25-30 year olds looking to lose 50pounds



  • esneer1
    esneer1 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 29, with 50-60 to lose. Down 10lbs in January. I have an open diary - feel free to add me.
  • LearyMKE
    LearyMKE Posts: 2 Member
    Last week kind of stunk for me with client lunches, and dinners out with friends. Gained 1.5lbs but had a great time with friends so that's a plus. How is everyone else doing?!
  • kellansmommy11
    kellansmommy11 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey everybody! First of all, it's so great to see so many people that want to support each other.

    I started in June, and I have lost 55 pounds. I have another 30-50 to go. I'm 30 years old, wife, and mom to a six-year-old boy. If anyone would like to add me, that would be wonderful.
  • KatieBaack
    KatieBaack Posts: 97 Member
    LearyMKE wrote: »
    Last week kind of stunk for me with client lunches, and dinners out with friends. Gained 1.5lbs but had a great time with friends so that's a plus. How is everyone else doing?!

    I have a feeling that's how this week is going to be for me!
  • chandelrispin
    chandelrispin Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 25 and have 20 pounds since last year. I would like to lose another 25-30. Feel free to add me!!
  • taylormarysmith
    taylormarysmith Posts: 4 Member
    ShowKitten wrote: »
    You all might like this group https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/118006-superchicks-2017

    Weekly weigh ins, challenges and support :)

    Thank you!
  • fitgirlcookie
    fitgirlcookie Posts: 54 Member
    Yes! Sign me up. I am 27 and would love to get off 50lbs maybe even more.
  • taylormarysmith
    taylormarysmith Posts: 4 Member
    LearyMKE wrote: »
    Last week kind of stunk for me with client lunches, and dinners out with friends. Gained 1.5lbs but had a great time with friends so that's a plus. How is everyone else doing?!

    This is really good for me to read. One of the things my girlfriends and I love to do is eat dinners out (and of course there is wine :smile:) but I can often feel guilty after, especially because I SO badly want to lose this weight. I love that you said "but i had a great time with friends" because I often forget to put everything in perspective.
  • kma565
    kma565 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 30 and looking to lose 50 by my wedding in August! Please add me for accountability and motivation!
  • mrskcreations
    mrskcreations Posts: 26 Member
    28 looking to lose 40 lbs. I'm already on track if my scale would catch up someday, haha.
    I'd love to make friends to keep me on track. :smile:
  • reneebenoit648
    reneebenoit648 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm 25, Mom of 2 and I have more than 50lbs to go but 50lbs is my first goal! To date since January 8th I have lost 10lbs. Please add me! :)
  • porkchopss
    porkchopss Posts: 14 Member
    29 and 50lbs to lose! Feel free to add me! Always down for motivation!
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I'm 26 and I want to lose 40-50 pounds. Current smaller goal is to lose 15 by the time change which is March 12th. I set that goal on Jan 2nd and I've lost 7 pounds so far.
  • aferr12
    aferr12 Posts: 27 Member
    How's everyone doing with weight loss? I've only lost on average 1lb a week and I'm not losing every week. So frustrating, but I know it's my fault. I also haven't logged the past 2 days, so I'm doing that again. Already logged breakfast. :smile:
  • Curvycurly223
    Curvycurly223 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 27. 48 pounds down and 52 to go. Feel free to add me! I follow LCHF and keep my diary open. I'm a daily weigher so if those notifications might annoy you consider this your warning :smile:
  • projectskinnyli
    projectskinnyli Posts: 6 Member
    Add me! 28 50+ lb to lose.
  • katrina6823
    katrina6823 Posts: 70 Member
    Only half a kilo down this week but any loss is better then no loss, hope everyone else is still getting success!
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    25, 26 next month looking to lose about 50 or a little more!
  • I'm 29 and just hit my goal weight of 145 (starting at over 200#s). Now I'm pregnant and will have to be careful during this pregnancy not to undo all of my efforts. I'm always willing to inspire, motivate, and encourage you. Feel free to add me. I lost naturally without fad weightloss products, and in eight months I'll do it again
  • jennfeustel123
    jennfeustel123 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm checking in with everyone... I'm terrible at consistent "check in's" but this is where I'm at:

    I have lost 20# since January 1 and am working on the next 10, and then the next 10 and then the last 10 to eventually hit my goal of 50# lost. I started attempting a Whole30 in January, and made it 24 days in. I started another try at Whole30 this past Monday and am now on day 5. I am also on day 5 of the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. :smile:

    Going good this year. I have a wedding in 3 weeks and I'm pushing hard also to fit into a bridesmaid dress! :wink: