Im so confused! Weight gain??! pls help :(

So years back while i was single, working on my feet all day and exercising 6 days per week for 60 minutes resulted in drastic weight loss. I lost over 100 pounds at one point. After getting pregnant 8 years ago and being put on bed rest, i gained 70 pounds. Since then i held steady at 233. Since then ive had 2 more kids.I am a stay at home mom these days. I will mention i nursed my kids and am currently nursing my youngest. A year ago, without diet or activity change, i gained 10 pounds over 2 ish months when i began riding my stationary bike daily. I quit because of the gain. I even questioned having cushing disease because if it. The scare of seeing my weight increase so much so fast was terrifying. I have since been trying to take the weight back off. Im very aware of what i eat. All organic, all home made, no chips or junk... I only drink water all beit not enough as everyone says i should. Occasionally i eat a small treat when i make them for my kids but i try to avoid having anything in the house that may cause me to eat more than i should. If anything, i eat too little. I am to consume1800 calories per day but thats a struggle for me as by dinner time, i tend to have 1000calories or less in and dinners i make are typically light on calories. My calories burned daily according to my fitbit are around 3000. I have been aiming for 1000 deficit. Exercise has been difficult because of the littles and i realize im not a hairstylist rushing around all day 5 days a week anymore so that doesnt help.

My point is, since Christmas, i have been going to they gym. I go 6 days a week for 60 plus minutes. I have been using my fit bit and tracking everything i consume. My average "steps" with exercise has been about 13,000. ( before then it was 5000 on a good day)

At the gym I use the tred mill for 30-50 minutes, a speed of 3mph and i alternate the incline from 0-10 at various intervals. I dont run. Then i use the elliptical or arc trainer for 20 minutes or longer if i feel physically able to do so. a few days a week i will use their weight machines as well.

My weight has not budged, my clothing still fits the same. The only change i see is my stamina increasing slightly.
I weighed 241 pounds a week or so ago and today the scale read 244 pounds. I could cry. It was so easy to drop the weight years ago and over the years all that has changes is my activity level.. my diet has remained the same from day one, way back when i learned what healthy eating was about. At one point someone said i was consuming too little so i was in starvation mode.. i dont believe that. My ob said i needed 2200 calories in just for my body to live so i should eat less than that which is why im not loosing.. i dont understand that either. This was never so complicated!
Any advice? Please,,, and Thank you!


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    can you open up your dairy here? settings>dairy>radio button that says public

    are you weighing and logging EVERYTHING
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    it seems to me that as we age we need less calories so it is easier to lose when we are young and more active . i dont think its age per say its just that we dont use as many calories ,, for example when i was young i had to fix my own car ,, now i can afford to pay someone else to work on it .

    That being said , i try and track all my calories and normally can look at my log and see why im not losing .. i tried to eat GOOD once and that just didnt work for me ,, i have to track calories .. I just set up MFP with my numbers and try to eat those calories . I cant out exercise my food intake so i have to control what i eat .

