
Just need to vent...

At my job we have a chef who makes lunch for us. Buttery, fattening, unhealthy food. So I started bringing in Lean Cuisines for lunch. Today I made one and it made a stink in the office by accident. That was 30 minutes ago. Since then it has been non-stop teasing, screaming, dramatics about how the smell will kill someone. And now since people are coming back into lunch people are asking "do you smell that smell? It was her!" I mean they are acting like this is the end of the world and they are all going to die.

It's just discouraging. I'm trying to eat something a bit healthier (albeit still processed), and while I understand the smell and immediately started to open doors and throw it out in the dumpster, it's just getting ridiculous.

Any advice on rising above this teasing and picking apart? I am not losing my motivation to lose weight, but honestly I am sitting at my desk and thinking about just leaving.


  • That would irritate me. I mean especially if it were the same folks hammering away at it over and over and over.... and over again as some folks like to do. Just keep bringing what you want to eat. I would also meet the next loud mouth with a comment of my own. Not a nasty comment necessarily but I would make it clear that I do not appreciate them making such a scene.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Just ignore them...


    And I'm sorry that happened and they are reacting that way, but probably in an hour something else will be the source of drama/humor.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Just try to tune them out. You are trying to make better choices for yourself and accidentally ruined it in the microwave. Crap happens. I am sure none of them have ever made anything in your office stink, right? (like the bathroom?)
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    As not so much about the type of food as it is about poor personal Co worker habits and behaviors.
    Perhaps this is where you can use humor and teach some skills of work place manors.
    Let it fall back on them.
    Do remember those perhaps who should eat better maybe jelouse and those who think they are perfect are just plain rude .

    Show them that this simple smell is a little bit of heaven for you .. and perfection can be their duty if they chose. Ha
  • 98bikinisuitedlbs
    98bikinisuitedlbs Posts: 416 Member
    edited January 2017
    Keep talking to yourself as to how great you feel making good choices and staying healthy. If comfortable, tell them you eat healthy choices as it makes you feel great and healthy mind!! Ignore the people, as they will always have something negative to say if they are not busting their *kitten**** Chin up and walk confidently!!
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    It's a smell. Tell them to act like adults and remember it's a smell and not all smells are pleasant
  • hamsammy67
    hamsammy67 Posts: 9 Member
    I guess it really depends on your relationship with your co-workers. Do you normally get along well? If so, then maybe they mean to rib you about it? Perhaps you are mistaking their intent? Sometimes people think they're being funny, but it actually gets received as hurtful. If you have a good relationship with your co-workers, then call them out on being juvenile! Tell them you're trying to make some changes and it bums you out when they tease you about your food. I agree with Tress29 - stick to your guns and your goals!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Tell 'em "better the smell that thighs from hell!"

    Also, coudl you talk to the chef and ask if s/he has anything a little lighter in his/her repertoire?
  • WeTakeControl
    WeTakeControl Posts: 2 Member
    Just lighten up, it may seem childish to everyone else, but jokes are jokes and when we make and tease people sometimes it's not with bad intentions, just light jabs. If you know it stunk, then you can't be mad about it or insecure about it, may have been the most perculiar thing that happened, it is what it is. Just laugh it off. Let the joke pass don't let it define you at your work; it'll brand you if you let it lol. You don't want to be that person who can't take a joke. Usually jokes run dry eventually, just try less loud foods.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Illegitimi non carborundum

    (Pseudo-Latin for:)

    "Don't let the *kitten* grind you down"