Insanity max 30 accountability



  • jinglesfit7339
    jinglesfit7339 Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing max 30 as well. Am in my last week of month 1. Day 1 I maxed out at 3:02min now with progress I have been able to max out at 14:45 with tabata strength. It's a great workout. Good luck to the newbies. Feel free to add me
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    How do I add friends??? Or request to be added? This is stumping me!

    Also, I maxed out at 8:13 this morning and then modified for probably the last 5 minutes. This workout was the hardest for me to keep up with so far. I am not coordinated when it comes to the bent ski hop hop move. I could not keep pace.
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    How do I add friends??? Or request to be added? This is stumping me!

    Also, I maxed out at 8:13 this morning and then modified for probably the last 5 minutes. This workout was the hardest for me to keep up with so far. I am not coordinated when it comes to the bent ski hop hop move. I could not keep pace.

    I tried to add you can't seem to do it either. Is this the sweat interval one? Day 3? I found it hard. A lot of hand eye coordination required!
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    I am doing max 30 as well. Am in my last week of month 1. Day 1 I maxed out at 3:02min now with progress I have been able to max out at 14:45 with tabata strength. It's a great workout. Good luck to the newbies. Feel free to add me

    Nice! How have you found month one?! Have you weighed yourself throughout?
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2017
    Wow you guys are off to a really great start! My month one max outs were at about only 3 minutes XD lol. Oh and take a before picture. I regret not taking one so much.
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Yes. Day three. Sweat interval. I did have to watch the moves today more than the last 2 days. The burpee split lunges were hard too. I was behind on those.
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    I am only on day 3 of month one. If I'm being honest, I don't want to take the before picture because I am so mad at myself for allowing myself to regress this badly. I did think about it and you are right. I may regret it at the end but right now I think it would just frustrate me more. I am going to weigh once a week and measure but I don't want to have to "see" it anymore than I have to.

    I have written out my goals and have posted a ton of motivational pictures and thoughts in my garage where I work out. I am anticipating it to be a challenging process but am dedicated this time and having this group will help.
  • rin080382
    rin080382 Posts: 19 Member
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    Good morning. I am just starting insanity max 30 and looking for people to do it with me and report our progress and exchange tips with. Is anyone interested in joining me?

    I started on Jan 24th! Sofar so good, sore...tired...but doing it!
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    I am only on day 3 of month one. If I'm being honest, I don't want to take the before picture because I am so mad at myself for allowing myself to regress this badly. I did think about it and you are right. I may regret it at the end but right now I think it would just frustrate me more. I am going to weigh once a week and measure but I don't want to have to "see" it anymore than I have to.

    I have written out my goals and have posted a ton of motivational pictures and thoughts in my garage where I work out. I am anticipating it to be a challenging process but am dedicated this time and having this group will help.

    Oh yeah, I completely understand. Well just keep it up and you'll get to your goal! ☺️ Glad you are using measurments too, people get too hung up on the scale, and freak out when it goes up.
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Ok. Maxed at 7:47 and YALL!!! Those row push ups!!!! Holy moly!!!! I just laid on my garage floor for the second set. But I'm done for the day. Let's go.
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    The row push ups are tough! @sbcmuse I found it hard to take my before pictures. It was a harsh reality check for me. Anyway, 2 more days and week one is complete! We can do it! I usually do the workout in the morning but today I couldn't. So I've just had to do it in the evening. The old me would have skipped it but I'm really glad I did the workout! I think this group helped motivate me! So thank you guys!!! Woohoo
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    Geekytea wrote: »
    The row push ups are tough! @sbcmuse I found it hard to take my before pictures. It was a harsh reality check for me. Anyway, 2 more days and week one is complete! We can do it! I usually do the workout in the morning but today I couldn't. So I've just had to do it in the evening. The old me would have skipped it but I'm really glad I did the workout! I think this group helped motivate me! So thank you guys!!! Woohoo

    Nice motivation! Glad to hear!
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    Ok. Maxed at 7:47 and YALL!!! Those row push ups!!!! Holy moly!!!! I just laid on my garage floor for the second set. But I'm done for the day. Let's go.

    Wow 7:47? Nice! You are killing it lol!
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Geekytea and jullzgood. This program is killing me but I'll take the compliment.... even if I feel like I am killing nothing but my garage floor.... and some of those women are like frogs! They jump so well and so high. Sigh. If I did not do it first thing I would never get it done after. There's too much going on in the evening. My husband leaves for work at 530 so I have to be done by then And these early mornings are rough. I've heard Friday's work out is a beast.
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2017
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    Geekytea and jullzgood. This program is killing me but I'll take the compliment.... even if I feel like I am killing nothing but my garage floor.... and some of those women are like frogs! They jump so well and so high. Sigh. If I did not do it first thing I would never get it done after. There's too much going on in the evening. My husband leaves for work at 530 so I have to be done by then And these early mornings are rough. I've heard Friday's work out is a beast.

    Yeah it is, Friday is the day you try to push as far as you can, hence the name Friday fight. You'll enjoy it. And trust me, you will get a lot better the more you keep it up. Make sure you land softly to protect your knees and joints and by the end you'll be jumping longer and higher. Don't compare yourself to those people in the program, they were already fit before starting the program. Just try to do better than the last day and you'll make amazing progress.
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Y'all. Friday was not my best day. I maxed at 5 minutes and barely made it to that far. I think I am going to try to do again tomorrow and get my head right. I was tired this morning and did not give it my all. Since tomorrow is pulse and it's on the same DVD I may redo today's work out. By the time I got to 20 minutes my husband came in and needed help finding dress shoes so I paused the DVD and when I came back my stamina and motivation were gone. I finished it but in a very slack fashion. I'm going to redo it tomorrow. Ugh. Keep me motivated people!!!
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    Y'all. Friday was not my best day. I maxed at 5 minutes and barely made it to that far. I think I am going to try to do again tomorrow and get my head right. I was tired this morning and did not give it my all. Since tomorrow is pulse and it's on the same DVD I may redo today's work out. By the time I got to 20 minutes my husband came in and needed help finding dress shoes so I paused the DVD and when I came back my stamina and motivation were gone. I finished it but in a very slack fashion. I'm going to redo it tomorrow. Ugh. Keep me motivated people!!!

    5 minutes? Thats good, Im looking at my chart now, my first Friday fight was 5 minutes too :smile: but we all have bad days. Keep it up! Can't wait to see your times near the end of month 1 :smiley:
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    I found days workout quite tough. But on the other hand, I enjoyed the pace though it was intense as usual. I'm excited to be close to completing 1 week! I'm looking forward to pulse, I might do some yoga afterwards and on Sunday a yoga and core workout. Nothing too heavy. Also, I will was wondering if you all are doing any special diet alongside? Are you following the nutrition plan?
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    I am following the nutrition plan to an extent, but I plan to tighten up more this week. I'm a life long vegetarian but I do eat egg whites even though I don't like them. A lot of my protein sources have carbs in higher amounts so the high protein diet can be a challenge for me. I also like sweets which Is a challenge to get past. Fruits and veggies are not a problem for me as I enjoy them. I need to find a shake I like that does not cost as much as shakeology. Any suggestions? Night.
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    Geekytea wrote: »
    I found days workout quite tough. But on the other hand, I enjoyed the pace though it was intense as usual. I'm excited to be close to completing 1 week! I'm looking forward to pulse, I might do some yoga afterwards and on Sunday a yoga and core workout. Nothing too heavy. Also, I will was wondering if you all are doing any special diet alongside? Are you following the nutrition plan?

    I'm not following their nutrition plan, no. I follow flexible eating, Aka if it fits your macros. Best thing I've ever done, and you aren't constricted to the foods you can eat. It's an eating style I definitely recommend. Been doing it for 3 months and don't plan on ever stopping lol, love it. Look it up :smile: