Nerd Alert!!!!!!



  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    A MFP buddy sent this to me and this seems like the appropriate place to share.

  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Pretty sure this is my theme song:
  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    A MFP buddy sent this to me and this seems like the appropriate place to share.


    Awesome sauce!
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    You can tell you're a kid/Nerd from the 80's when you can still remember one (or two haha) TV Advert song that you really loved.
    Nerd is the New Black.. well it could be. I heart all that you've mentioned + manga movies, all pixar and dreamworks movies. Don't even get me started on gamming!
    I have xformers, spiderman, xmen tshirts (some hand me downs from my brothers), waaay too big for me, but i sometimes wear at the gym. I was just thinking yesterday that I am going to buy some oversized T's of superheroes JUST to train in. Other females look at me as if I'm weird, wearing a big spidey Tshirt hahaha.

    My brothers are the biggest nerds - they have 'Action Figures' galore, comic books, pokemon figurines, cards, weapons and swords. Their room looked like an armory at one stage, we had to take down the LOTR weapons LOL.

    Nerds are the super elite...methinks ; )

    cool thread
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    nerd i am ....have been closeted away recently due to being completly obsessed with x-com terror from the deep ps1 game to the point i have been dreaming about dreaded lobster soilders, i also played magic the gathering , loved most 80s cartoons/movies and rock played eq2 and rift , LOVE STAR WARS when i was little i went to see all 3 of them at the cinema in one day ( it was a special showing apprently ) loved the old battlestar galatica, not so big on star trek though. love dr who,torchwood, a town called eureka .

    i could go on but i have to go finish the epic battles with underwater aliens and then celebrate by watching re runs of dungeons and dragons the cartoon .....ahhhh life is good as a nerd :)