Ripped in 30 starting July 4th



  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Well, ended up taking sat and sun off. I have learned when my husband is home from work, I just need to do my Jillian in the AM. I was planning on Sunday and even went for a run to double up. Then, his dad came over with my niece which turned into going to the pool then it was time for VBS and then I was home it was 8:30 and of course my knee was killing me after running. LIfe really just messes you up sometimes you know. I decided I'm moving on to Level 3 today after I get back from tutoring. I am a high school English teacher so it's been awesome to have the summer off :)

    Anyways, the good news>>>>>>>> Measurements half way through

    Beginning: Now:
    Left bicep- 11 3/4 11
    Right bicep- 11 3/4 11
    Shoulders- 40 1/2 40 1/2
    Right inner thigh- 24 23 1/2
    Left inner thigh- 23 1/3 23 1/2
    Hips- 40 38 1/2
    Upper waist- 34 33
    Belly button waist- 36 35
    Gut- 38 37
    Weight 152.5 150.8
    BF% 34.9 34.3

    That's almost seven inches and two pounds. Can't complain about that!!!!

    How are you all at your halfway point?
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    dAY 1 Week 3 done. I sucked at it. Hopefully will do better tomorrow!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    W1D3 done burned 306 caolries today I felt stronger and did the whole workout without stopping
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    W3 D1 down! I was a little discouraged this morning when I weighed in. I didn't lose any weight. I didn't gain, but I didn't lose. I have 6 pounds to lose in order to reach my first mini goal. Ok, enough of that, today's workout was hard. My legs were on fire the entire workout.

    Bathsalts-I cannot do those rock and roll squats either. I have a very hard time standing back up, even when I use my hands.

    I hope you all are doing well. Keep it up!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Did a little strength and elliptical after RI30 wk3/day2 today, killing time until my toddler woke up from her nap. Wish she had woken up a little sooner. My chest and shoulders are on FIRE! I'm still doing C25K wk3/day2 in the morning...sometimes I think I'm that special kind of crazy ;-P
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey everyone I just wanted to check in! Hope everyone is doing okay. I got tired of week two after 4 days so I went to week 3 day 1 tonight I loved it, however I thought I was going to die, well at least my legs and shoulders. they were burning so bad. Afterwards I went and ran three miles, I will give it to JM i have more endurance, now to see the weight drop, now that WOULD BE AWESOME. How is everyone else, who is still in it?
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    ridgellmomof3: you rock! :smile: Can't believe you're running after JM. More power to you! It's too freaking hot out to run here (that's my excuse, at least), plus I find it boring even though I have run two 10Ks and two 5Ks in the past.

    harmonynlife: I can't even stand up from those jump squats in Rin30 Level 3, even if I use my hands. You must have great ab strength to even get up at all! I can't get off the ground! I bet you're not losing weight yet because you're gaining so much freaking muscle from doing Rin30! :smile:

    jarretd: Can't believe you did elliptical, too. You are awesome! :smile:

    Anyway, for me, D2 of Level 3 is done, and I'm a pool of sweat but I like it so much more than Level 2. What about all of you? Are you missing Level 2 :laugh:

    Glad all of you are doing it with me! It gives me the incentive to keep doing it. Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Finished day 2 week 3 and feel better about it. Did anyone else besides me notice she forgets to do the third strength move again in the first circuit? This one takes like 4 minutes less to complete and so my cal burn is lower. :ohwell:

    For the rock and roll move...if you cross your feet when you are trying to get back up it helps. I jump after it to make up for my little cheat. I don't know if that defeats the purpose of the move but at least it keeps my heart rate moving. I willl try to get all the way up without the cross next few days but at least I don't fall back down!!

    Great job everyone as always!!
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    Did W3 D1 today.. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who had a hard time with the rock and roll squats! I think I sat there with my mouth gaping wondering how it was even possible before I tried and failed.. Thank goodness no one was downstairs watching haha.. I did like the bear walks though, for some weird sadistic reason. They make me giggle :).

    I definitely like it better than Level 2! It's definitely hard, but I feel like it's conquerable, and I'm excited to see myself get better as the week progresses. Some of these moves are so intense, I am amazed at the sheer creativity!

