btotheboo Posts: 1 Member
edited February 2017 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone, I have lost about 25lbs since OCT/NOV time frame, without counting calories. I seem to be at a plateau. I am hoping to reach my goal of 50lbs lost by May. I have been looking into drinking protein shakes for awhile now. But really do not know much about them. Have they helped you lose weight? When is the best time to drink them? Do you replace meals with them? What brand do you perfer the best? And any other information and tips about it? Thankyou so much!


  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    Do they help? No, you could still go over your calories a day with drinking them. Only a caloric deficit will.

    When to drink? I suppose its what you want to drink them for and what kind of protein you are having

    Brand and type? Again this is based on goal, taste preference etc.

    I rely on protein powder and pre mixed ones because I am very very busy and this is truly a simple and yes, lazy way to have a quick breakfast or snack. I don't use them in a weight lifting program. For me they are a helpful tool just like my food scale, lunch box etc.

    My PERSONAL favorite? Syntha 6 in chocolate. This is for taste. I mix mine with water on the go so that is huge for me.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Personally, I don't like them as a weight loss tool because I want to EAT FOOD and I want to FEEL FULL-- and protein shakes just don't do that for me. I'd rather have half a head of napa cabbage stir-fried with some onions and spicy curry sauce, which is a dish that will make me fill satisfied and full, and actually has fewer calories that some protein shakes.

    Now, I do occasionally use whey protein powder (usually in oatmeal) or rice protein powder (usually in salads) as a cooking ingredient to up my protein intake, but I make sure I have the calories in my budget for them.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    There is nothing special about protein shakes that help with weight loss. Only a caloric deficit will lead to weight loss. If you like protein shakes and they fit into your calorie and macro goals, then drink them.

    The scientific consensus is that there is no benefit to protein timing. You should consume enough protein during the day, whenever you feel like eating it. You don't need to eat it right after a workout if you don't want to.

    There's no "best" shake, just the one you like best. You can buy prepackaged shakes or single serving packets of many brands and see which ones you prefer.

    I use protein powder and bars because otherwise it can be tough for me to get enough protein in my diet. Also, I just like the taste of my Clif Builder bars :) I do some baking with Orgain chocolate protein powder.
  • Kevindagul
    Kevindagul Posts: 19 Member
    Maybe try counting your calories?

    I've been using protein shakes for after the gym, and sometimes in my oatmeal for breakfast.

    My favourite is Optimal Nutrition Gold Standard.
  • Canehdn
    Canehdn Posts: 122 Member
    I'm at 154 from 185 from last year. I have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch. They're filling and I can take almost anywhere.

    Mine consists of:
    2 scoops of Optimum Nutrition protein
    1/4 cup ground oats
    2 TBSP chia seeds or ground flax
    8 oz almond/cashew milk
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Protein shakes don't help with weight loss, they are a protein supplement. If you want to replace a meal with a shake, you really should use a meal replacement shake, or add other stuff to your protein shake to make it nutritionally complete. Personally I find I need to chew to feel satisfied, a shake always leaves me hungry sooner than real food.

    If you haven't been calorie counting, maybe try logging for a couple of weeks to see where you are spending your calories and what you can tweak to get to the right level. You don't have to do it forever if you don't want to, but at least it will give you some data to work with :drinker:
  • cuadrado12
    cuadrado12 Posts: 43 Member
    There have been studies that show people are more satisfied when they actually chew their food rather than drinking a shake/smoothie. I wouldn't make the switch just for the purpose of weight loss.

    How do you feel like your eating is going? Are you eating enough? The reason I'm asking is because sometimes when your calorie intake dips so low, your weight loss kind of plateaus and it's harder to lose weight. This is common for a 1200 calorie diet (I know you said you weren't counting but just giving an example).
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    Don't use them for weight loss. They aren't filling for me, so I don't replace meals. I drink them on occasion if I'm light on protein for the day. But I always drink them and eat something with it. I just make sure it all fits in my calorie goals. Optimal Nutrition Gold Standard is my preference.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    I use them as a meal replacement most days so they do help me lose weight in that sense. But if you're just adding protein shakes to what you already eat, it's not going to help.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    They are a.marketed suppliment.

    Seems many people new to lifting or weight loss feel they are magic. Like it will add muscle or shred the body.

    They have their place, but as a meal replacement I personally think they aren't worth the money.

    You can eat skinless chicken breast, tuna, eggs, beef jerky etc...and more than likely feel more full and sustain weight loss for the same amount of calories if you are eating in a true deficit.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    btotheboo wrote: »
    Hey everyone, I have lost about 25lbs since OCT/NOV time frame, without counting calories. I seem to be at a plateau. I am hoping to reach my goal of 50lbs lost by May. I have been looking into drinking protein shakes for awhile now. But really do not know much about them. Have they helped you lose weight? When is the best time to drink them? Do you replace meals with them? What brand do you perfer the best? And any other information and tips about it? Thankyou so much!

    They're just supplements to help you hit your protein targets...they have absolutely nothing to do with weight loss. They are also insufficient nutritionally speaking to be a meal replacement...they're just a protein's not any different than just eating some chicken...just more convenient to carry around.

    Also, as it is in liquid form, it's not going to be as filling as, say, eating some chicken. I do supplement, but I try to meet most of my protein needs with solid foods.