Is there anyone else here who can eat a whole loaf of bread?



  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    We went out for our Valentines dinner on Saturday. I personally ate 2 loaves of the fresh bread they bring out. And lots of fresh herbed butter. Guess who isn't going out for Italian food for a very long time? I can't be trusted around delicious bread. lol
  • lmunik
    lmunik Posts: 19 Member
    Hey. I can eat almost a full container of ice cream, or definately a large bag ofnchocolate every nite. It was out of control!!! You are not alone. Sharples. Some od its emotional, some bad choices and munching at night. I also have no will power if its in the house. Since I started MFP Ive eliminated this crazy eating. But firna chuxh Valentines dinner they had desert and chocolate on the table and I couldnt stop myself. It was so good! Any suggestions?
  • hayb54
    hayb54 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh maaaaaan, I remember a day when I had toast for breakfast (lazy and a rarity) and then suddenly the loaf went the same way!!! Bread is definitely something I cannot and rarely have at my house. Usually when I have soup for lunch i have a high protein roll alongside, stored in the freezer they are no longer a temptation. But bread itself is a no go!
  • rabblescum
    rabblescum Posts: 78 Member
    Yes. If toasted. While I don't outright ban foods from my diet, I don't eat toast or breakfast cereal on a regular basis. They trigger what I call "shark brain" and I want to eat the whole loaf/box. I treat them like a special dessert item that I know is high calorie, know is addictive for me and know I can only have one. Every day for breakfast is too much temptation.
  • lmunik
    lmunik Posts: 19 Member
    Shark Brain I love that image! Thats me with chocolate!
  • surreychic
    surreychic Posts: 117 Member
    I'm so glad it's not just me! My other half doesn't understand it, he says "but I feel full after two slices, how on earth can you eat loaf?".... nom nom.
  • beachykeen917
    beachykeen917 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, did he stay up all night with the little one? Sleep deprivation is a horrible thing. It really throws you off in so many ways - like I think your body gets confused about time of day - your endocrine system gets all wonky. You obviously aren't eating a loaf of bread because you are hungry. I think he needs to understand that. You are stressed - physically and emotionally. And bread tastes yummy. :) So it's like a way to calm yourself, right? Some people take drugs. Others eat bread.
  • lmunik
    lmunik Posts: 19 Member
    So i have seen my 3rd ortho surgeon. The MRIs didnt show a bruised bone, torn hamstring. Im on the mend w steriod pills and i can walk w/o limping! Its so great! No feeling in pain. And, Im off my pain meds. Just a different diagnosis and a new med regime. So, if u habent foumd tje right Dr for you Keepb trying. Itll make all the diff to you.

  • paola750628
    paola750628 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been there! I'm also a mum (three kids) and I love bread &/butter. I lost all my overweigh when I bought a spinning, I started with 5 min a day and walks only. Don't be so hard on yourself if you had a Bad night. Eat well and have a loaf of bread if you need it but try to add exercise so you get strong, you are going to need it! And try to rest as much as you can, that's important too my dear. Sorry if my English is no perfect.
  • Dsnelz
    Dsnelz Posts: 27 Member
    Man I haven't had bread in about 2 months and I absolutely LOVE bread! You guys are main me crave it! Lol
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    lmunik wrote: »
    Hey. I can eat almost a full container of ice cream, or definately a large bag ofnchocolate every nite. It was out of control!!! You are not alone. Sharples. Some od its emotional, some bad choices and munching at night. I also have no will power if its in the house. Since I started MFP Ive eliminated this crazy eating. But firna chuxh Valentines dinner they had desert and chocolate on the table and I couldnt stop myself. It was so good! Any suggestions?

    It is one meal of one day. It will not affect your long term progress. My personal view on this is that there are times, and this church event may be one, were it is more valuable to enjoy your time there without feeling like you messed up, and just eat the stuff. Try to log it as best you can, and go on with life getting back to your calorie goal the next day. I also don't deny myself things like desert and chocolate, I just seek to eat them within my calorie goal. Since exercise add to that goal, if I know I will be eating over it, I exercise more so I will either not go over or go over by less.
  • Grandma201114
    Grandma201114 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a carb addict! I totally understand!
  • JstTheWayIam
    JstTheWayIam Posts: 6,357 Member
    edited March 2017
    It's not the carbs nor the fat...

