Blaming weight on something else...



  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    No one wants to admit they are at fault for their own failure. I know I'm fat because when I was pregnant I ate my way through VA and didn't stop until a few months ago lol

    It gets on my nerves too when ppl try to blame drugs, society and medical issues for their weight problems. I have a friend that has thyroid issues (among other things) and she has lost almost 100 lbs!!!

    I think anyone can do anything that they put their mind to.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I agree with you on people like to put the blame on what ever they can. Although I am getting fit and losing VERY slowly. My hormones have been out of whack for several years and THAT is definitely has caused me some problems. I think I am getting it under control now but YES there are some conditions that cause problems with weight loss. We can all work around them though
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    So true for MOST cases, not all as you mentioned. But when I was pregnant, I ate for two. Later, prenant with twins - yep, I ate for three. Now it's me and I am eating for me.

    I like the results and like most people I wish they were faster, but with kids ten years apart, I appreciate that ten years of packing on the pounds and opposed to the three years I have been more diligent in taking them off, with some slips and gains, but the overall trend is still down!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I also blame it on a lack of education, and sub par sources of information on the subject.
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    No, I don't completely blame PCOS for my weight gain.. I believe beer had a lot to do with it. That and being sedentary for the past 10 years.. but PCOS sure doesn't help and it also makes it more difficult to lose.
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    I blame my weight on Stress, stress from having Lupus, which in turn I have to take steroids everyday. I also blame my weight on my bad eating habits and moving to another state where I knew no one. No matter what you blame it on, its up to you to change it. Since being diagnosed I have tried a little bit of everything to bring my weight back down. My entire life I have been 115-125lbs the most ,ranging from a size 0 to a size 4. Although I am losing the weight and doing great, as soon as a Lupus flare up comes, my legs and albow and all other joints get too sore for me to workout or to go to work. I do agree with you, but health issues with medications does play a major part sometimes. My husband had to give me alternatives for working out when my Lupus flares up, he has been in the medical field for over 15 years.
  • I have to admit the depo injection made it easier for me to gain weight, but so did sitting on my backside, not exercising and eating too much.

    As others have said, some people need to fool themselves and convince themselves that it isn't their fault...until one day they wake up and make a change.

    My mum has a severe thyroid problem and sometimes out of the blue her weight changes, either a drastic gain or drop, without anything in her life changing. However she goes to the Dr, gets her meds readjusted and works on getting her weight back to where she wants it by changing her diet.

    Medication can be a factor, but it isn't everything. I'm sure you wouldn't be prescribed something that made you gain 100lb while eating 1500cals a day and exercising because it would probably cause more problems than it would cure. But then again i'm not a doctor so what do i know :flowerforyou:
  • I recently gained almost 20 pounds in about 4 months. This was all in my belly/abdomen region.

    I had not gained but 10 pounds over the last 10 years, so this sudden weight gain certainly had me concerned. I hadn't really changed my eating habits (which were not the healthiest anyway). I went to the family doctor for a regular checkup, and he found my TSH level low and couldn't find any other reason for my sudden "swelling" of the abdomen. (I had also been experiencing some foot/ankle swelling). He sent me to a endocrinologist, who ran a boatload of tests, only to say that I might be predisposed to thyroid issues, but currently wasn't having any.

    I was still concerned, so I scheduled an appointment with my gyno. I have a family history of cervical/ovarian cancers (that's why I had a partial hysterectomy in 2001), and several ladies at work kept telling me that a swollen adbomen is often a silent sign of ovarian cancer.

    So I go to my gyno, express my concerns, and guess what? With my age (42) and my short stature (5'2"), she said that she sees this a lot. She puts me on a 1200 calorie/day diet--told me to do this for 3-4 months, and let her know if the "swelling" got better. The next day, I found this site looking for calorie counts, and since June 1, I have lost 12 pounds, and the majority of my "swelling" in my belly.

    So I blame SOME of the excuses on the medical profession. Doctors are afraid of offending people, so they give them an excuse for weight gain. This was the THIRD medical professional I had consulted, and the ONLY one to have the balls to say that I'm just getting fat from overconsumption of calories. I actually had no clue about how many calories a day that I was consuming. This site helped me quickly learn to make better choices with my calorie budget.

    Thank goodness that my gyno had the balls to say this to me!

