Fighting depression & trying to get back on track



  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    alijtd wrote: »
    I don't have much advice, because I'm just starting again on my "last" last time, but I have depression, I'm pretty sure an undiagnosed binge eating disorder to go with it, and it is so hard to stay motivated.

    This is probably counter-productive after a while, but I do find that the busier I keep myself, the less depressed I am. When I have free time I tend to sit around, which leads to binge eating, weight gain, and overall feeling like I'm not worthy of being beautiful.

    Currently I work FT, I have 2 kids and a husband and a home, and I'm in college PT. Trying to take each day in baby steps: yesterday I took down the Christmas tree and rearranged the living room, today my sister is dropping by my office so we can walk together. I just need to give myself something to do each day and I'll be OK.

    I also just weaned my "baby" over the weekend, so I plan to switch my anti-depressant from Zoloft generic to Wellbutrin to help with energy levels, sex drive, and motivation.

    Good luck to you on your journey.

    I think it was Zoloft that made me lose my ability to climax. Hooray for Welbutrin! It's also a little speedy, which I find very helpful.

    It's tough to find the right one for a lot of us. I have zero side effects with Zoloft and had a terrible time on Welbutrin.

    Once I added in a regular lifting program, I was able to cut my Rx in half too.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    I'm another one with issues with depression. I go through periods where I have few issues then others with a serious inability to function. Exercise helps me, and most especially spending time in nature. A good hike will lift me up for a couple of days, while a TM run will just keep me going until bedtime. Both help. When I don't want to exercise, I do it anyway, because I know from experience that I will feel better if I do and worse (mad at myself) if I don't. I also find watching what I eat to be helpful, because it is something I have real control over, unlike many other things in my life.
  • fitRTs
    fitRTs Posts: 58 Member
    Depression is incredibly hard to explain to others who haven't dealt with it. It's nice to have people who understand the struggle.

    -Getting out and actually exercising is really hard, but I generally feel better afterwards. However, telling myself that isn't often helpful in actually getting me up and active. I have a dog - that's the real helpful thing for me because I have to get him his exercise. I swear, he makes every day so much better for me.
    -Having someone I can walk with who I'm close to and who understands the things I'm going through (or at least tries to) is really helpful and can push me to do more.
    -As a few others have mentioned, nature (especially on sunny days - that serotonin boost!) is really a benefit if you're able to get out there. I have one of those special lights that mimics the sunlight, which I sometimes pull out in the winter when the days are shorter.
    alijtd wrote: »

    I think it was Zoloft that made me lose my ability to climax. Hooray for Welbutrin! It's also a little speedy, which I find very helpful.

    I was on zoloft from the age of 11 (with dosages increasing as my age did). As an adult, I started to recognize a lack of sexual stimulation, lack of sex drive, general zombie-like feeling which i believe is somewhat common for some people on the drug. Even when adding Wellbutrin in college, I still had very little sex drive and felt like a zombie. So recently, I've gone off the zoloft completely and am just on the wellbutrin. Will see how that goes. The wellbutrin definitely helps with my emotional eating, I think it makes me less likely to binge. I think that finding the right combination for me will (hopefully) be really helpful.
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    Thank you for the kind words everyone and sharing your experiences as well
  • carriewallace76
    carriewallace76 Posts: 3 Member
    Behxo wrote: »
    I lost 30 lbs last year but gained it all back, (5'3" female, currently 179lbs) depression hit because of health issues, especially alopecia universalis (I'm a bald girl) causing more body issues, and other personal issues. I think depression has got to be one of the toughest things that keeps people from sticking with it, and sometimes it's just hard to find the slightest ounce of will power. Only time can heal to help fix some of those issues, but with anyone fighting such a terrible thing, were there any tips that helped you stay on track?

    I know that most of it is up to me, but even the smallest things that could get me through could be a huge help.

  • carriewallace76
    carriewallace76 Posts: 3 Member
    My 17 year old Daughter has Alopecia too. It is so tough. You are very pretty. Beautiful eyes! Keep that beautiful head up girl!!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I got you in the feels. I lost about 80, gained about 40 back, today I was having such a bad self-image day, and I'm still recovering from surgery so I just feel like a useless lump so to say I'm depressed would be about right. For me the most important thing is to fill out my diary, it's not the thrill of doing it, of being all green (cause it aiiiin't), it's just filling it out and knowing that I'm doing the best for me as best as I can each and every day. If I get too depressed, I try and get out and about, even if it's just going for a drive or to sit at a bench at a nice park (too many people makes me agitated), or even just watch a bunch of funny YouTube videos to make me laugh. The most important thing to remember is that there are people that care, and you're not the only person to feel the way you do and if you need to talk to a therapist to help you, there's no shame in that. It's okay not to be okay. And I think you're beautiful! You have beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile.
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    My 17 year old Daughter has Alopecia too. It is so tough. You are very pretty. Beautiful eyes! Keep that beautiful head up girl!!

    Thank you so much, I hope your daughter is doing well also
    Afura wrote: »
    I got you in the feels. I lost about 80, gained about 40 back, today I was having such a bad self-image day, and I'm still recovering from surgery so I just feel like a useless lump so to say I'm depressed would be about right. For me the most important thing is to fill out my diary, it's not the thrill of doing it, of being all green (cause it aiiiin't), it's just filling it out and knowing that I'm doing the best for me as best as I can each and every day. If I get too depressed, I try and get out and about, even if it's just going for a drive or to sit at a bench at a nice park (too many people makes me agitated), or even just watch a bunch of funny YouTube videos to make me laugh. The most important thing to remember is that there are people that care, and you're not the only person to feel the way you do and if you need to talk to a therapist to help you, there's no shame in that. It's okay not to be okay. And I think you're beautiful! You have beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile.

    Thank you for sharing your story, I hope you recover quick and best wishes on your journey. Also for the support, somedays are good while others are bad, but I will get through it... I'm on week two in a row right now which I havent done in awhile, so I'm on track again it seems like. ]