Deadlift preference, sumo or conventional?



  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Conventional for 5/3/1, but Sumo on my new "extra" day when I do volume work. Very new to Sumo though, only been doing it a couple of weeks so so far I'm only pulling around half the weight I do for conventional. I also do sumo squats on that day and boy do I feel it in my inner thighs by the time I've finished (especially as I do a legs, bums and tums class straight after)
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I like conventional for lower reps and sumo for 6-12 reps.

    LOL - thats me. I pull my heavy (and deficit) deadlifts conventional, but I do my volume (on squat day) sumo.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Also sumo is cheating.
    JK! ;)
    I am more comfortable with conventional so I usually train that. After my meet this spring I will probably go back to incorporating sumo more often. I have a hard time with my hips rising too early with sumo so it needs some work.
  • MrHillman22
    MrHillman22 Posts: 401 Member
    Also sumo is cheating.
    JK! ;)
    I am more comfortable with conventional so I usually train that. After my meet this spring I will probably go back to incorporating sumo more often. I have a hard time with my hips rising too early with sumo so it needs some work.

    If you deadlift more than most men at the gym then I salute you massively, what's your PR?

    I also think that sumo is a little bit of a cheat ;) I've never even tried sumo, I'd probably end up liking them but I love conventional so much

  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited January 2017
    Briggs007 wrote: »
    Conventional all day long. I find sumo very awkward. But I guess as long as you deadlift you'll see the benefits. For me the King of compound movements, closely followed by squats.

    Definitely the movement that separates the men from the boys and the girls from the women

    But what if I deadlift more than most of the men at my gym....?

    We have a couple of women at my gym like that. My ex-wife used to be one of them. All I can do is smile when I see some dude slow deadlifting and trying to "squeeze the feels" or whatever silly crap with 135, while a woman who can't weight more than 120 is repeatedly ripping 250+ off of the floor next to him.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Also sumo is cheating.
    JK! ;)
    I am more comfortable with conventional so I usually train that. After my meet this spring I will probably go back to incorporating sumo more often. I have a hard time with my hips rising too early with sumo so it needs some work.

    If you deadlift more than most men at the gym then I salute you massively, what's your PR?

    I also think that sumo is a little bit of a cheat ;) I've never even tried sumo, I'd probably end up liking them but I love conventional so much

    Totally kidding about sumo being cheating, just had to poke fun.
    Last time I tested 1RM I was at 345 lbs. This week I did 270x8.
    I only started really working on my deadlifts about 3-4 months ago though, I was able to hit around 300 before I was doing them regularly. My goal is to pull 405 this year and drop some body weight. (Currently 185) Not super impressive yet by any means. There are some women out there pulling 500+
    But most of the men at my gym are young guys lifting with their ego, or dads who are mostly there to hang out with other dads.
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    Conventional dad here lifting with my ego. ;)
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Conventional dad here lifting with my ego. ;)

    Wasn't trying to offend any of the dad-lifters or young guys!
    The fact that you know it's called conventional makes you more qualified than most of the people at my gym lol ;P Many days I get a bonus eye-roll workout.
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    Conventional dad here lifting with my ego. ;)

    Wasn't trying to offend any of the dad-lifters or young guys!
    The fact that you know it's called conventional makes you more qualified than most of the people at my gym lol ;P Many days I get a bonus eye-roll workout.

    I bet most people in my gym don't know what sumo or conventional are either. And if they do, you won't catch them lifting more than 2 plates!
  • MrHillman22
    MrHillman22 Posts: 401 Member
    Also sumo is cheating.
    JK! ;)
    I am more comfortable with conventional so I usually train that. After my meet this spring I will probably go back to incorporating sumo more often. I have a hard time with my hips rising too early with sumo so it needs some work.

    If you deadlift more than most men at the gym then I salute you massively, what's your PR?

    I also think that sumo is a little bit of a cheat ;) I've never even tried sumo, I'd probably end up liking them but I love conventional so much

    Totally kidding about sumo being cheating, just had to poke fun.
    Last time I tested 1RM I was at 345 lbs. This week I did 270x8.
    I only started really working on my deadlifts about 3-4 months ago though, I was able to hit around 300 before I was doing them regularly. My goal is to pull 405 this year and drop some body weight. (Currently 185) Not super impressive yet by any means. There are some women out there pulling 500+
    But most of the men at my gym are young guys lifting with their ego, or dads who are mostly there to hang out with other dads.

    If you hit 405 this year that would be amazing. Women pulling 500+? I'd be happy with a 500 being a man haha. Currently at 210kg, not sure on the lbs, maybe in the 460lb range
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Briggs007 wrote: »
    Conventional all day long. I find sumo very awkward. But I guess as long as you deadlift you'll see the benefits. For me the King of compound movements, closely followed by squats.

    Definitely the movement that separates the men from the boys and the girls from the women

    But what if I deadlift more than most of the men at my gym....?

    Then you are in the awesome club!

    It's fun regularly out lifting the boys.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Briggs007 wrote: »
    Conventional all day long. I find sumo very awkward. But I guess as long as you deadlift you'll see the benefits. For me the King of compound movements, closely followed by squats.

    Definitely the movement that separates the men from the boys and the girls from the women

    But what if I deadlift more than most of the men at my gym....?

    Then you are in the awesome club!

    It's fun regularly out lifting the boys.

    It really is lol squat is kind of my favorite for this reason, because depth doesn't lie!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Conventional or wide grip (snatch grip)
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Briggs007 wrote: »
    Conventional all day long. I find sumo very awkward. But I guess as long as you deadlift you'll see the benefits. For me the King of compound movements, closely followed by squats.

    Definitely the movement that separates the men from the boys and the girls from the women

    But what if I deadlift more than most of the men at my gym....?

    Then you are in the awesome club!

    It's fun regularly out lifting the boys.

    It really is lol squat is kind of my favorite for this reason, because depth doesn't lie!

    I only squat so that I can deadlift. My max is still higher than almost everyone, excepting the powerlifters.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Conventional only. I don't like sumo. It's not stylish, it is bizarre.

    I also do romanian and keystone routinely.

    Oh you would love Jefferson deadlifts ;)
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    Been doing sumo lately. They feel more comfortable. I don't know if it's my height or that I'm not stick thin and conventional makes me feel like I'm curled up in a ball at the starting position. I narrowed my stance today and it helped. I'm going to be meeting with a trainer soon to go over form..can't wait!
  • alexjvolk
    alexjvolk Posts: 22 Member
    What are you pulling for? Competion? physique? demented enjoyment? I mean if you are competing do the one you are strongest at, otherwise, do them both as they are tremendous lifts that hit different muscles in different ways.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Sumo is for people who eat butt.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Sumo is for people who eat butt.

    I must be doing something wrong then