Insanity max 30 accountability



  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    Well I was following the paleo diet and cutting out diary and milk as well as having a high protein low carb diet seemed to work for me but in the last two weeks I've put on weight. So I'm just trying to figure out the best option. I will look into macros @JullzGood . @sbcmuse I like juicing. The miracle juice is quite good. Though it's high carb because of all the fruit and natural sugar. It's hard to find a balance!!
  • Zoomoon
    Zoomoon Posts: 5 Member
    Just starting Insanity. Have done it before with my daughter a few year back, but can't remember why we stopped halfway through. Hoping this will bring my motivation back especially as the beach holiday is now booked ! Also
    doing this through Beachbody too, so mornings are insanity and evenings, it's the Brazilian buttlift - lots of workout videos to choose from and love the site,
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    It's a Shaun t work out through beach body. I bought mine on Amazon for 40 dollars.

  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    I LOVE MACRO dieting!!!!! I'm on a 40/35/25 blend. I tried lower fat but I like peanut butter too much.

    I like to Juice as well but don't do it as often. I've currently been kicking up my protein with shakes and it is better but I'm a little over them As well. I think I will be switching back Over to the chips later.

    Welcome zoomoon!

    Ok. I need sleep before the super bowl tomorrow. I don't care who wins but the party is at our house this year and I hAve spent all day cleaning. Should be fun!!! I will be having a cheat meal tomorrow.....
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    I LOVE MACRO dieting!!!!! I'm on a 40/35/25 blend. I tried lower fat but I like peanut butter too much.

    I like to Juice as well but don't do it as often. I've currently been kicking up my protein with shakes and it is better but I'm a little over them As well. I think I will be switching back Over to the chips later.

    Welcome zoomoon!

    Ok. I need sleep before the super bowl tomorrow. I don't care who wins but the party is at our house this year and I hAve spent all day cleaning. Should be fun!!! I will be having a cheat meal tomorrow.....

    For real, I don't even care, I'm eating so much pizza and wings today lol
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    Brilliant! I'm looking into it!
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    So I pretty much Just ruined my weeks worth of work at our super bowl party.... I mean.... it's a little crazy here and the food is delicious.

    Back to it in the morning!
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Ugh... today was rough. I made it to 617 and then had to take a breather/water break. I could also feel the wine jostling around in my stomach. Not cool. But it's done so that's good.
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    The main this is that you did it! Well done for today!
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning. I did the Tabata strength today and I am not a very strong upper body person. There were a lot of the push up moves I could not do or had to modify. I'm frustrated with my Fitbit because it said I only logged 10 minutes of exercise. That is very annoying but I entered it as 20 in my exercise count because I did do the entire video even though some exercises were beyond my capacity.

    Does anyone else were a Fitbit? How reliable do you think they are for counting exercise?
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Cardio was kicking my tail this morning. And my arms hurt from all the push ups yesterday.

    EAting cucumbers now. Hope it's going well for everyone!
  • JullzGood
    JullzGood Posts: 62 Member
    sbcmuse wrote: »
    Good morning. I did the Tabata strength today and I am not a very strong upper body person. There were a lot of the push up moves I could not do or had to modify. I'm frustrated with my Fitbit because it said I only logged 10 minutes of exercise. That is very annoying but I entered it as 20 in my exercise count because I did do the entire video even though some exercises were beyond my capacity.

    Does anyone else were a Fitbit? How reliable do you think they are for counting exercise?

    I like the fitbit, but don't use it anymore because I lost it for accuracy? No idea. I used mine for the silent morning alarm. Never really for tracking. I'd get a read heart rate monitor that goes across your chest if you want better accuracy.
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    I made it to 801 today!!! That's my best so far! Yay me!
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    I think I am going to start doing the Friday fight on Saturday morning. I did not do well with it last week and this week my garage was 22 degreees so I did not do it at all this morning. That is the first work out I have completely skipped but I think I will start doing on Saturdays anyway. I'm exhausted by Friday.
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Ok. So I completed the Friday fight on Saturday and then did a gym workout this morning. Does any one have any experience going back and forth? Like one day on the program and then one day lifting or doing more cardio? I feel like I need more than 30 minutes.
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    I'm doubling up this week (i.e. Insanity max 30 am and another workout pm) to try and lose more pounds! I like the 30 mins but I do so see what you mean.
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Are you doing a seperate strength training workout or a different cardio workout? I'm trying to do more weights but I think I may have to rotate the work outs by day to get both in and not exhaust myself. I don't want to add a nightly work out because I get up at 420 am for the morning and I crash at night. I don't know if it would work for me so I'm interested to hear what you are doing.
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    @sbcmuse I'm doing a mixture of cardio and yoga. I'm playing netball in the evening Mondays and Tuesdays. Wednesday pm - yoga Thursday pm - dance Friday pm- yoga. Yesterday and today were tough days tbh! But I powered through! I'm only doubling up because I have a holiday coming up lol but it's majority yoga so it's not so intense. Do you feel the route lacks enough strength work for you?
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    Yes. I am used to more weights through the workouts I have done in the past. I'm hoping that by switching up the days I will tone quicker. The cardio program is no joke.
  • Geekytea
    Geekytea Posts: 42 Member
    Yes, you're right! The cardio is intense! The extra cardio I'm doing is in netball so it's more in a game/training setting. How are you finding week 3?! Can't believe we are nearly half way!
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    I don't feel like I have advanced as much as I had hoped. There are still a lot of the push up type exercises that I cannot do. My times are getting better so I know there is improvement but not as much as I had hoped. What about yourself?