How do people burn 1k cals?



  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    it really depends on how much you weigh and what your average heart rate is. MFP compiles all exercises you log throughout the day and just totals everything up so it looks like a lot was burned in one workout. Plus I think a lot of people are using the MFP estimates for calories burned and they tend to be a little high. As long as you are getting adequate calories and are working out 3-5 times per week you'll do well. :flowerforyou:
  • SeanTate
    SeanTate Posts: 1
    For me its a workout at 75% of max HR for at least 1.5 hours - usuallly on a bike. I weigh a bit, so as stated above I burn more calories at any HR than a lighter person. A four hour ride of 60 miles this past weekend burned 3400+. Find an exercise you can sustain your activity with for longer periods.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Are you making sure it just says, "x" burn "x' amount of calories doing "x"? I made the mistake of thinking all the exercising was being done at once when it actually says "including"...which meant the total calories burned was from more than one exercise session. I got so mad seeing that someone burned 800 calories on a 45 minute walk!! I think some people also put in numbers that are way too high!
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    Thanks for the input guys. I was feeling kinda bummed with my low calorie burn. I will invest in a HRM soon enough! Will be my reward when I pass my nursing boards :) Health profession + healthy lifestyle = win!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I hear you and totally understand! I run 4 miles, 5 days a week (45 minute run) and am lucky to burn 300 calories. I know body size and weight has a lot to do with the amount of calories burned and I am fairly small (5' 2"/120 lbs). So I'm guessing those who can burn 1000 calories plus during a one hour workout must be a larger person than I. :flowerforyou:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I've done it by doing 3 exercises in a day, Zumba, Couch to 5K then a long power walk after the jog.
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    I play sports for hour at a time non stop, and I can say that I definitely can believe that I've burned over 1k calories in an hour. Ultimate frisbee is nothing but non-stop running. Sports are when I can feel the most cardio burn, two nights ago a rang my shirt out from the sheer amount of sweat, halfway through the night.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Have you looked at maybe getting your iron levels checked? If your fitness level's okay you shouldn't have trouble getting through more than 30-40 mins of cardio. (Not trying to make you feel bad if your fairly new to exercising or anything...) I'm a runner and I can burn over 1000 if I run for over 80 mins or so. But I was feeling fatigued basically all the time earlier in the year and struggling to get through workouts so I got my iron tested and found it was really low. Now I've been taking supplements for a while it's heaps better. Might be worth looking into.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Totally late to the conversation - but I also think that you are not burning a gazillion calories since you are 5'-2".

    As someone 5'-0 1/2" tall, not only was I sad to see the low burn numbers, but I was also initally shocked by the palty calorie allotment for folks my height.

    How did I end up here? Apparently I was eating the # of calories normally allotted to a 6'-0" man... :laugh: :noway:
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I've done it, fairly regularly, but it's throughout the day, not in one big workout. For example, I work out for an hour in the morning--typically burning about 450-550 calories, then I ride my bike to and from work when the weather permits, which is about 50 minutes total, burning an additional 250-350 calories depending on the route I take, how fast I ride, etc. Later in the day my husband and I usually take our son on a bike ride to a playground which is 12 miles away on the bike, 24 miles round trip. During that ride, I burn about 450 calories. At night, I stretch or do yoga, burning perhaps 80 calories. If I did this all at once, I would likely pass out. I don't do this everyday (like now, when the heat index is 105), but when I do, it is pretty easy to hit 1,000 calories. I also calculate caloric burn by using my HRM, not the MFP totals.
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    The better shape you are in the harder it is to burn calories. Your calories burned is based on how high your heart rate gets. The higher the HR the high the calorie burn will be. The more you workout the better your endurance will get. There are supplements you can take before a work out that will help you increase your energy level for workouts. My trainer has had me try some. I wouldn't fret too much. What a lot of people don't understand is there are different workout zones. The lowest zone is the fat burning zone and you will burn less calories in this zone but a higher % of them will be fat calories. The higher your heart rate gets the more calories but the number of fat calories decreases. For example, someone who burns 1000 calories may have only burned 20 fat calories while someone who burned 200 calories burned 100 fat. It just depends on what you are looking to do. You are supposed to train in all 3 zones throughout the week.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    yeah i did bikram before also when I used to weigh more and I never burned 1000 calories. I dont have a HRM but I use this site:

    I just check my heart rate every 10 minutes and see where I am. I think its somewhat accurate... except I dont know my VO2max.

    hi - before I got my HRM I used this site too and check my heart rate every 5 to 10 minutes and it was actually very close, so I found it a good alternative. I was told to enter 35 for VO2max, as this was average. Maybe do some google research and see if you can learn more.

    I am 133 pounds and have a very low resting heart rate, so to build it up to the cardio zone levels takes alot of work but wtill won't result in a 1000 calories burn unles I were to go (like someone else mentioned) on a strenuous hike for several hours. Power walking like I do every day wouldn't do it.

    The one thing I see alot here is large calorie burns but then folks don't eat them back. I'm watching their weight loss stall out as they become cardio junkies!! So keeping the NET calories to your appropriate levels in so important.

    Best of Luck!
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    Have you looked at maybe getting your iron levels checked? If your fitness level's okay you shouldn't have trouble getting through more than 30-40 mins of cardio. (Not trying to make you feel bad if your fairly new to exercising or anything...) I'm a runner and I can burn over 1000 if I run for over 80 mins or so. But I was feeling fatigued basically all the time earlier in the year and struggling to get through workouts so I got my iron tested and found it was really low. Now I've been taking supplements for a while it's heaps better. Might be worth looking into.

    I may have to look into this cuz back in high school I had iron deficiency anemia and had to be excused from gym. I take a womens multivitamin that has iron in it but sometimes I tend to forget to take them. Maybe I am anemic again.

    Oh so its a total of the workouts for the day. I see. I might have to split mine up also cuz I think I have more energy during the afternoon.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    ....I walked one of my 'normal#' dog walking routes last night (just over 7 miles), and burned just short of 1200 calories. I know it IS cardio exercise, but it a) needs doing at least once a day with having four dogs and b) is my chill out time. What a BONUS that it also gives me lots of yummy calories to eat back lol

    I also go hillwalking, which regularly burns me 3-4000 calories. So 5-6000 calories days aren't too unusual for me. Lucky or what?!
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Burning more than 400-500 cals in a single exercise session is largely BS if done by anyone that hasn't had endurance training or supplemented energy.

    Even the most hardcore athletes drink gatorade and such for the sugar and calories.

    Everyone else can say what they want... but go beyond the 4/500 mark and you'll probably 'bonk'... runners term for when your body runs out of a ready supply of energy.

    That being said, as you get in better shape you'll be able to run faster and farther every time! It will ALWAYS take more than an hour's work to burn 1k.

    For example, I usually get through about 1200 during a rugby practice. BUT of a two hour practice, I log 90, because I KNOW I ain't running my butt off for the full two hours.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    The only way I ever burn that much is when hiking. A fairly strenuous 2 hour hike up (and down) a mountain for me will burn just shy of 1000 calories but I don't get to do it very often!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have a hard time believing anyone actually burns 1k calories in an hour doing anything. I'm not calling anyone a liar, just saying I find it hard to believe.

    I don't know what type of cardio you are doing, but if you can't complete an hour perhaps you should try interval training instead of straight hard core cardio. I can easily do an 1.5 hours of Zumba (well, kinda easily) and once completed a 2 hr Zumbathon (THAT was hard). But I couldn't run for 1hr straight unless I was being chased.
  • ravgirly
    ravgirly Posts: 32
    Try "Insanity" it will kick your butt, but well worth the payoff in caloric burn and in the loss of body fat.

    Insanity and Turbo Fire both give you a high calorie burn due to the interval training. Interval training is one of the best ways to boost your metabolism and really amp up your calorie burn. I wear a Bodybugg so that i will get the most accurate calorie burn. During my HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training), I have burned over 1,000 calories. My last HIIT burned 1,058 calories and Insanity will do the same thing. And as far as doing cardio for more than 30 minutes, it's perfectly fine. And it's okay to pause during those long workouts to catch your breath for a second and go right back into the workout. That is why wearing a heart rate monitor is so that you can monitor your threshholds and adjust accordingly..
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Like me, you are a shorter female. We burn less calories than other people. Its because it requires less for us to get going. It unfortunately means we don't get to eat as much as a 6'11" male. To me, its all good. On me (and i bet you) 4 pounds is literally the difference between pant sizes....Taller people, it could be anywhere from 10-15 pounds. Its all relative!

    Btw, I have done Insanity and P90x. In the last couple months, as you can see I only lost 12-13 pounds, but I went down 2-3 pant sizes....I actually can't even tell you what size I am anymore because I can't wear anything size 0 without a belt. I am not bragging, just trying to prove a point.
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    I do some plyometrics and jillian michaels dvd. I burned 400 calories on plyo once at 50 minutes. I just need my energy back... Maybe its due to just finishing my TOM and I dont have enough iron stores and my body is tryin to recuperate?

    Thanks so much for all the comments and suggestions. I just finished jillian michaels workout. Maybe il do another 30 minute run later.. energy and weather permitting (95 degrees right now). :explode: