Just curious...anyone else do this?



  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I have ALWAYS eaten my salads that way. I remember as a kid a waitress kept trying to get me to get SOMETHING for my salad. I finally agreed she could bring me some lemon wedges, but I never used them.

    Yep! LOL :laugh: this happens all the time! I've never understood why it makes some peeps so uncomfortable.
  • DanNoonan
    DanNoonan Posts: 40 Member
    I guess I don't consider it to be "dry" b/c veggies have so much water in them anyway.

    Just a personal preference, I really like my food wet/moist. I was the kid who loved to douse his fries in ketchup and would always ask for extra sauce on my pasta. Also extra butter & syrup on my pancakes. Or an extra squirt chocolate syrup on my ice-cream. Oh and an especially high mountain of whipped cream on my cake (and each of my fingers)...... Yeah, I think we all now know why I needed a change in diet / lifestyle :twiddles his pudgy little digits: : )
  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    I am with you. What's the point of having a great salad, chock full of all the veggies that you love, just to hide the flavor under a dressing? I know some people feel like a salad is something that they are punished with or are sacrificing when they eat, but I have always enjoyed a great plate of veggies. Of course, my rule is that nothing makes it into my salad if I don't like it, so a big old salad is like like a plate full of treats! I think a lot of people are missing out on a variety of really great flavors.

    But, like you, I always get the odd stares from people who think that this is the strangest thing they have ever seen.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Nah, I couldn't do that. Salad by itself to me just doesn't have any taste. Gotta have a little some kinda seasoning on there. Might as well dig my face in some grass outside.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I dated a guy who did that...
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    yes i do. but i put a little salt and cracked pepper
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I do it sometimes by default when I can't tolerate the dressing I have for the salad. I've lately been adding olive oil, balsamic, dijon mustard, but getting tired of that. So, in your honor, I'm going to try a naked salad..... Now if I could just get a naked waiter to serve it to me... oh, dream on...
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    i get stared at all the time because i use cottage cheese for dressing. lol
  • prettyinpink246
    I think plain salads are very good esp. if I add sunflower seeds or chicken...Yummm.

    I've never tried sunflower seeds! Thanks for the idea :)

    I dont like dressing on salads that have good stuff in them like sunflower seeds, or nuts and fruit, which in my house we always have one or all of the components above in it. I just havent found a dressing that melds well with everything in the salad. On the other hand I will use dressing if there isnt anything in the salads and it is plain with just veggies or I wont use any if there isnt a dressing I like. 95% of the time I dont use dressing :)
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I have a friend that hates all condiments including salad dressing... But no, not me! I love salad but I couldn't eat it plain, though all I need is a tablespoon or two of homemade balsamic vinaigrette and I'm good :smile:
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    I like my salad plain. I enjoy the flavors of the veggies I put on it.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm like that with my other veggies too... I don't put any seasoning or butter on my broccoli, peas, green beans, etc....
  • efarester
    efarester Posts: 158
    Both my brother and me eat our salads primarily without dressing (he always eats his without). If I actually decide to use dressing, I have it on the side and dip my fork in the dressing and then into the salad so I have as small amount of dressing as possible. I like the veggies just plain. So - NOPE you are definitely not the only one!!

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Only if I have to eat an iceberg lettuce salad. Sometimes I just squeeze lime juice over it.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Obviously no one else does this and you are very strange.
  • fittina
    fittina Posts: 8 Member
    I've never thought to do that before.I'll give it a try.I like the idea of adding salt and cracked pepper though.
    My favorite dressing use to be french but it's just not good anymore.I use ranch mainly as a dipping sauce.(for those fried foods I shouldn't be eating.*blush* hehe)
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    My hubby HATES dressing, he puts my homemade salsa on instead and loves it. But if there is none he'll just eat it plain. Before MFP my salad was just a delivery system and excuse to eat dressing..LOL..I still need it but I measure it and try and use just a little.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I like just red wine vinegar....almost no cals
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Nah, I couldn't do that. Salad by itself to me just doesn't have any taste. Gotta have a little some kinda seasoning on there. Might as well dig my face in some grass outside.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lol, true. but I originally ate naked salads in high-school before I actually started liking them. and then i grew out of ranch as I started eating "real" salads and went for more natural dressings like pomegranate and what have you.
  • SueBalk
    SueBalk Posts: 2 Member
    I know it saves calories but a little olive oil sprayed on would be healthy, you need it for your eyes, brain and heart. You could use a squeez of fresh lemon if you have used your oil up cooking. :happy: Sue.

    Oh tried to sign in but couldn't figure it out. :ohwell: