Keto diet

I'm Judi... 62 & a longtime fitness pal lover! & I'm going into week 4 on keto!! 8lbs. Down (good for me!) I have energy & no cravings! This is for me!! Looking for friends to share ideas, successes, recipes & everything in between!


  • fitzmichel
    fitzmichel Posts: 2 Member
    Just starting today. Happy eating
  • judimarie513
    judimarie513 Posts: 15 Member
    Happy eating to you too!!❣
  • sconklin104
    sconklin104 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Judi, I have used the fit program before and lost 20 lbs. Within the last couple of years I had two death, my best friend and less than a year later my father, who has also been another of my best friend. I want to get the weight off, for my health, my hob, my husband, and most important ly for myself. I'm trying to do low carb. Any advice you can give would be much appreciated. Not to mention having a new friend who is achieving results. Susie
  • garcia1774
    garcia1774 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Judi! JUST started today Keto!!!!
  • judimarie513
    judimarie513 Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2017
    @sconklin104...Hello! First of all I'm so very sorry for the loss you've suffered. I have been there also. I gained weight at that time also! I was a weight watcher, but kept gaining even i had to quit. Now I've researched & found for me Keto is great! I just pretty much googled the ketogenic diet, low carb living etc. Plus there's a great group on facebook called "Keto vip" awesome group!! A lot of info! & a lot of people. But I'll tell you this, this mfp app is the absolute best!! It shows you your carbs, fats & proteins in the Macros chart.. if you need any ideas, help etc. Just let me know! .:)
    I do 5-10% carbs, 20% protein & 65% fat daily (healthy fat)... it gives you energy & after a couple of weeks you're not Eben craving anything! Its great! :) Glad to be buddies!
  • judimarie513
    judimarie513 Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2017
    @garcia1774 ... Hello! I sent you a message. Hoping it went. I have Sprint! Lol :(
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I'm Judi... 62 & a longtime fitness pal lover! & I'm going into week 4 on keto!! 8lbs. Down (good for me!) I have energy & no cravings! This is for me!! Looking for friends to share ideas, successes, recipes & everything in between!

    @judimarie513 searching for pain management at age 63 in Oct 2014 I accidentally wound up Low Carb High Fat when I went off of added sugar and all forms of all grains. It was a hellish two weeks in my case but after the first two weeks my cravings dropped like a rock. 30 days in my 40 years of pain levels of 7-8 dropped to levels of 2-3 and still are dropping over two years later. After 40 years of life defining IBS it fully resolved after 2 months and has not been an issue even once in the last 2 years.

    This Way Of Eating seems easy to me now but it was a major relearning curve. I was at the point where I needed help to get in and out of the car so it was a slow recovery in my case. This WOE will be different for each of us. Give yourself 12 months to make this WOE work for you.

    The folks at this sub form helped me grasp what Keto is and the key points to succeed long term.

    Welcome to MFP forums all and best of success.
  • jainlor
    jainlor Posts: 7 Member
    i am new again here. how many carbs do you eat a day (how many grams)
  • jainlor
    jainlor Posts: 7 Member
    what are some suggestions for healthy fats to eat please
  • judimarie513
    judimarie513 Posts: 15 Member
    @GaleHawkins ... awesome!! I loved going pay the first 2 weeks too! This is so great with no cravings & more energy!! I had hip pains, neck issues, & stomach/digestive issues that are allll way better!! I'm only on week 4 (after doing Paleo awhile & changing to keto) & living lchf living!! I don't know if you saw but i posted a site on fb that is great! "Keto vip" great recipes, ideas, help & awesome people that care!! Plus they all love mfp!! & It's the best of course❣
  • bjeromec
    bjeromec Posts: 1 Member
    Just started today! Looking to lose 30lbs by late June.
  • lastarwing1
    lastarwing1 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started Keto today! Any tips?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @jainlor in my case since Oct 2014 I just try to keep my daily carbs under 50 grams and protein under 100 grams. I let the rest run wild but do weigh myself daily to keep a tab on my net CICO results.

    Coconut oil, heavy whipping cream and most any kind of tree nuts make up a lot of my fats.

    In my case I was going for pain management and weight loss was just a nice side effect that I did need as well. By totally taking weigh loss off the table and only watching my carb and protein intake I think has been key to success this time because I have maintained for two years now after yo-yoing weight for 40 years.

    Learning Keto and how it works in your specific case I think is job #1. I did not lose the first point until day 45 then the rate of drop scared me. However I was loosing inches during those first 45 days.

  • judimarie513
    judimarie513 Posts: 15 Member
    @lastarwing1 .. Hi! Mainly from what people & myself go through. Hang in there! The first week or so can be rough. Getting off carbs & sugar. I'm on week 4 & feeling great!! Lots of energy, not hungry or having cravings like before!! It's awesome & very easy! Check out the low carb ideas on this site & i google recipes & ideas. One thing leads to another & before long you're a champ! I do 5-10% carbs (closer to 5) & 20- 25 % protein, 65%fat (mostly good fats)...
    Good luck!! We can do this!!!
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Happy ketoing everyone. For more information and a lot of friendly and knowledgeable people, please join us in these two MFP communities.
  • jainlor
    jainlor Posts: 7 Member
    what about constipation.. was that a problem at all
  • Mexxy
    Mexxy Posts: 19 Member
    I started keto today(again). I need to give the 2 weeks a go and not CHEAT!!
  • HappyNSmilinKaz
    HappyNSmilinKaz Posts: 80 Member
    Im on day far so good. Weight dropping and bags more energy :p
  • 1960bonbon
    1960bonbon Posts: 2 Member
    My son who is an athletic/fitness trainer & his girlfriend have started this Keto diet & have told me & his Dad about it, so we are going to try to start it. My husband loves carbs & I love sugar, so it will be hard for us. This week we are just SLOWING down as we have two night outs for supper this week. So listening to how others do it will be helpful.
  • 1960bonbon
    1960bonbon Posts: 2 Member
    Oh we don't need to loose a lot of weight, but I have been diagnosed with IBS for over 10 years now, and have tried many diets, fodmap; sugar free, gluten free, dairy free, and nothing has helped. I have also tried many drugs, and the latest ones I am on, have brought down the pain but given me LOTS of low energy, so I am hoping this Keto diet helps me with the Energy :) And my husband is a soccer player so needs to keep his weight a bit lower and his energy up too.