Staying on low carbs

Hi guys I'm trying to give up carbs , it's so hard , how can I stay on track ? I don't eat vegetables so I'm struggling to find foods to eat xx


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited January 2017
    No veggies? Doesn't sound like low carb is a good fit. Barring medical issues you don't need to go low carb to lose's all about the calories anyway.

    Here's a link to a low carb group - you'll find more info than on the general forum
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi guys I'm trying to give up carbs , it's so hard , how can I stay on track ? I don't eat vegetables so I'm struggling to find foods to eat xx

    Why are you giving up carbs?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi guys I'm trying to give up carbs , it's so hard , how can I stay on track ? I don't eat vegetables so I'm struggling to find foods to eat xx

    Vegetables *are* carbs, but yes, I'd suggest joining that group and reading the LAUNCH PAD there. It could help clarify things, and give you some ideas....
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi guys I'm trying to give up carbs , it's so hard , how can I stay on track ? I don't eat vegetables so I'm struggling to find foods to eat xx

    Vegetables are primarily carbs, but yeah, if I was doing low carb (my carbs are kind of low-ish right now, around 100 g most days, but I'm doing this because I find it easier and wouldn't if I thought it was hard) I'd definitely eat lots of vegetables. Without them I really don't think the diet is healthy (but then I don't think any diet is healthy without vegetables unless there's a serious reason for it, like a digestive issue or they are not available).

    I think there are people in the low carb group who are "carnivorous," though, and others who claim that vegetables aren't important, so that might be a good fit.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    Giving up refined carbs is a great idea. Carbs aren't an enemy though, between veggies/fruits, hearty grain breads, brown rice, etc. A lot of it really comes down to less calories in than out. Personally, if I go without carbs, I'm always hungry. I've made my peace with them and I feel a lot better! :) But gotta do what works best for you.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    It can help to ease in. Start at the lowest you can easily do then gradually reduce your daily intake by 10 g every week or two. That makes it easier to find ways to fill in with other vegetables and such as well helping with the carb flu. That's how I did it at least.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Meat, cheese, and eggs. Be careful about processed meats, though. Breaded meats will have carbs, and meatballs usually include something with carbs as a binding agent. With those foods, you are going to have only trace amounts (cheese varies quite a bit based on how it is processed).

    I find my counter-top (George Forman brand or similar) grill to be very helpful. I use it for steak, pork chops, chicken breast, sausage, and hamburgers. With things like hamburgers, I eat it with a fork and knife instead of using a bun to eat it. Also, I use reduced sugar ketchup because it is lower carb (usually 1g per hamburger patty for how much I use). Mustard and dill pickles are also low carb, so the only thing I don't have on a hamburger is the bun.

    When eating fast food, I get burgers without buns. This probably doesn't interest you, but maybe another reader: When going to Subway, I get salads. Depending on what meat (i.e. not meatball) and dressings you get, a salad can be very low carb. Some of the veggies have small amounts of net carbs, but still is pretty low. I love Arby's, though there isn't one nearby, so it is only on a weekend when I'm out and about (nearest is around 70-80 miles away from where I live). I'll get the max roast beef with no bun. Fast food places will put bun-less burgers in a tub, but since the max roast beef doesn't really have other stuff on it, it ends up being just a tub full of roast beef. On occasion, they will put a piece of lettuce in the bottom, but usually I just get a tub of delicious roast beef and a fork. Then I don't have the stale bun getting in the way of the delicious meats.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    If you don't eat vegetables, you are likely to have a real issue with constipation. Do you eat salads?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Sugar, refined grains, grains, starchy root vegetables and tropical fruit are highest in sugars and carbs. Veggies tend to be the lowest carb count in carby foods. Nuts too. If you won't eat vegetables then you could eat small amounts of nuts, low GI fruits and grains, or just skip plant matter entirely.

    As another said, people do live as carnivores and do so quite healthfully.
    If you don't eat vegetables, you are likely to have a real issue with constipation. Do you eat salads?

    Many find the reverse to be true on a LCHF diet. The higher levels of fat get things moving even better than vegetables. Add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil to your day and you'll see what I mean. ;)
  • kayleexbabeex
    kayleexbabeex Posts: 55 Member
    Iv also tried to cut down/out carbs whilst I'm on my weight loss journey. I still have some carbs but only include them in my diet a few times a week. Iv cut out rice/pasta/potatoes/bread... iv substituted potatoes for sweet potatoe and some rivitta crackers instead of bread. Carbs are part of a balanced diet so it is ideal that they are included in some way or swapped x
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    I've had success with low carb, high fat. I eat veggies, some fruit (wine and berries, daily) -- up to 50 grams of carbs a day and try to stay in ketosis. I've learned to cook low carb versions of foods I miss e.g. bread, pizza, macaroons etc. Get this and this and start looking at recipes for what you crave. I also recommend the low carb forum which has great information. My cravings, blood sugar, resilience have been much better -- so I can continue and not give up.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    My vegetable intake consists of green beans and lettuce, with an occasional broccoli or pepper combo if I'm making stirfry. I have a goal of less than 75g carbs per day and generally don't have an issue staying under. Meats (everything from steak to pouches of tuna), cheese's, some nuts, eggs, protein powder, and mayo are my pals.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    See the LCD group. I don't do low carb but I think for people who are pre-diabetic it could be the way to go. I wouldn't do it unless I had some health issue that needed addressing that this could help though because vegetables are yummy and have a lot of micro-nutrients. My opinion.
  • carolinepradeswascowdry
    Thanks for replies guys , I've never liked vegetable since I was little , but carbs put my weight up , if I give them up the weight falls off , but I'm struggling as I love carbs , xx
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    Thanks for replies guys , I've never liked vegetable since I was little , but carbs put my weight up , if I give them up the weight falls off , but I'm struggling as I love carbs , xx

    This isn't the whole story. Your body needs carbs, there's a reason you love them :) The thing you'll want to do is eat more protein. You can eat carbs, it's ok, but try and change up your macros so that protein is higher, and carbs are a bit less, not much, but a bit, while your total calories are the same as before. Focus on getting that protein and the carbs will take care of themselves. I find high protein in the morning works really well. If you can do it, try to change up the carbs you eat to ones that aren't too processed. The 'wholesome' (you know the ones) carbs will make you feel more full, and the refined carbs won't, so you might eat more of them.

    You sorta need some vegetable too though. Gotta get those vitamins. ;)