It Works, Shakeology, WW Or...???



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    ALL programs work IF there's a calorie deficit involved. I personally don't think that people need to overpay to do it.
    The key here is can one SUSTAIN this type of dieting for life? Cause if not, it's a short lived deal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    In the past I have tried Plexus and Weight Watchers. Neither of the two worked for me because I wasn't serious about my weight loss back then. Good 'ole MFP and simple calorie counting is what finally worked. Not because it's magic, but because I put in the hard work and dedication. 100 pounds down! I'm a firm believer that you don't need to spend any money on a gym membership or nutrition plans to lose weight. :smile:
  • fallingwave
    fallingwave Posts: 108 Member
    It Works -- TOTAL JOKE. Weight Watchers is a great plan if you would prefer to count points vs calories -- I did the program at one time and found that the points I were allowed came to a similar calorie count as MFP, so stopped using it.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    ccjlgrider wrote: »
    I have lost 8 lbs in 6 weeks doing the 21 Day Fix (Beachbody program). I like it better than counting calories b/c it takes a different approach. It breaks down how many servings of each type of food to eat, how much a serving is, and what fits under which category. Like, yes, sweet potatoes are a veggie but really they act more like a carb/startch so they go under that category rather than veggies. I don't have to count any calories. I only used the containers to measure my food for the first 3 weeks, now I can eyeball it and only rarely measure. If I measure, it is usually protein or nuts. I have a harder time eyeballing those right now. I do drink Shakeology but not everyday. It isn't magic. It isn't going to MAKE you lose weight. It is a low calorie snack or, if you add some other foods to it, meal replacement to help you stay under your calorie goal for the day. So, for example, on MFP, I'm in the 1200 cal range (only 20 lbs to lose) and I'm in the lowest bracket on 21 Day Fix, so Shakeology helps me get through the day staying within my goals. When I go to maintenance, I can forsee myself not drinking Shakeology as much b/c I'll have more calories to work with in a day. (Or containers if you are thinking strictly in terms of 21DF). I don't think in terms of calories OR containers. I think "I get 4 servings of protein a day, 2 servings of starch/grains, 2 servings of fruits, etc." THAT is what the 21 DF has done for me that I was struggling to wrap my brain many servings of each type of food I need a day and how big is a serving...for weight loss and for maintenance.

    The It Works Wraps are Saran Wrap. They're stupid. I've never seen something more hokey in my entire life.

    The "different approach" as you put it is a rip-off the old school Weight Watchers Exchanges program. Richard Simmons Deal a Meal was the first rip-off of WW we have 21 DF. Nothing new here, it's still calorie restriction by measuring portions. You use expensive tupperware instead of measuring cups.
  • emjam99
    emjam99 Posts: 92 Member
    I had a professor once who called it "sh*tology" just stick to deficit and work outs
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    I tried Shakeology when I first started doing beach body work outs. It tastes good but is super expensive compared to other shake options out there. My boyfriends sister is a dietician and she helped me find a different shake that meets my needs better (lower cal, lower sugar, good vitamin/macro breakdown) and it costs me only $15 a month through Amazon.

  • katliv38
    katliv38 Posts: 5 Member

    SCoil123: Hello, my name is Kathy and I appreciate your post. Can you please tell me what was recommended to you that you bought on Amazon? I am willing to do the Beach Body exercises however I am leary about the Shakeology. Thank you.
  • katliv38
    katliv38 Posts: 5 Member

    ccjlgrider: Thank you for your post. This has helped me greatly! I am currently counting calories and going to a weight management doctor. I have seen and bought the knock off containers at CVS like Beach Body uses. I don't use them however based on your post, I liked how you said about not focusing on the amount of containers but number of servings. :)
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    katliv38 wrote: »
    SCoil123: Hello, my name is Kathy and I appreciate your post. Can you please tell me what was recommended to you that you bought on Amazon? I am willing to do the Beach Body exercises however I am leary about the Shakeology. Thank you.

    My pleasure. It's Nature's Bounty Complete Protein and Vitamin. The chocolate is my favorite.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member

    Use MFP. You're hear anyway, right? It is free, while those other programs are not. When I was on WW, they gave me the equivalent of 1300 calories when I was 270lbs. Nope nope nope.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    It really is a case of calories in vs. calories out. If shakes, wraps or other things help you along the way, then so be it. My husband had protein shakes when he did P90X and Insanity, but not the Shakology ones promoted on the Beachbody website - he ended up getting protein shake powder from GNC. The purpose of it was to help repair muscles from the intense workouts.

    I've done WW and I plan on starting to go back to the meetings - mostly for the accountability with the weigh-in's and the support from the meetings, but they've changed the way the count their points to only include calories, saturated fat, protein and carbs. It's really made the calculations weird. I'll be totally in line with MFP, but will have used the extra points in WW within 2 days. It used to be that when I was "in line" with MFP, that it wasn't far off with the points being in line. The points gave me a little more food, so that was my range. Not anymore.

    You can make anything work you want to work if you're determined enough to follow through with it.
  • stylzemail
    stylzemail Posts: 33 Member
    I never used them, I used techniques that martial artists did like Bruce Lee, or shaolin monks vegan- diets the way they ate meals , you can get a general idea by going to and search: shaolin monks diets
  • Mirlanda1
    Mirlanda1 Posts: 4 Member
    I lost weight on WW twice, and maintained for at least two years each time. I only gained the weight back when I got pregnant and I was told I couldn't stay on the program. I think I would have kept it off if I didn't have that going on. The money and the meetings helped me feel accountable. I've had a much better record with WW than MyFitnessPal. But that's not a terribly fair comparison to make when it takes so much more commitment to join WW than a free website. I did learn many skills from WW that I still use now.

    That said, WW teaches healthy eating, but there is a strong countercurrent of low-Point junk food sales. And it was sad hearing people struggling because they didn't understand that they're using their scale wrong (they were putting on as much food as they could before the points went up, which meant they were always rounding down). I also need more help with my carb control and protein encouragement than I think WW could give me.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    I agree that WW is a valid method and I can see that the social and accountability aspect of meetings appeals to some people -and therefore they are successful with it.
    They do have plans for maitenance as well and they are flexible and do not require you to purchase separate food like Jenny Craig etc do.

    Wraps are just nonsense.

    MLM shake schemes might work if you really really like shakes and you have money to burn - but I doubt anyone has long term success with them.
    I could be wrong.