Detox Cleanse - Headache Migrane Help



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    demorelli wrote: »
    @ninerbuff I believe that as long as this is a community forum, I am allowed to speak. Just because you don't agree with my opinion does not give you the right to tell me to stop giving it.

    The problem is that you are offering your opinion as truth, when in fact it is your personal misguided, untrue, totally not based in any type of real science, opinion.

    Opinions are offered thousands of times a day here. Should there be different standards for opinions outside the mainstream?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited February 2017
    The headache is caffeine withdrawal. First time I cut coffee, mine lasted for 3 weeks. This is my guess anyway.

    The next time I did it, I worked myself slowly down to no coffee. From 3 cups to 2 cups to 1.5 cups to 1 cup to 0.5 cup to 0.25 cup (cutting some of these with decaf) to just decaf to nothing. Next to no headaches.

    Also interestingly... the third time I cut coffee... I did it right after a trip to Europe where all they had was espresso based drinks. I had almost NO withdrawal at all even though I cut those cold turkey when I got back (and didn't start up on coffee again). I wonder if it was such a different amount of caffeine or if the ingredients were somehow different... or if I just drank enough water through the trip that it helped. No idea what happened there.

    Are you sleeping alright? Try to get enough but not too much lol.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    demorelli wrote: »
    @ninerbuff I believe that as long as this is a community forum, I am allowed to speak. Just because you don't agree with my opinion does not give you the right to tell me to stop giving it.

    The problem is that you are offering your opinion as truth, when in fact it is your personal misguided, untrue, totally not based in any type of real science, opinion.

    Opinions are offered thousands of times a day here. Should there be different standards for opinions outside the mainstream?

    They shouldn't lead the uninformed down the path to misinformation and untruth. Other than that, opine away.

    What's untrue about this?

    "...while your body does have awesome filtering systems, they weren't designed to handle air pollution, pesticides and hundreds of chemical additives in our foods, heavy metals in our beauty supplies."
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    The headache is caffeine withdrawal. First time I cut coffee, mine lasted for 3 weeks. This is my guess anyway.

    The next time I did it, I worked myself slowly down to no coffee. From 3 cups to 2 cups to 1.5 cups to 1 cup to 0.5 cup to 0.25 cup (cutting some of these with decaf) to just decaf to nothing. Next to no headaches.

    Also interestingly... the third time I cut coffee... I did it right after a trip to Europe where all they had was espresso based drinks. I had almost NO withdrawal at all even though I cut those cold turkey when I got back (and didn't start up on coffee again). I wonder if it was such a different amount of caffeine or if the ingredients were somehow different... or if I just drank enough water through the trip that it helped. No idea what happened there.

    Are you sleeping alright? Try to get enough but not too much lol.

    The caffeine withdrawal was easier after the espresso habit because espresso is made with very darkly roasted beans and the more you roast coffee beans, the less caffeine survives the process - that's one of the major reasons that breakfast blends in the US are mostly light roasted beans (more caffeine to create a bigger kick in the morning).
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    demorelli wrote: »
    @ninerbuff I believe that as long as this is a community forum, I am allowed to speak. Just because you don't agree with my opinion does not give you the right to tell me to stop giving it.

    The problem is that you are offering your opinion as truth, when in fact it is your personal misguided, untrue, totally not based in any type of real science, opinion.

    Opinions are offered thousands of times a day here. Should there be different standards for opinions outside the mainstream?

    They shouldn't lead the uninformed down the path to misinformation and untruth. Other than that, opine away.

    What's untrue about this?

    "...while your body does have awesome filtering systems, they weren't designed to handle air pollution, pesticides and hundreds of chemical additives in our foods, heavy metals in our beauty supplies."

    Add the next sentence that she typed...that's what untrue.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    demorelli wrote: »
    For some people, cleanses can be beneficial, as long as they're done well. Since this cleanse is based on eating whole foods rather than a fasting cleanse, it sounds like one of the better ones. Please keep in mind that the ultimate purpose of cleansing is not weight loss, but based on the idea that while your body does have awesome filtering systems, they weren't designed to handle air pollution, pesticides and hundreds of chemical additives in our foods, heavy metals in our beauty supplies. Cleansing is meant to give your body's natural filters time to rest and catch up on processing the poisons in your system by exposing yourself to the easiest to process foods only in their most natural state. There are a lot of people who will tell you that cleanses are useless or even harmful, and some cleanses are, but a whole foods based cleanse is a wonderful thing if your goal is overall health.

    With that being said, if your salt levels are too low that can cause dehydration or water toxicity which could be one possible cause of headaches. If it's caffeine related, talk to your trainer about 1-2 cups of green tea per day for the remainder of your cleanse which could ease your symptoms with a low dose of gentler caffeine. Lastly, the length of your cleanse is important. Eating at this much of a deficit for more than a couple weeks is unhealthy. If it's more than a couple more days, increase your protein and fat sources (adding a couple eggs might be a good idea) and maybe more high carb fruit/veggie options.

    Here, I bolded the sections that were most concerning...
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I have a hard time believing that because I support the idea of ohmiactualgosh eating only whole, natural foods for a short period of time, I must be an uneducated bumpkin. Obviously since I am on an electronic device to post on these forums, i weigh convenience and general quality of life upgrades highly enough to not recommend uprooting your entire lifestyle to avoid 100% of all contaminants everywhere. But the fact that eating whole foods is being attached purely because it has the word "cleanse" is completely ridiculous. Yes, I understand that there are many many terrible, worthless, horrible, awful cleanses out there. The word has been used and abused in a thousand different ways. But condoning a couple weeks of meat and vegetables isn't a crime against humanity.
  • jouttie
    jouttie Posts: 109 Member
    Oh I know those caffeine withdrawal headaches! I had a (mad I'd say) dermatologist who told me that, to get rid of the warts I had on my fingers, I should cut out coffee and something else, cannot remember what it was but I didn't consume it anyway, and swallow some globules she refused to tell me what they were. For some reason - I am obviously madder than her - I went along with it. After three days I was dizzy, headachey, walking into things and in tears. My friend took me to the nearest café and, two coffees later, I was laughing. Never doing that again! Also, when I get a migraine (such as two days ago) I desperately need coffee to calm the pain. And a WHOLE Terry's chocolate orange and a bucketful of Coke to boot - cannot explain the science behind that but hey, it works!
    Enjoy your coffee girl!
    Oh and I got rid of the warts by getting some special anti-wart plasters from the chemist's!
  • jouttie
    jouttie Posts: 109 Member
    PS. Listen to your body. It knows what is good for it.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    1,200 calories a day for a 310 pound person is downright negligent. Not only is your PT incompetent, he/she is an a**hole.

    Find a way to graciously relieve yourself of their services and seek out a more reasonable approach to weight loss.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    demorelli wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    If there were so many toxins in your body that your liver and kidneys need a "break" in order to filter them all out, you'd need a hospital, not a cleanse.

    Please explain why cancer, food allergies, and many other diseases are almost nonexistent among the Amish.

    Being Amish is a way of life,not a diet. No cigarettes,no alcohol,no multiple sexual partners (which increases women's risk of cervical cancer )....
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I'm not forgetting. I'm just too exhausted with arguing to go dig up all the studies that back up what I've been saying, especially when no one else has supported their arguments against me with research either. Frankly, I'm done with the forums for the day, I'm done with reading the personal attacks. In done with every single human being that finds it okay to bash people rather than sending a private message offering to non- toxicity talk with me about scientific proof that I'm wrong. I'm remembering now why my depression and anxiety had me avoiding these forums for over two years.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Similar symptoms in the beginning of a ketogenic diet, it's definitely from dropping off too fast. You really ought to have been advised to cut back slowly for at least two weeks. You've shocked your system with a sudden lack of glucose... Your trainer is wrong to suggest this is necessary because it's not unless you have a health condition requiring it. Your headache will go away after a cup of coffee and a slice of toast just fyi.