Got a promotion at work... more time unfortunately...



  • Brocksterdanza
    Brocksterdanza Posts: 208 Member
    Ding ding... we have a winner... plus I have to eat lunch and monitor the cafeteria at the same time.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    First realize that stress eating is not helping you. Take control of eating, and how much you're eating. What is your calorie goal per day? Prelog/pretrack your food so you don't lose sight of your budget during the day.

    For baseball practice you're on your feet, yes? It may not be cardio but its better than being on your bum for that time. Have fun with it.
    I have to work almost 2 more hours a day and I'm also coaching baseball for my school. My time to spend on myself is nearly nonexistent due to being with wife and little girl. The problem is, i have now gained 12 pounds since my last spartan race which was in early December. I have to be at work by 6:45 and will not get home until 6 each night after baseball. I've gotta get back together and get my weight off. I was planning on getting 2 trifectas this year... on the pace in going, ill be 300 pounds. I've never had to work this much... and will be better in early may as baseball will be over. However, I'm worried about what is going to happen. My blood pressure is creeping up, I'm stress eating, I'm falling apart. Every bit of extra energy i have, I'm giving to wife and daughter. You fine folks in sure have some ideas and life hacks that could help me. Care to share? Thanks everyone

  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I'm an asst principal now... thus long lunch breaks are not an option. Im wondering how i would manage waking up at 5 and working it... im wondering if i would be exhausted by the time i goto baseball practice and by 6 when i get home

    waking up at 5 and getting home at 6 is the normal life for many people

    you'll be fine with that
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm an asst principal now... thus long lunch breaks are not an option. Im wondering how i would manage waking up at 5 and working it... im wondering if i would be exhausted by the time i goto baseball practice and by 6 when i get home

    In the summer I'm up at 5 and on my bike by 5:15 most days. I have an hour commute each way so I have to be on the road by about 6:45 AM and don't usually get home until 6/6:30.
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Get a is a lifesaver when my work schedule is crazy and my evenings are spent running my kids to afterschool activities.
    I spend 30minutes on it while I watch the evening news or use it in the mornings on weekends.

    Also, take healthy snacks that you like to eat and stash them at work. I started buying 2 packages of yogurt, cheese sticks, jerky and protein bars. I leave one package at home and take the other to work. Then I don't mind when the packages at home are gone in 2 days. ;)
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    I agree with the getting up at 5 a.m. What can help is only doing it 2-3 times a week, especially at first. It won't be a world-shifting change, but it's better than having no additional exercise. I get up at 4:15 twice a week (I don't have to be to personal training until 5:10, but I am notoriously slow at getting ready for anything).

    I completely understand your plight though. I used to have to be at work at 8:30, now I have to be there at 8:00 and it's further away from my house. I had to cut a spin class that was really helping me calorie-wise. Luckily, I work for the health department, and they encourage you to take two 15 minute breaks to go walking, and the campus is perfect for taking a lunchtime walk. I'm hoping that will help me to lose the weight I've gained from the transition.

    Also, I know as hard as you work you probably want to just to chill on the weekends, but That's a good time to get active as well. Play and run around with the little one -- you'll be teaching her good habits. :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    theres no such thing.... as NO TIME, there really is not. how bad do you want it, just coaching baseball and running on the spot, or have them all do a quick little run before you start,,, oh gee, theres lots of things,,,, steps at your school? all the principals and vice, that I know, they are on the move all day long with steps..... and it is worth it to get up half hour early, and go for a run. it all adds up, do bits and pieces all day, you will be surprised how much you can get in,,, I can do 2 to 3 hours a day by the end.... you can too. if you want it... GET IT!
  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    Food Prep Sundays will change your life. Buy a food scale, cook EVERYTHING sunday night. There are LOTS of guides online that you can use if you bore easily, but I know a lot of people who will just roast an entire tray of vegetables, Chicken breasts, pork chops, etc. portion them out (by weight) into individual containers, count the calories, and mark the lids with masking tape.
    Snacks can be food prepped too. I travel a LOT for work (as in 3+ days/wk) and spend way too much time in airplanes/airports where the food options are awful. I carry turkey pepperoni, babybel cheeses, rice cakes, protein powder (and a small blender bottle!!!), nuts, individual peanut butter, cut celery/carrots, etc. Portion it all out on sunday when you meal prep and then grab and go from the fridge!

    Just as they say "you can't outrun a bad diet", you can stave off weight gain really easily with a good one. If you find that you HAVE to eat fast food, pick 2-3 common restaurants and find a 1-2 things on each menu that you can eat. For me, that's Chick fil a (grilled chicken sandwich- 310 cal, grilled chicken club-440 cal, 24 grilled nuggets with polynesian sauce- 510 cal); and McDonalds- )egg white delite- 250 cal, egg mcmuffin- 300 cal, grilled chicken sandwich- 380 cal, mac jr- 460 cal.) DO NOT ORDER THE FRIES!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    theres no such thing.... as NO TIME, there really is not. how bad do you want it, just coaching baseball and running on the spot, or have them all do a quick little run before you start,,, oh gee, theres lots of things,,,, steps at your school? all the principals and vice, that I know, they are on the move all day long with steps..... and it is worth it to get up half hour early, and go for a run. it all adds up, do bits and pieces all day, you will be surprised how much you can get in,,, I can do 2 to 3 hours a day by the end.... you can too. if you want it... GET IT!

    Good point. I remember always seeing my Asst Principal in the halls.
  • Brocksterdanza
    Brocksterdanza Posts: 208 Member
    Valid on the meal prep... my wife does this a great deal... one thing... how do you keep the chicken from getting that slimmy texture come wed or thursday? It grosses her out, thus she doesnt do much chicken... which is my fav.
  • Brocksterdanza
    Brocksterdanza Posts: 208 Member
    Also, we have an eliptical in home as well as insanity, etc. Would i see weight loss if i were to add weight lifting to a 4 day cardio routine? I'm messing around with about a 750 a day deficit in planning. See what you think about this...

    Sunday- 45 min weights before church.... elliptical in evening or a neighborhood walk...

    Monday- elliptical

    Tuesday- up at 5... gym followed by evening elliptical or neighborhood walk with fam

    Wed- off

    Thursday- up at 5... see tuesday

    Friday- elliptical

    Sat- heavy gym day

    Seem reasonable?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    edited February 2017
    Valid on the meal prep... my wife does this a great deal... one thing... how do you keep the chicken from getting that slimmy texture come wed or thursday? It grosses her out, thus she doesnt do much chicken... which is my fav.

    I used to batch cook chicken on Sundays and it was definitely still fine on Wednesdays and I often had it Thursday as well.

    I stored it in glass containers.
  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    Valid on the meal prep... my wife does this a great deal... one thing... how do you keep the chicken from getting that slimmy texture come wed or thursday? It grosses her out, thus she doesnt do much chicken... which is my fav.

    cook em and freeze em. pull them out 24-48 hours before you plan to eat them so they can thaw in the fridge. I love chicken, turkey and meatballs (these are GREAT to make in a gigantic batch, freeze and thaw). You can even poach shrimp, freeze and let it thaw for shrimp cocktail. If you portion the cocktail sauce right and choose one that's low in corn syrup (or make it yourself!), it makes a great meal. I also supplement my protein intake with purdue shortcuts (these keep forever, in part due to the epic amount of sodium in the seasoning), or pre-sliced deli meat, which always seems to be on sale. My local publix sells a great pre-cooked chicken sausage that I love. I also know a contingent of people who swear up and down on boiling 12 eggs at the beginning of the week and eating 2-3/day. I don't do this, primarily because I can't stand boiled eggs, but also because eggs have a lot of fat (5g/egg), so it screws up my macros. My SO hates the yolks, so he just pops them out- problem solved. I'm also a huge believer in putting big old pork butts in the slow cooker, making pulled pork, portioning and freezing. Again, BBQ sauce is a freaking calorie bomb, so making your own (preferably vinegar based) will save you a ton of calories.

  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    Also, we have an eliptical in home as well as insanity, etc. Would i see weight loss if i were to add weight lifting to a 4 day cardio routine? I'm messing around with about a 750 a day deficit in planning. See what you think about this...

    Sunday- 45 min weights before church.... elliptical in evening or a neighborhood walk...

    Monday- elliptical

    Tuesday- up at 5... gym followed by evening elliptical or neighborhood walk with fam

    Wed- off

    Thursday- up at 5... see tuesday

    Friday- elliptical

    Sat- heavy gym day

    Seem reasonable?

    Personally, I believe weight training is an important part of overall fitness. It will help your body recomp (ie tightening up and LOOKING thinner, which is great for motivation) and it makes you stronger, which ultimately helps your cardio. Having said that, weight training is probably not going to give you enough aerobic activity to burn the calories you're looking for, and it will be hard to gain muscle in a deficit. I have done it, it is do-able, but its incredibly hard. You need to eat like 1g protein per lb of body weight... harder than it sounds.

    I would focus on that cardio. How many minutes are you shooting for each day? If you haven't invested in a fitness tracker or HRM, i would encourage it. It will help you push yourself. I think the world of the insanity workouts if you do them right- no cheating, no stopping. They incorporate a lot of body weight strength training into the cardio. Its a really balanced workout in a short period of time. If you're getting 30+ minutes/day with your HR solidly in the cardio zone, work in some weights. Just remember not to get discouraged if you feel like you aren't bulking. You can work on that phase once you hit your target weight.

    Food will be your key, though. Its often said that you can't outrun a bad diet. I've found that you can't even outrun a mediocre one.
  • joaniebalonie088
    joaniebalonie088 Posts: 93 Member
    Could you commute to and from work on your bicycle? On days when you can get out the door a bit early, you could take the long way into work?
  • Brocksterdanza
    Brocksterdanza Posts: 208 Member
    I don't have a bike. Amd work is about 4 miles from my home. Plus i have to take my daughter to school each morning
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I think what you have sounds doable. You have nothing to lose just by starting it. You can always tweak it as you go and find things you like better. One thing though, from a former early morning exerciser: go to sleep at a decent time. That is the only way I was able to consistently workout in the mornings. You know how much sleep you need to barely make it through the motions of the day and how much you need to kill each day. Go for the latter.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited February 2017
    Also, we have an eliptical in home as well as insanity, etc. Would i see weight loss if i were to add weight lifting to a 4 day cardio routine? I'm messing around with about a 750 a day deficit in planning. See what you think about this...

    Sunday- 45 min weights before church.... elliptical in evening or a neighborhood walk...

    Monday- elliptical

    Tuesday- up at 5... gym followed by evening elliptical or neighborhood walk with fam

    Wed- off

    Thursday- up at 5... see tuesday

    Friday- elliptical

    Sat- heavy gym day

    Seem reasonable?

    Unless you have some reason not to train on Wednesday, I would use Friday as a rest day. As you have it set up you're doing weights 2 days in a row (Saturday and Sunday).

    For you weights I would do full a full body routing with compound exercises. On Saturday, when you have more time you can do the normal full body routine, maybe pushing a bit harder and add some isolation exercises.

    I'd do Monday, Wed, Saturday weights (can throw a bit of cardio in those nights) and Tues, Thurs, Sunday cardio, with Friday as rest day (which may be nice before a heavy gym session).

    If you can make it work from a practice management standpoint, participate in running, flexibility work with the players during practice. If you have high schoolers, you can have the captains run the drills (with your guidance).
  • Brocksterdanza
    Brocksterdanza Posts: 208 Member
    Anyone have a good routine that would suit what i am doing? One that is easy to follow and keep up with progress etc?
  • katjennings
    katjennings Posts: 31 Member
    Back when I was teaching I was on my feet all day. Why not try a Fitbit or something like that? Get as many extra steps as you can.