    Now that I have taken off some of the weight with only calorie restrictions, I plan to start a regular excercise plan. I just do some sporadic excercising now. I'm still wanting to lose another 13 pounds, but I also want to firm up my tummy too.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I got fat 'cause I wouldn't stop stuffing my fat face.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I agree with you on people like to put the blame on what ever they can. Although I am getting fit and losing VERY slowly. My hormones have been out of whack for several years and THAT is definitely has caused me some problems. I think I am getting it under control now but YES there are some conditions that cause problems with weight loss. We can all work around them though

    I agree with these posts, but I also feel we all know our own bodies, know if we're on the right track, or just using excuses. I agree with this post in that, whether there are medical issues, medication, age, etc., "we can all work around them". This is a personal journey, no matter what others may say. Take care.
  • ronzek
    ronzek Posts: 4
    Sooooooooooooo true! I blew my diet for a couple of days (late night snacks) and it showed on the scale. It's not the fault of my medications or the people around me. I have but one to blame.....ME! When I stick to the calorie count on my fitness pal then the weight comes off. When I go over my calorie count and don't exercise to make up for it, then the weight doesn't come off. It ain't rocket sience.
  • Kailapea
    Kailapea Posts: 7
    Accountability. Many people lack it, especially those with addictive behaviors. It is so much easier to blame anything else, then to admit it is our own lack of self control that puts us in the position that we are. I take several meds that have contibuted some to my weight gain. But I am not fooling myself, my love of ice cream and bread is the bigger factor. ::indifferent:
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I have a thyroid problems and asked my specialist about weight gain/ inability to lose weight. He told me that is a very common misconception that even most general practicioners believe and have led their patients to believe. According to him, "low functioning thyroid is rarely the cause of weight gain or the inability to lose. " It made me so sad to hear (and a little miffed) but I did pay more attention to what I was eating. I joined MFP and have been losing weight since. I guess maybe the doctor was right:grumble:

    However, I still maintain that Depo Provera is evil. I gained nearly 20 pounds in 3 months time after my first injection. This was back in my skinny days. I know I didn't just pull up a chair at the buffet so I really dont know what else could have caused me to go from 120 to almost 150 in 3 months. Needless to say, I'm not on that anymore. It took my body a full year to get that out of my system.
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    My doctor and nutritionist full out blame my constantly changing thyroid condition for my weight gain. Considering I eat pretty much the exact same now that I did when I was gaining weight. I admit I ate a bit more fattening food that I don't eat as much now. But I don't think that this website is for getting into arguments or for where the blame goes. And I'm honestly sick and tired of reading forums on this website about stuff like this.

    Mind your own business if you don't like it.

    I wasn't trying argue. The fact that you are losing weight now shows that there was something that you could do about it.

    And as far as minding my own business, that's a two way street and you certainly did not have to click on this post to read.

    Good luck on your thyroid issues and weight loss journey!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I blame it on grocery prices being so high for healthy foods. We live paycheck to paycheck for us to buy healthy food. Its nothing to spend $75-100 a week on our family and about $40 or so is produce and healthy snacks alone. The sad thing is, I shop the sales and use coupons like you wouldn't believe and still spend a fortune.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    My doctor and nutritionist full out blame my constantly changing thyroid condition for my weight gain. Considering I eat pretty much the exact same now that I did when I was gaining weight. I admit I ate a bit more fattening food that I don't eat as much now. But I don't think that this website is for getting into arguments or for where the blame goes. And I'm honestly sick and tired of reading forums on this website about stuff like this.

    Mind your own business if you don't like it.

    THANK YOU. I've been overweight and on diets since I was 2. When I was 2 I looked like I was five. Highly doubt I was shoving the chocolate and bad food down my throat then.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Whoa. Everyone is getting defensive. The OP said she UNDERSTANDS that some medical conditions and medications make it easier to gain weight....however, MANY people use it as a simple excuse to not manage or lose weight.

    If you (general you) know when you begin to take a medication that you are going to be more prone to gaining weight, it will be all the more crucial for you to watch what you eat. Clean eating and staying as active as you physically can.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    I blame it on aliens.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I do believe are some meds out there linked to it. but MY PROBLEM!!?? I STUFFED MY FAT FACE WITH GOOD UNHEALTHY FOOD AND BEER!!! LOL
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    As A Child I was put on predisone for 1-2 weeks atleast once a month, then my asthma got so bad I had to take it every day for about 2 years. I was never a thin child,but it was during that 2 years that I gained a lot of weight that perpetuated an unhealthy eating pattern. Do I blame the medication, you bet your *kitten* I do. However now as an adult, I realize that while the medication my have started the root cause of my weight gain, there IS something I can do do fix it. I fully believe that medications can cause weight gain, however I am learning that we can curb that weight gain by watching the things we eat.
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