • SugarBearRetired
    SugarBearRetired Posts: 76 Member
    Hi- sorry for all my posts, but I'm really motiviated to lose weight! I weigh myself daily and for me it keeps me honest and keeps things real. I know that my weight can fluctuate a couple pounds from day to day, but when I see a 5 lb weight gain it gets me back on track quick! I find that if I don't weigh myself daily that I'll fool myself into thinking I haven't gained any weight.

    I wondered what you all did because I hear a lot of fitness guru's say "get rid of your scale!"
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I weigh myself every day. If I only weigh myself once every week or two, I could gain 10 pounds and that'd be a shock. When I weigh myself every day, if I've gained a half a pound or a pound, I can do something about it before I gain 10 pounds.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Before I started this I didn't even have a scale and didn't plan on getting one. About a week or so in though, I was dieing to know if my work was helping or not. So now I have one and I do check every morning. I think for me it keeps me motivated to keep going.

  • dlbrock31
    dlbrock31 Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh myself on Mondays and Fridays only.
  • Yes, I do! Which I shouldn't but I weigh everyday to make sure I'm not gaining the weight back.......
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    If you get extra motivated by weighing yourself everyday, then go for it!

    I tend to do it everyday to.. I don't mean to, but I do.
    The scale is next to my bathroom sink so I just hop on it after brushing my teeth... without even thinking twice about it.
  • Kate
    Kate Posts: 35 Member
    I read about a recent study done that claimed to prove that dieting people who weigh daily lose more weight than people who dont. I think its the old "out of sight out of mind" thing.
    I weigh every day, but I try not to get overly concerned about "fluctuations".
    I think the best and most accurate way is to weigh every day for 7 days and then calculate the average of the 7 weights and that is your "real weight" for that week......then do the same for the next seven days..the difference in the two average weights will show if you are actually on a downward "trend, and the daily "fluctuations" dont matter as much.
  • suzannehusted
    suzannehusted Posts: 25 Member
    i also weigh myself every day...i have lost 15lbs and counting...i agree it keeps me real.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I do so I can stay on track, even though sometimes I would like to break the scale!

    I read an article on web md that was about people who have lost weight and kept it off and one of the reasons those people have kept the weight off for over 5 years + is they do weigh everyday. The main reason they gave for weighing everyday was that if they gained 5 or more pounds back they would get motivated to take that weight off before it became 15 or 20 or more.

    It never hurts to check up on yourself and keep your goals in mind.
  • Sunshine779
    Sunshine779 Posts: 5 Member

    Weighing yourself daily can make you tied to the scale- and can start an eating disorder. You need to focus on the bigger issues, like how you are feeling physically and mentally.

    Weight should be a benchmark, and a guideline for how you are doing but it should not be the "end all". So weigh yourself every week or 2 weeks! And just notice that your pants are fitting better, you're less out of breath at the top of the stairs, etc. These are usually the real reasons you are losing weight in the first place- so who cares about the number?

    Lots of times people gain weight because they have used food as a distraction. Using the scale as a new distraction is not much better. It can be hard to deal with the real issues why we gained weight- but you still should try. Not letting the scale be your new distraction is a good starting point.
  • LadyZoe
    LadyZoe Posts: 36 Member
    every day... kind of a curiosity habit...
  • Every single morning! But only record my weight on Monday mornings.
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    Obviously we all care about the number... we are trying to lose weight right??
  • I weight everyday first thing in the morning. It has just become a habit. I realize that my weight will change and I usually record once a week. It would drive me crazy waiting all week to weight. My sister is doing Weight Watchers and they weight every Monday. I also took my body measurements I like this better than the scales. I have lost 18 pounds and my legs are actually larger than before. My arms too. But I know I am building muscles and I am so much stronger. The only area that is truely getting smaller is my chest. Go figure, lost 4 inches there.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member

    You've probably lost body fat around your back - a good thing. Your body may be getting more proportional. I think measurements are good in addition to weighing.

  • Everyday, does anyone know how to set your account up if you age isnt on the thingy?
  • Abby
    Abby Posts: 13
    I weigh myself almost everyday. I weigh myself only in the morning and before I eat breakfast. If I don't get on the scale before I eat breakfast I skip weighing that day. Sometimes if I've workout really hard one day, I ate very healthy and I just know I lost weight I weigh at the end of day and if the scale says I'm the same or less at the end of the day I am certain I'll have a good weight loss week. It's just my own stupid motivator.

    Keep up all the great work!
  • SugarBearRetired
    SugarBearRetired Posts: 76 Member
    I have to admit, sometimes weighing myself daily can be unmotiviating. Like when the day before I was perfect on calories and exercised, and then I'll see I gained a pound!!
  • okiemoma
    okiemoma Posts: 14 Member
    I too weigh most days but it can be unmotivating at times. I feel it does help me to keep from a larger weight gain but at the same time bugs me when I have been doing really well and still show a gain. I don't know, it's really what ever works for you. :)

  • Yes, every single morning!! I need it to stay on track and make sure I go to the gym or watch what I eat. I understand it can fluctuate.
  • PS
    But I really go by how my clothes are fitting, even if I gain weight because as we all know muscle weighs more than fat....
  • this goes to siobhan...what do you mean setting up your age if it isnt on the thingy??? i might be able to help.....
  • deb_ge
    deb_ge Posts: 87 Member
    I have heard that people who weigh daily are more likely to keep it off. I know myself, everytime I gained it all back, I went without weighing myself for months at a time. It is like a daily commitment appoinment with my scale. Good or bad, I look at it, then deal with it.
  • Annaxlisex
    Annaxlisex Posts: 27 Member
    I'm guilty of doing this but I do find it's easier to stay on track! Everyone is different though whatever works for you the only thing I'm afraid of is becoming obsessive about it.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Annaxlisex wrote: »
    I'm guilty of doing this but I do find it's easier to stay on track! Everyone is different though whatever works for you the only thing I'm afraid of is becoming obsessive about it.

    FYI - This thread is almost 10 years old and it's been so long since the OP logged in to MFP that it doesn't even show the date of her last visit...just a "-". That said, strong necromancy game on your part! B)
  • kejw08
    kejw08 Posts: 61 Member
    I weigh myself first thing every morning for similar reasons to yours. However, I use my Sunday weigh in as my "official" one for the week and that is the only weight that gets logged.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Holy zombie thread, Batman! This one went over nine years before it was resurrected!
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    Holy zombie thread, Batman! This one went over nine years before it was resurrected!

    This must be a record for the oldest thread resurrected on MFP, no?
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,735 Member
    I don't weigh every day. I used to and I found that it would affect how I ate in a really negative way. If I lost more than I expected, the response was, "Oh good, I don't have to be as careful today." If I gained weight, I'd say, "This is not working. I might as well eat what I want." Either way, it became a reason to stop dieting.

    My weight fluctuates a lot. I prefer to weigh myself every week to ten days, when I actually have a real result and not just .1. I don't weigh after a hard workout or a dinner out, to minimize water retention. It has worked for me.
  • swartepiet2
    swartepiet2 Posts: 30 Member
    I used to as a form of discipline. Discovered the significance of water retention and effect on weight. Now i use my belt as the primary daily gauge.