HELP! Please Add Me... 100+ pounds to lose

I need friends to encourage me and help keep me accountable.

In 2004 I was diagnosed with PCOS. This last week I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Last Monday I weighed 303 pounds... The highest I've ever been. I'm ready to change.

I have cut out all sweet drinks. I am only drinking water and unsweet tea. I see the doctor again Friday.


  • domesticlydiva
    domesticlydiva Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I tried to send you a message but there was a "server error" whatever that means. If you'd like to be friends please send me a request. I also need encouragement...maybe we can help each other.
  • melissaeve81
    melissaeve81 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome on your weight loss journey!! 2015 I weighed a little more than you and lost 80 lbs. I was hospitalized and my journey went to Carbs.... I gained over half of that and decided I was healthy enough to get back into it! I started with the gym for three weeks and saw no results other than tone and inches. Im determined exercise and healthy living is the solution. So now I am onto the diet and daily exercise (5 out a 7 at least). Im just staying to my mantra... its about progress not perfection. <3
  • Gr8tDaneLover
    Gr8tDaneLover Posts: 38 Member
    Ive sent all you ladies friend requests. I am also trying to lose around 100 lbs. Watching my calories / carbs and going to the gym. Although Ive only been going 2 times a week lately. Need to get my butt there more often!!
  • april10472
    april10472 Posts: 14 Member
    I also have 100 pounds to loose and am willing to dedicate myself to this 100%
  • sunithapais
    sunithapais Posts: 1 Member
    I too am keen to join you on this journey with 100+ pounds to loose
  • linda212121
    linda212121 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm trying to lose 30 pounds add me too thanks
  • I also have PCOS and find weight loss painfully slow.
    I found a low GI diet is helping me lose weight easier :)
    I'll add you :)
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I have been back for about 3 weeks after a 3 year hiatus (was doing pretty well, and then injuries and health issues happened). Feel free to add me, and anyone else on the this thread as well - a lot of my MFP friends from 3 years ago have moved on.......
  • Kschmidt64
    Kschmidt64 Posts: 18 Member
    I have over a 100-125 to lose. Hang in there life gets better. I am having the gastric sleeve done on just over a month. Feel free to add me as a friend. Remember, you need to eat low fat/carb foods and protein. Pintrest has a lot of ideas. I have a 100 Calorie folder with low fat/carb recipients. Feel free to use them.
  • purpleskunk77
    purpleskunk77 Posts: 1 Member
    trying to lose 100lb too. my goal is 2 lbs a week or 8lbs a month. My weakness is sugar. I am trying not to fall off the wagon. it is very hard. I also need the help ;to not screw up. I know what i need to do. I just need to make sure i stay on track. i have lost 50 before than got pregnant and regain 30lbs.

    so far what i have done:
    no more soda
    (11 years soda free)
    no pasta
    (1 day free) i had mac and cheese last night (kids)
    i try to drink 4 bottle or more water
    (1 year of keeping my goal)
    i count my calories
    (10 days on track)
    I also try to do 10 push ups a day atleast----(1 day on track) :neutral: -(
    i at least try to do 20 mins of cardio- walking, elliptical, boxing on xbox, dance on xbox
    i also been trying to make sure i get 10,000 steps a day- really hard for some reason - i am guessing i am just that lazy.

    I don't have money to join a gym- so i do what i have to do. :)
  • monie1022
    monie1022 Posts: 1 Member
    I too need to lose over 100lbs. I was dx with PCOS as a child and I have continuously gained weight every year. I am currently 32 years old and weighing 281lbs. I have 2 daughters (6 and 10 years old) and work full time so by the time I sit down at night I am exhausted. I need to get myself back and live not only for them but for myself. I spend all my free time between dance, karate and soccer for them and I use this as an excuse to ignore my own wellbeing/health. I am happy to find a group of women like yourselves so that we can build relationships to keep ourselves motivated and focused on our well being. I would appreciate if you could add me also to the group.
  • 3 years ago I decided to finally get healthy. The extra 200 lbs that I was carrying was literally destroying my health. PCOS diabetes arthritis. I was in constant pain and miserable. I finally dedicated my life to getting healthy. I lost 100 lbs in a year.
    After the first 100 I hit a wall. Long painful story short I realized that I was working so hard to deal with my physical issues and I had don't nothing to deal with the emotional reasons I gained all that weight. I had to face the music again...and I did.
    This year I've decided it's time for weight loss 2.0 :) 100 lbs down and 100 to go! I would love to have some accountability buddies. But I honestly struggle being accountable to people that have little weight to lose. Dropping that last 20 and extreme weight loss is EXTREMELY different.
    I will try to add u guys but when I try I get an error message so please add me
  • jaclynxanne
    jaclynxanne Posts: 16 Member
    Hang in there! It gets better! I have a thyroid issue that makes it difficult to lose weight and I'm prediabetic so I know it's scary when you realize you have to get your life In order! I gained about 50lbs in the first year being with my boyfriend and since June I've lost 35.6 of it- I still have a long way to go but feel free to friend request me and we can share secrets and keep each other motivated !!!
  • shaylabruton
    shaylabruton Posts: 8 Member
    I have used MFP before and lost close to 50 pounds. That was four years ago and since then I have gained it back plus some. I'm looking to get back at it and really step up my game this time. Would love some more friends to help keep me motivated and just help me with questions I may have. And I'd like to help others as well, if I can.
  • AceyFace87
    AceyFace87 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello there! I used to weigh 340 and I have lost about 70 pounds since 2012. You're welcome to add me. :)
  • carmel199
    carmel199 Posts: 56 Member
    I wish you the best of luck you can do it. Feel free to add me .
  • JoJosAnatomymfp
    JoJosAnatomymfp Posts: 178 Member
    I have added you. Best of luck.
  • shalynwarfield
    shalynwarfield Posts: 1 Member
    I too wish to lose about 100 lbs. Starting weight was 293, the highest I have ever been. Currently 280 after about three weeks of clean eating and low carb intake. Would love more friends and motivation on MFP. Add me if you like. Good luck on your journey.