
Hey y'all!

I was diagnosed with sciatica. I was ran over by a car 3 years ago, and now I have 6 bulged discs, scoliosis, a hip that is completely out of alignment... blaaaah blaaaah blah.

I have a disc that is lovingly nudging my sciatica nerve. I don't have a lot of pain (thank god), but I had some burning, tingling, cramps and my feet feel swollen from time to time.

Does weight loss "cure" sciatica? I walk A LOT everyday. It's helped tremendously. Is there any supplements anyone recommends? I was told turmeric helps a lot.

I go to PT, chiropractic care, etc. I just want to hear a few success stories, I get discouraged a lot. I'm young and I wish I didn't have to deal with this.



  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Unfortunately, I don't have any info on sciatica to offer, but I wanted to pop in to say that I'm sorry you're going through all of this! :/
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I'm used to it, in all honesty. What's worse, is the crippling PTSD and anxiety I have. I developed IBS and gastritis since my body is under constant anxiety and stress. I am anti social now. It's rough. I'm like the shell of who I used to be. It's been hard facing the facts that I'll never have children, too. I can't even hold a baby due to my back issues.

    The positive of it, is that I have to be healthy now... otherwise I'll go downhill quick!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    That really sucks. I'm sorry you have so much on your plate. I have had issues with my neck causing pain intermittently for the last several years (multiple minor whiplash injuries, compounded with weight gain and long hours reading with my head down for both work and school. Physio and chiro were essential in getting me back on track a couple years ago when I experienced a flare up that lasted 6 months. Now, I find that I need to stay active to help reduce the impact of it. Weight loss certainly helps take the pressure of your joints, including the spine. There are some great threads here to help support you through weight loss. What has physio said regarding activity? I have found swimming to be a game changer for both pain and weight loss.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    The PT hasn't been that helpful. He gave me some stretches to do everyday at home.

    The chiro said swimming would be helpful, but I don't have a pool or have access to one. I am moving out of state soon, so I'll look for a gym with a pool there.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    The PT hasn't been that helpful. He gave me some stretches to do everyday at home.

    The chiro said swimming would be helpful, but I don't have a pool or have access to one. I am moving out of state soon, so I'll look for a gym with a pool there.

    Have you been doing the stretches? My initial progress was frustratingly slow and started by making the whole thing worse. Stretches in combination with some very controlled strength training, which built up over time. I just knew that I didn't want to keep going through life that way. It sucks so much to wake up in pain every single morning.

    On the plus side, weight loss doesn't require physical activity. Stick with walking and focus on your calorie deficit. As the weight decreases, you should find that the pain improves. I hope you are able to find a pool where you are moving, assuming it is something you enjoy.

    Here's a great place to get started with reading:
  • bluecrush84
    bluecrush84 Posts: 77 Member
    I had sciatica last year due to a back injury....lifting at work. Losing weight helped a lot, I also did hot yoga daily. You ask your specialist if yoga may help.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Sorry that you are dealing with all that. Always clear stuff with dr first, but for me (all sorts of spine and nerve damage ) reformer (that's the table with pullies and springs ) pilates works wonders! You don't necessarily need to have a gym membership, check area for pilates studios. I went from only being able to walk 2 miles to over 8 mile hikes, weight loss has taken the pressure off the nerve. I take NO prescription meds for pain. I do take valerian (at night ) and bromelain (enzyme found in pineapple, good for inflammation and digestion )
    Good luck!
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    That totally sucks. I feel for you. I have sciatica as well, and it's one of my big motivations for losing weight.

    I don't yet know if the weight loss will help, but I've learned a few things in the process that have made my quality of life better. Yoga, stretching, and foam rolling my lower back every day helps. Walking, too, as you've already figured out, especially uphill. And (TMI time), getting enough fiber. Somehow, constipation makes my chronic back pain MUCH worse.

    Hope some of that helps.
  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    I have sciatica. I don't know if losing 43 lbs helped or not, but that's only because I have aggravated it with lifting recently. I can say it doesn't bother me nearly as often as it did when I was heavier.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I do stretches (my back used to be so tight I couldn't even turn) and I can't do too much weight. I do core exercises and stuff with a 3 lb weight. I'm small, and gained about 17 pounds in 2016. Plus I was working a labor intensive job, so I think all of that combined messed me up!
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I was diagnosed with sciatica. I was ran over by a car 3 years ago, and now I have 6 bulged discs, scoliosis, a hip that is completely out of alignment... blaaaah blaaaah blah.

    I have a disc that is lovingly nudging my sciatica nerve. I don't have a lot of pain (thank god), but I had some burning, tingling, cramps and my feet feel swollen from time to time.

    Does weight loss "cure" sciatica? I walk A LOT everyday. It's helped tremendously. Is there any supplements anyone recommends? I was told turmeric helps a lot.

    I go to PT, chiropractic care, etc. I just want to hear a few success stories, I get discouraged a lot. I'm young and I wish I didn't have to deal with this.


    Hello my name is Amanda. When I was 16 I had an accident that changed my life. I was thrown from a horse. I had back pain from that day forward. It didn't stop me until I was about 25 years old. I fought hard with the numbness, burning, aches, throwing my back out. I tried everything. Therapy, medicine, shots, weight loss.... the list goes on. and it didn't change a thing. Nerve blocks worked the best for about 3 to 4 years. I did loose 60lbs on this website 6years ago and it still never changed my sciatica. I was pretty much falling bc I couldn't feel my right leg very well. I had a laminectomy for my L3-4 and L3-5 at age 29 and I've been pretty good since. No meds not much pain and feeling young but....I am now going to be 33 almost 3 years later and recently started having small issues again and had an ablation which has also helped me a great deal! I'm sorry to say weight did not change it for me. I went from 250lbs to 185lbs and maintained for almost 2 to 3 years with pain. The nerve is considered damaged. It's a minimal struggle for me now. I am managing it. It I used to have days I just wanted to give up! The supplement that helps the most is vitamin B9 or folate though I believe that helps best after the nerve is released from being played like a fiddle.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Well that made me feel worse haha. Hopefully mine doesn't get that bad!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Are you cleared from your doctor to do yoga? I've had sciatica on and off for about 14 years. Most of my pain was due to a couple herniated discs at L4 & L5. Over the years, I've learned that stretching and staying limber really helps me. At first, walking was the only exercise I could tolerate. It's taken time but now I do spin classes, yoga, weight training, and the elliptical. Yoga has made a huge difference to me. Everyone is different and you really have to figure out what works best for you. Just don't get discouraged and don't give up. You may not think you're making progress but one day you'll realize that you're able to do things which used to cause you pain. Little by little, you'll get there!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I was diagnosed with sciatica. I was ran over by a car 3 years ago, and now I have 6 bulged discs, scoliosis, a hip that is completely out of alignment... blaaaah blaaaah blah.

    I have a disc that is lovingly nudging my sciatica nerve. I don't have a lot of pain (thank god), but I had some burning, tingling, cramps and my feet feel swollen from time to time.

    Does weight loss "cure" sciatica? I walk A LOT everyday. It's helped tremendously. Is there any supplements anyone recommends? I was told turmeric helps a lot.

    I go to PT, chiropractic care, etc. I just want to hear a few success stories, I get discouraged a lot. I'm young and I wish I didn't have to deal with this.

    Cure............doubt it. I've had it since my 20's and I stay fit. In fact if I don't exercise, it flares up. Supplements DON'T help. I've personally looked into laser back surgery, but mine isn't debilitating so I haven't made the leap yet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I dont think there is a cure, you can treat it many many ways. my dad had it and he did better when he went to a chiropractor,when he couldnt there were days he could barely move.hubby has it too.I would do some research on it so you can get a better understanding of it.I have all kinds of health issues too and it started when I was a kid so dont feel bad. Im 42 sucks having problems like that could ask the dr and see if they can give you a TENS unit. my son just developed sciatica and he is 23,he uses that and its a big help for him. his gfs mom is a RN which helps too to get advice from.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I absolutely hate yoga. My husband hates it too, but it's been helping him with his issues... so I'm sure we will do it together lol. I'll ask my doctor about the things some of ya have mentions. I don't know what a TENS unit is. The doctors said without a doubt losing weight would help it. I'm not expecting to be back to normal, but I don't want it to be debilitating.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    My doctors don't clear me for anything. They put restrictions. They said if something hurts, don't do it lol. But clearly lifting a ton of weight is off limits.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    edited January 2017
    I absolutely hate yoga. My husband hates it too, but it's been helping him with his issues... so I'm sure we will do it together lol. I'll ask my doctor about the things some of ya have mentions. I don't know what a TENS unit is. The doctors said without a doubt losing weight would help it. I'm not expecting to be back to normal, but I don't want it to be debilitating.

    A TENS unit is a device that will stimulate the nerves and muscles with small electrical pulses. TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. If you've been to chiropractic they likely put the electrical stimulus pads on you. I have a portable TENS unit and it helps a lot with back pain and sciatica. I put it on and sometimes I will walk around with it on a low setting all day. It doesn't hurt you. You can even buy little ones at the pharmacy, but I recommend a larger unit that you can probably buy from a chiropractor. I got mine for $80. The ones at the pharmacy are about $30.

    I have been in several serious car accidents (none of them my fault BTW) and have some permanent back injury and degenerative discs. You say you hate yoga, but doing yoga has helped me tremendously. I have gone to yoga classes, but mostly I follow along YouTube videos that are specifically for back pain. I go to the chiropractor every few months and I also get regular acupuncture treatments (which are wonderful) and massage (also wonderful)! So, even with back issues and sciatica, I am very active and have it under control. I am 56 years old and the really bad accident was when I was about 30, so you can live an active life even after back injury.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    I absolutely hate yoga. My husband hates it too, but it's been helping him with his issues... so I'm sure we will do it together lol. I'll ask my doctor about the things some of ya have mentions. I don't know what a TENS unit is. The doctors said without a doubt losing weight would help it. I'm not expecting to be back to normal, but I don't want it to be debilitating.

    A TENS unit is a device that will stimulate the nerves and muscles with small electrical pulses. TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. If you've been to chiropractic they likely put the electrical stimulus pads on you. I have a portable TENS unit and it helps a lot with back pain and sciatica. I put it on and sometimes I will walk around with it on a low setting all day. It doesn't hurt you. You can even buy little ones at the pharmacy, but I recommend a larger unit that you can probably buy from a chiropractor. I got mine for $80. The ones at the pharmacy are about $30.

    I have been in several serious car accidents (none of them my fault BTW) and have some permanent back injury and degenerative discs. You say you hate yoga, but doing yoga has helped me tremendously. I have gone to yoga classes, but mostly I follow along YouTube videos that are specifically for back pain. I go to the chiropractor every few months and I also get regular acupuncture treatments (which are wonderful) and massage (also wonderful)! So, even with back issues and sciatica, I am very active and have it under control. I am 56 years old and the really bad accident was when I was about 30, so you can live an active life even after back injury.

    thank you for letting her know what a TENS unit was. I didnt get back here in time. :)
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Oh yes! My chiro does that. :) he is also debating using a machine to push my disc back. I just had an updated MRI and he will let me know his decision this week. I'm just happy to hear of people being active even with this crap!