    Good luck
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    Have you ruled out medical issues through a doctor? If so the sad truth is that you are likely eating more than you think. It happens. You can gain weight eating all homemade organic food if you eat more than you expend. Do you use a digital food scale to weigh your portions? Accounting for cooking oils, condiments, cream in your coffee? It all adds up. Most of us have been there.
  • californiastylin
    californiastylin Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2017
    I dont have anything logged there yet. I am new here. i have been logging everything on my fit bit app. I have been logging everything, even down to a single cracker stolen from my kids leftover lunch :) My diet is pretty much the same every day. 2 eggs and 1 whole wheat toast for breakfast along with some sort of vegetable like carrots or sweet bell pepper. A snack mid morning of a 70 calorie fresh motzerella cheese pack. lunch is normally a turkey sandwich and a serving of veggie straws or a low calorie freezer meal. Dinner is chicken of some sort with 2 forms of canned vegetables ( i dont eat the whole can of veg of course) Occasionally a potato. If i snack any other times its a yogurt or what ever fruit i have in the house. I may drink 4 glasses of water a day. I never feel hungry until i get home from the guy around dinner time.
  • blondierunner2015
    blondierunner2015 Posts: 129 Member
    Have you had your thyroid and vit d checked? My thyroid was messed up after 4 kids and nursing them all. My Vitamin D was REALLY low. I ached all the time, like I had the flu..only I didn't. Anyway, getting that regulated helped some. For me, calorie counting, does not work, my body reacts to sugar and bread, so I had to lower them considerably to begin any weight loss. I am a runner, and it helps a bit, but the nurtrition was my issue. I LOVE junk food, but I had to make that change. I still eat simple carbs, but at a minimum, eat lots of meat, and good fats and vegetables and fruit, basically paleo -ish type diet. I have lost 12 pounds in January and working on my next 10 month at a time. I feel amazing. It took two days to kind of detox, and then I felt better. I am not very hungry anymore, etc. Oh, and I had my gall bladder out in the summer and got to my highest weight, because simple carbs and I just did not get along. I realized I HAD to lower them. Veggies, fruit, meats, cheeses, eggs, coconut oil, avacado oil, real butter...all made the difference. I will use low carb tortillas every now and then, stuff like that, but not every day. I eat nuts and berries, I drink coffee, lots of water and carbonated waters like La Croix in the flavors for a "coke" type drink. I order burgers with no buns, sonic chili dog with no bun, grilled chicken breast and green beans at KFC, etc. If this gives you an idea or helps. (Maybe too much info) Everyone is different, but this is the ONLY way I have been able to drop any weight, even with running.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    log everything - do this for like a month and then adjust based on what you are seeing/weighing - gained weight adjust calories down - but you won't get a good idea of changes that need to be made unless you are logging
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Log your calories in accurately and honestly for 4-6 weeks. Accurately means use a food scale for solids, account for condiments, cooking oils, etc. Food scale for everything, including the slices of bread, pieces of fruit, etc. You need a passage of time (and that's why I suggested 4-6 weeks) to be able to see a trend form. You don't lose weight in a day, or necessarily in a week. But eating at a deficit over a longer period of time should result in weight loss.

    Starting a new exercise routine, or increasing your workout intensity, leads to temporary water weight gain which is most likely the reason for the +3 after you started going to the gym.
  • perris101
    perris101 Posts: 15 Member
    I've just started 2 weeks ago logging all my food etc staying under 1300 cal per day I'm 180 lbs and 5.2" so
    I really. Need to lose I walk 20 min daily. 4 days per week...I feel like I've lost a little around stomach stopped drinking coke. Eating healthier
    What else can I do to get to At least 140 lbs?
  • clags301
    clags301 Posts: 69 Member
    You are missing the "calories in" part of the equation. Healthy, whole food still adds up to 2000 calories very quickly. Weight and measure every bite - I think you might be surprised to find how many calories you are consuming. I would also track exercise at 1/2 value to start and adjust after that, once you have your eating logged and you see how that's working for you. Measure, weigh, log, eat. No guessing.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    •Start using myfitnesspal to track food, not your fit bit.
    •Input your stats and a reasonable weight loss rate goal (0.5 or 1 pound per week loss rate) to get your calorie goal
    •get a digital food scale and weigh everything for logging accuracy.
    •stop doing so much cardio, do more weights/resistance training
    •make sure you reach your protein goal each day, think of this and your fiber as minimums not limits. You can find this in "nutrition" -> "nutrients"
    •try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day- 4 cups is not adequate.
    •try to sleep 8 hours per night
    •if you drink, quit alcohol for the time being

    FYI I used to exercise a ton and eat all organic and clean and I maintained being overweight and even gained weight doing that because my portion sizes were too large and my little treats and snacks were more calorie dense and often than I realized. But once I started tracking and using myfitnesspal I immediately started losing weight. You probably gained weight that time you were using the stationary bike because cardio stimulates appetite so you were probably inadvertently eating more. That used to happen to me when I first started exercising and was doing a lot of hiking. Take heart, I used to feel like you do- like I used to be able to lose weight so easily but now it seems impossible... it's not. Just count those calories and be patient, it WILL work.
  • californiastylin
    Have you had your thyroid and vit d checked? My thyroid was messed up after 4 kids and nursing them all. My Vitamin D was REALLY low. I ached all the time, like I had the flu..only I didn't. Anyway, getting that regulated helped some. For me, calorie counting, does not work, my body reacts to sugar and bread, so I had to lower them considerably to begin any weight loss. I am a runner, and it helps a bit, but the nurtrition was my issue. I LOVE junk food, but I had to make that change. I still eat simple carbs, but at a minimum, eat lots of meat, and good fats and vegetables and fruit, basically paleo -ish type diet. I have lost 12 pounds in January and working on my next 10 month at a time. I feel amazing. It took two days to kind of detox, and then I felt better. I am not very hungry anymore, etc. Oh, and I had my gall bladder out in the summer and got to my highest weight, because simple carbs and I just did not get along. I realized I HAD to lower them. Veggies, fruit, meats, cheeses, eggs, coconut oil, avacado oil, real butter...all made the difference. I will use low carb tortillas every now and then, stuff like that, but not every day. I eat nuts and berries, I drink coffee, lots of water and carbonated waters like La Croix in the flavors for a "coke" type drink. I order burgers with no buns, sonic chili dog with no bun, grilled chicken breast and green beans at KFC, etc. If this gives you an idea or helps. (Maybe too much info) Everyone is different, but this is the ONLY way I have been able to drop any weight, even with running.

    I have not seen a dr specifically for my weight but i ask them about it when ever im there. My dr said the same thing, i may be underestimating so i started weighing everything and logging it all. I asked about wether a health issue could be the cause and he said no. I asked about Cushings and both drs i asked kinda laughed and said no. My family dr did just check My thyroid about 4 months ago due to palpations. It was normal. My vit d was checked about a year ago and although in the good range it was not as high as the drs said it should be. i think the number was 40.. and i take 5000 mg of vit d daily.. calcium and mag. too. My ob said my calories are too low and breastfeeding can make weight loss difficult. The cardiologist i saw for the palaptations said to drink more water.
    I have tried paleo in the past. according to my old facebook posts it did cause a little weight loss but my dr advised against it because they said it would cause vit. difficencies like vit a.
    I do log EVERYTHING including my coffee and the 2 tbs of sugar/flavoring that i put into it. I dont use condiments any more.. i dont like to snack but if i do, i include that too. If theres a food that i need to weigh to get the right portion size then yes, i do that. What i eat is generally easy to count up.. 1/2 cup of cereal, 1 cup of milk... 1 egg boiled, etc. 1 cracker is tough though but i still count it. i may be over estimating but im certain im not under estimating my calories in. Im not trying to make excuses.. im doing everything i know to do except increase my fluide and track my fat, protein etc.. i only count the calories.. apparently my fit bit doesnt do that.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    unfortunately we can't give you any advice on your diary because its blank here - since you use your FITBIT

    1/2 cup of cereal - how much does that 1/2 cup weigh? how does that compare to the g size listed for the serving

    i.e. my evening bowl of cereal is 3/4 a cup or 29g...but when I measured 3/4 of a cup - I got closer to 45g of cereal...which makes it easy for calories to add up
  • californiastylin
    •Start using myfitnesspal to track food, not your fit bit.
    •Input your stats and a reasonable weight loss rate goal (0.5 or 1 pound per week loss rate) to get your calorie goal
    •get a digital food scale and weigh everything for logging accuracy.
    •stop doing so much cardio, do more weights/resistance training
    •make sure you reach your protein goal each day, think of this and your fiber as minimums not limits. You can find this in "nutrition" -> "nutrients"
    •try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day- 4 cups is not adequate.
    •try to sleep 8 hours per night
    •if you drink, quit alcohol for the time being

    FYI I used to exercise a ton and eat all organic and clean and I maintained being overweight and even gained weight doing that because my portion sizes were too large and my little treats and snacks were more calorie dense and often than I realized. But once I started tracking and using myfitnesspal I immediately started losing weight. You probably gained weight that time you were using the stationary bike because cardio stimulates appetite so you were probably inadvertently eating more. That used to happen to me when I first started exercising and was doing a lot of hiking. Take heart, I used to feel like you do- like I used to be able to lose weight so easily but now it seems impossible... it's not. Just count those calories and be patient, it WILL work.

    --Less cardio is a scary thought as its been ingrained into my being that cardio is a must to burn calories. I know weight training builds muscle which then burns fat and increases metabolism.. etc. But to ease up on the cardio is scary. I hate the cardio and would much rather do weight training but still.. scary. I dont drink, dont smoke.. I sleep well at night but do wake up because of the kids. no problems going back to sleep. i consume little food, including not nearly enough fruits or veg.
    Any chance not getting enough food, fiber and water, alond with breast feeding could in fact cause my body to store all i take in, especially now that im doing cardio this often? I cant grasp this concept myself but since its been suggested im wondering if it could.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    •Start using myfitnesspal to track food, not your fit bit.
    •Input your stats and a reasonable weight loss rate goal (0.5 or 1 pound per week loss rate) to get your calorie goal
    •get a digital food scale and weigh everything for logging accuracy.
    •stop doing so much cardio, do more weights/resistance training
    •make sure you reach your protein goal each day, think of this and your fiber as minimums not limits. You can find this in "nutrition" -> "nutrients"
    •try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day- 4 cups is not adequate.
    •try to sleep 8 hours per night
    •if you drink, quit alcohol for the time being

    FYI I used to exercise a ton and eat all organic and clean and I maintained being overweight and even gained weight doing that because my portion sizes were too large and my little treats and snacks were more calorie dense and often than I realized. But once I started tracking and using myfitnesspal I immediately started losing weight. You probably gained weight that time you were using the stationary bike because cardio stimulates appetite so you were probably inadvertently eating more. That used to happen to me when I first started exercising and was doing a lot of hiking. Take heart, I used to feel like you do- like I used to be able to lose weight so easily but now it seems impossible... it's not. Just count those calories and be patient, it WILL work.

    --Less cardio is a scary thought as its been ingrained into my being that cardio is a must to burn calories. I know weight training builds muscle which then burns fat and increases metabolism.. etc. But to ease up on the cardio is scary. I hate the cardio and would much rather do weight training but still.. scary. I dont drink, dont smoke.. I sleep well at night but do wake up because of the kids. no problems going back to sleep. i consume little food, including not nearly enough fruits or veg.
    Any chance not getting enough food, fiber and water, alond with breast feeding could in fact cause my body to store all i take in, especially now that im doing cardio this often? I cant grasp this concept myself but since its been suggested im wondering if it could.

    No. There is no way your body can store all that you take in. Our bodies require energy to run -- there would never be a situation where your body could run on nothing at all.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    •Start using myfitnesspal to track food, not your fit bit.
    •Input your stats and a reasonable weight loss rate goal (0.5 or 1 pound per week loss rate) to get your calorie goal
    •get a digital food scale and weigh everything for logging accuracy.
    •stop doing so much cardio, do more weights/resistance training
    •make sure you reach your protein goal each day, think of this and your fiber as minimums not limits. You can find this in "nutrition" -> "nutrients"
    •try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day- 4 cups is not adequate.
    •try to sleep 8 hours per night
    •if you drink, quit alcohol for the time being

    FYI I used to exercise a ton and eat all organic and clean and I maintained being overweight and even gained weight doing that because my portion sizes were too large and my little treats and snacks were more calorie dense and often than I realized. But once I started tracking and using myfitnesspal I immediately started losing weight. You probably gained weight that time you were using the stationary bike because cardio stimulates appetite so you were probably inadvertently eating more. That used to happen to me when I first started exercising and was doing a lot of hiking. Take heart, I used to feel like you do- like I used to be able to lose weight so easily but now it seems impossible... it's not. Just count those calories and be patient, it WILL work.

    --Less cardio is a scary thought as its been ingrained into my being that cardio is a must to burn calories. I know weight training builds muscle which then burns fat and increases metabolism.. etc. But to ease up on the cardio is scary. I hate the cardio and would much rather do weight training but still.. scary. I dont drink, dont smoke.. I sleep well at night but do wake up because of the kids. no problems going back to sleep. i consume little food, including not nearly enough fruits or veg.
    Any chance not getting enough food, fiber and water, alond with breast feeding could in fact cause my body to store all i take in, especially now that im doing cardio this often? I cant grasp this concept myself but since its been suggested im wondering if it could.

    find a balance between cardio and strength...if you want to keep up the cardio - do it, but add in 2-3 days of strength training a week (it doesn't have to be a lot - I do 30-45min as part of my triathlon training in addition to my swim/bike/run)
  • californiastylin
    What kid of weight training should i do? Im a pear shape.. the bulk of my weight is my upper legs, thighs, butt and lower abdomen.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I agree that it's likely due to you eating more than you think and exercising less than you think. 99.9% of the time, this is the issue.

    However you are breastfeeding. This should make it easier to lose weight. But it does have a hormonal effect too which might be part of the problem (though I doubt it's the whole problem).