How do handle when your SO doesn't believe in you?

How do you handle it when your SO doesn't belive in your goals or support you? Is it jealousy, resentment or?????


  • That's normal but if it makes you a better person on the inside too then it will be better in the long run.
  • Sedu1906
    Sedu1906 Posts: 145 Member
    Could be any number of things. I'd just keep pushing with hopes they'll get on board. I'm sure he/she will come around.
  • Bones2Toned
    Bones2Toned Posts: 73 Member
    If I find out my SO doesn't believe in me or my goals and isn't supportive of what I'm trying to do, I leave. That said, I'm not married and don't have kids, so the stakes aren't really that high for me.

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Do it for you that's what is important
  • Momtafo
    Momtafo Posts: 48 Member
    You do what you want with your body. All that matters is what you feel about yourself! :)
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Not sure about your SO. But others above are right, do it for you, there is no other valid reason to stick to your goals. However, I can say this. Start now on your core, I have many of the same, and some worse, back issues you have due to years of being out of shape and re-injuring previous injuries and previous back surgeries. Strengthening your core won't cure things, but it'll sure make it hurt less and keep you from re-injuring yourself. I work out 90 minutes a day five to six days a week, and I devote at least 30-45 minutes of that time to nothing but my core. I've been doing that for well over a year and now have many days where I have almost no back pain at all. It's a great feeling after being saddled with that pain so long you just get used to it. Regardless of whether you lose weight or not, building a strong core can only be a bonus.
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    It could be either of those things. Or maybe you doing good things for yourself makes them judge themself harshly. The bottom line, though, is that you have to do it for yourself. Taking care of yourself is your job, first and foremost. If your SO doesn't like it, that is his/her problem. If it is a big enough problem for you, I encourage you to say and/or do something about it.
  • escvelocity77
    escvelocity77 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2017
    It could also be insecurity on his part. I don't pretend to know anything about your life, but I have ran across some people who do not support their partners weight loss because they treat their partner's insecurity (feeling unattractive) as a glue to keep the relationship together. I know of a woman who is in a relationship with a man who does nothing but criticize, insult and belittle her ( About her weight ). Behind her back he flirts, ogles and engages other women (for his own self esteem). I don't know if he has actually cheated, but I honestly wouldn't put it past him. She puts up with the behaviour though. I'm sure she loves him, but her self esteem is so low, I don't think she will ever put her foot down. He has her right where he wants her. So, no matter what..Do it for you, your health, your confidence and self esteem.
  • fitdiva1day
    fitdiva1day Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I have seen relationships where one purposely sabotaged the other during a time of self improvement. I can't honestly say my hubby does this but on the other hand, a little support..or even a little faith in me would be nice. I'm partly confused because he has always supported other endeavors I've been involved in and had a lot of faith in me. He has never had to worry about his weight and has never dieted. Actually, It's almost like he's day he will eat what I eat and be all like "yes, honey, you can do this I know you can"...then he gets a little drink in him and suddenly " no, I don't have faith that you can do it". I know...a bit perplexing.
    I will say this tho. I've always been a go-getter. And when someone tries to tell me I can't do something I'm chomping at the bit to make it happen.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Not rely on outside validation.
  • NewGemini130
    NewGemini130 Posts: 219 Member
    Maybe you can have this heart to heart chat directly with him, when you're both calm and rested :)
    Give him a couple of specific things you'd like him to do or say and give him the opportunity to change it- maybe he will prove you wrong if you are sincere about what you want or need.