2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • MotunStrong
    MotunStrong Posts: 2 Member
    Here to help.

    Former collegiate athlete turned Zumba instructor from 2012 to 2016 who is currently going solo via beach body's P90x3 and other home fitness videos/you-tube. Having lived in the gym since middle school (4 season athlete from middle school to college), my new policy is an anti-gym membership. I have nothing against gyms; they are great places to meet, greet, and get fit. However my new perspective is to cultivate a life style where I can be fit, without shelling out $$ each month and only using my membership 50% of the time.

    Looking to mentor and motivate anyone that wants to get healthy, and stay healthy in a way that is both cost effective and time flexible (at home fitness can be done whenever you want as opposed to getting dressed, driving 20 minutes, working out, getting showered, getting dressed, getting stuck in traffic on the way home... you get the picture).

    I am here to motivate, but also to be inspired by my mentee as we get fit and stay fit and healthy together.
  • ekritter7
    ekritter7 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm "up for adoption" as well.

    18 year old female
    Starting weight: 168
    Current weight: 162 or so
    Goal weight: 150 by this summer
    I mostly run on an elliptical and do some body weight workouts for exercising. I aim for around 1500 calories a day (to lose about a pound each week)
    I have a history of eating disorders so I'm trying to go about this very carefully and to keep myself from getting to obsessed with my weight. I want to focus more on how I feel than on how I look.

    Please adopt me!!!

    Message me or add me and we'll chat :)

    Much love ❤️
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    @aelunyu and @MotunStrong

    Thank you for taking on adoptees! I encourage you to reach out to recent posters looking to be adopted and folks looking for mentors please check the list in the OP.
  • mslesnett
    mslesnett Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone, i wanna be mentored. Alittle background info on me: im 30 y/o 5'11" 192 "powerlifter" my goal is to become bigger and stronger. Im trying to figure out what macros i need to reach my goals. My hardest part is figuring out how to eat
  • misserin122
    misserin122 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm "up for adoption" and would love to get connected with someone who knows a little more about this lifestyle than I do at this point. I'm a 26 year old female and I have 50 lbs to lose. I love doing anything outdoors, especially hiking. I will admit, I'm not the greatest with consistency in my workouts or healthy eating, so I'm looking to improve on that. If anyone is interested in adopting me, feel free to message me!
  • OldSportOldsport
    OldSportOldsport Posts: 275 Member
    Hi, I'm happy to offer my services as a mentor, especially to someone who is new and unsure about where to start at all, or coming from a place where exercise isn't yet their key goal. I'm not done with my own journey (lost from 208 lbs to 150 lbs, in the process currently of losing 15 more lbs) but I have a lot of help to offer when it comes not just to healthy choices and diet input, but also encouragement.
  • djcroxton
    djcroxton Posts: 2 Member
    I need help! Hello everyone, My name is Deborah. I'm a wife, mom, grandmother and greatgrandmother! I've been overweight all my life and have lost and regained a lot of pounds. I really want to get healthy, fit and lose this weight. I currently weigh 211. I started at 240, 2 years ago and was doing good until family interrupted my progress but managed to stay around 220. Now I'm back and would like to have an accountablility partner. I also need help with meal planning and recipes, Thanks, blessing to all!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Aaand MFP lost my post-to-be...
    @Kepplekakes, I'm truly sorry to hear of your struggles as of late. If you check out my mentor-bio at the beginning of this discussion, you just might find that I understand. Please reach out to me if you think we'd be a match!
  • DianBudram
    DianBudram Posts: 33 Member
    Can someone adopt me. I'm 41 years old, I have been on yo-yo diets most of my life. I can't seem to get it right. I'm 5'7" and 232 lbs. I'm looking to lose 50 lbs. on February 5 implemented sometime new. Meal prep! I think if I meal prep every week, exercise, and log my food I can do very well. I struggle with consistency! This where I can benefit from someone's help.
  • tracyclewis1
    tracyclewis1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to be adopted! I am not NEW to MFP at all and I've been battling with my weight for as long as I can remember. At one point in my life I used to way almost 300 lbs (that was 17 years ago). I tend to fluctuate 30-40 lbs over the years and I just want it to stop. Looking for an accountability partner to help keep me motivated to go go gold this time. If no one wants me that's cooooo ...let's just be friends all the same!
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    irishanne wrote: »
    I would like to be adopted! I am a 57 year old female with over 100 pounds to lose. I have tried many fad diets and have never been successful at losing weight. This time I am concentrating on calories in/ calories out. I would really like to have someone to encourage me on this journey. My husband tries to be supportive, but at 6'3" and 160 lbs. he has no real idea of my struggle.

    Hi Anne - My name is Anne too! I'm 56 and have lost approx. 140 lbs. in about two years. I've been on MFP since August 2014. Feel free to message me if you're interested. You can and will reach your goals. MFP is a great place to start.

    Wishing you much love and success.
  • one3six
    one3six Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a 30-something mother of two children under 6, and I'd love someone to help keep me accountable.
  • ravenwil333
    ravenwil333 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like a mentor please

  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, I'm a working mom in her 40's looking for a mentor to help further my knowledge on nutrition and fitness and hold me accountable! I enjoy lifting weights and have a pretty decent set up at home, along with a treadmill for cardio. I do need to lose the fluff but know that the number on the scale is not the end goal.

    Thank you to all the volunteers - this is such a great thing!
  • jenrami2012
    jenrami2012 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2017
    I would love to be adopted!!!!
    My name is Jenny I'm 28 years old and I weigh 205. I gained 115 lbs during my pregnancy and now I'm work really hard to loose all this weight by the end of this year.
    I currently work out 4 days a week cardio and heavy weight lifting.
  • adammeynell86
    adammeynell86 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, going to throw my hat into the ring to mentor here, first hand experience and knowledge of diet, nutrition and fitness, strength and endurance based both generalised and event specific, having achieved both 300km hikes and 20 mile obstacle course races, I also understand and can empathise with the emotional aspects of diet, and disordered eating, having gone through (and still facing up to) some of it first hand. Quite happy to help one or two people with goal setting, planning and analysing and offering feedback on successes and setbacks, as well as listening to the hardships everybody on here faces at some points, whilst being more than willing to hold people to account.
  • tookist
    tookist Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'd like to be adopted! I'm actually a little bit of a special case-I'm a dietitian in training, so I wouldn't really need nutrition or fitness advice. I mostly just want a empathetic ear while I go through my journey...lol.
  • JonesJM8
    JonesJM8 Posts: 38 Member
    I would like to be adopted.
  • AJBalsman
    AJBalsman Posts: 4 Member
    I need adopted!! Please and thank you!!

    I am 25 working in a human resource department, yes it is an eight hour a day desk job!
    Although I absolutley love my job it is keeping me from being active. I would like someone to motivate me to stay on track. I have recently started a weight loss journey (again) in the past I have lost over 30 pounds, but unfortunatly I have gained it all back plus more :neutral: after college and being less active. I need to lose over 50 pounds! I start my day off great but as the day goes on I find my motivation is gone. I would like someone to help me throught this process and maybe give me ideas on food items that have helped them stay on track as well as some simple excersise routines that also help.

    Thank you in advance!

  • jessVanL
    jessVanL Posts: 20 Member
    Hey guys I'm a 21 year old female psych student from cape town, south Africa looking for a mentor to help me to loose weight in a healthy sustainable way that takes into account that I don't have time for meal prep and cooking.
    I am a waitress and I work 8-12 shifts a week and in between I have to study and do assignments.
    i would say I'm fairly active but I don't go out of my way to do exercise. My current weight is 70 kgs and I'm 1.76m tall , my lowest weight in the last 3 years is 58kgs but I'd be happy to get to 60kgs
    Please someone adopt me
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