    Oh, has anyone else noticed that Basheera is kinda of bad at the advanced moves? I feel like she's never squatting as low or trying as hard. It's kind of funny, though I really don't blame her :).
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Is anyone still doing Ripped in 30? I took yesterday off because I was so sore from doing No more Trouble Zones the day before, but I was going to get back into Ripped in 30 today. I'm lonely :sad: . Where is everyone? :flowerforyou:
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Just did Day 3 of Ripped in 30. Tough but doable. Had to modify some things. Who's going to keep going with me?
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA....haven't been feeling well so I didn't work out for the last 3 days but got back on it today. Just did week 3 for the first time! Is anyone else dying during the duck walks too??? OMG I really felt it with that one. And yes, I also noticed that she doesn't do the 3rd strength move in the first circuit, what's up with that? That's a bit annoying but oh well...oh Week 2, how I miss you. Haha. Hope everyone is still going strong, Week 3 is REALLY tough!
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Hey rippers- Did day whatever I'm on in week three :) getting better at it.

    However, I am going on vacation to the Dominican Republic for the week and then NY the next week. I won't be able to rip in the Dominican but should be back with you when I get to NY. I am going to repeat week three I think when I get back from NY since I only did three or four days of it and will have taken a week off. I gues Jessica and I will be on track together then.

    Keep it going bathsalts and Justbreathe! You rock!!

    Be good while I'm gone!!!
  • animamelodic
    Hey everyone! I let a busy week get away from me and haven't started week three yet :( I'll start it tomorrow, which means I'll finish the program 4-6 days after everyone who started (and kept up!) since the 4th.

    What's weird is that after not exercising in three days, going out to eat daily, and trying new beers and wines all week, I felt awesome today! I put on a pretty dress for work and practically skipped while I walked there in the morning. I think it's because I saw a bunch of friends last night and they were complimenting me on how toned I was looking and I realized that getting fit is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be bad weeks where it's hard to make time to workout and life will go on! And while three days off might mean the scale won't budge this week, it isn't going to take away all the crazy muscle I've been building and the confidence I've gained! I can feel this journey leading to long-term motivation because I'm looking forward to getting back into JM's workouts and making more progress instead of thinking "Well, I already screwed it up so I may as well quit.."

    I hope you're all feeling great about your progress! We can do this!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    animamelodic - You are not that far behind me! I also skipped 3 days of working out. But I got right back on it and just started Week 3 yesterday. And you are so right, its a marathon, not a sprint. The most important thing is to just keep going and not quit. Good luck with your first day in Week 3! Not gonna lie, week 3 is tough! Lol but you can do it :) We ALL can!

    I just did day 2 of week 3 and it was NOT easier than yesterday haha. Those duck walks!!! Especially going backwards, it is sooooo painful. And I mentioned before that I have a balancing issue (meaning I seriously CANNOT balance) so a lot of the moves for this week are really challenging for me. And those rock n roll squats, those are just crazy. They look crazy, they feel crazy. I can't help but laugh because I just imagine what people would think if they saw me rolling around all over the place like that. Ha. Hopefully it gets easier!

    Keep it up everyone!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was W2D1 OMG I thought I was going to DIE!! I got it done,but took lots of breaks! My husband came home for lunch and I was just laying on the floor and did not move! lOL he said "WOW that Jillian is something eles huh?" I think that the planks were the one move that I just could not get done without stopping and swearing at the TV.I will be back at it tomorrow,cuz I love it!:smile:
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Glad you guys are back! :) I just did another day of Rin30Level2 tonight just to see if it had gotten any easier after doing 3 days on Level 3, and guess what--it had! (Well, just a little . . .)
  • animamelodic
    Jessica-- Don't feel bad about the plank stuff. As you can tell from this thread, we ALL hated that stuff! I did level 2 for 6 days and still could not quite finish two minutes of plank cardio. I'd get up and start doing jumping jacks when I couldn't take anymore. Like Jillian says, the important thing is to keep moving!

    After reading what you've all written about level 3 I'm a bit scared, haha! But I'm ready to take it on! I'm jumping back on the wagon today, ladies!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    great! glad you're back!:smile:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    @Jessicapages, you are totally not alone, those planks were KILLER in week 2!

    Just did Day 3 of week 3. It is really painful! I've been sore everyday but have just continued to push through it and everyday, I am more and more sore! I can't even imagine what Week 4 looks like. Anyone take a look at it yet?