    It's the chemicals, preservatives, pesticides and herbicides, dyes, sweeteners, artificial flavors, "natural" flavors (why won't just say what it is), oils, sodium and other crap they don't mind poisoning us with so they can sell a more addictive, cheaper product.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    i used to do that, but doing low carb high fat....bread does not fit in and i was more sick of being fat than i am of not having the bread
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    Is there anyone else here who can eat a whole loaf of bread?

    Yes, Oprah!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    It's not the carbs nor the fat...

    It's the chemicals, preservatives, pesticides and herbicides, dyes, sweeteners, artificial flavors, "natural" flavors (why won't just say what it is), oils, sodium and other crap they don't mind poisoning us with so they can sell a more addictive, cheaper product.

    Except when we're talking about bread, I'm more likely to want to devour a loaf fresh out of the oven of a local organic bakery (who bakes in small batches with none of the stuff you mention) than a generic loaf from the supermarket....
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Bread is super tasty. Time was when I'd eat an entire baguette for breakfast. (I was in college then, on a varsity sports team and walking everywhere, so burning calories like anything.) Right now I have to limit myself very strictly.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    edited March 2017
    It's not the carbs nor the fat...

    It's the chemicals, preservatives, pesticides and herbicides, dyes, sweeteners, artificial flavors, "natural" flavors (why won't just say what it is), oils, sodium and other crap they don't mind poisoning us with so they can sell a more addictive, cheaper product.


    Bread will not harm you and has no chemicals in it that will hurt you. They are not poisoning us.

    Where did I put my tin hat?

  • JstTheWayIam
    JstTheWayIam Posts: 6,357 Member
    It's not the carbs nor the fat...

    It's the chemicals, preservatives, pesticides and herbicides, dyes, sweeteners, artificial flavors, "natural" flavors (why won't just say what it is), oils, sodium and other crap they don't mind poisoning us with so they can sell a more addictive, cheaper product.


    Bread will not harm you and has no chemicals in it that will hurt you. They are not poisoning us.

    Where did I put my tin hat?

    Wow, what a prick :D
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Oh god no. Never. I am not a bread or pasta person at all.
    Now a whole bag of Reese's? I can eat that no problem
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    It's not the carbs nor the fat...

    It's the chemicals, preservatives, pesticides and herbicides, dyes, sweeteners, artificial flavors, "natural" flavors (why won't just say what it is), oils, sodium and other crap they don't mind poisoning us with so they can sell a more addictive, cheaper product.

    Here's the bread I'm most "addicted" to:

    Please look at the ingredients list and identify any of the components you mentioned, because I just ain't seeing them.
  • JstTheWayIam
    JstTheWayIam Posts: 6,357 Member
    I'm being misunderstood...

    I'm not saying there are no good breads
  • Windrunner666
    Windrunner666 Posts: 91 Member
    surreychic wrote: »
    I can avoid the chocolate, but yesterday I brought a lovely loaf of seeded high protein bread. I had apprehensions about getting it because I have previously found I can't resist it, ridiculous as it sounds, it's so healthy. This morning, it's all gone! I had no sleep yesterday due to a young child being awake all night. I brought the bread with the best of intentions but I have three slices then want more! The whole thing has gone. In my massive tummy hashtag greed.

    That's why I buy only the *kitten* breads that taste like cardboard. I had the same issue here, couldn't stop eating the bread so I don't buy the "healthy" ones.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm being misunderstood...

    I'm not saying there are no good breads

    Yeah, you kinda did.
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    God yes! Fresh white bread! The whole loaf - absolutely.
    I wasn't allowed it as a child.
    It's now my Christmas Eve treat. A whole loaf with whatever the hell I feel like, in sandwiches, with lashings of butter.
    Can't poo for three days afterwards lol.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    surreychic wrote: »
    I'm so glad it's not just me! My other half doesn't understand it, he says "but I feel full after two slices, how on earth can you eat loaf?".... nom nom.

    Put two slices in the toaster, close the bag and put it away, go back to toaster when its finished, eat toat with your desired spread, DONE. I do this almost every day. Simple.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Bread is one of those things I don't keep around because it does something weird to my brain that triggers my hunger "like a fat kid in a candy store". I think it's flour in general that sets me off, because even low carb breads like tortilla factory get me going like a rabid animal.

    So yeah, I could eat a whole loaf of bread. Dipped in a jar of nutella like some kind of animal. :):)
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    surreychic wrote: »
    I can avoid the chocolate, but yesterday I brought a lovely loaf of seeded high protein bread. I had apprehensions about getting it because I have previously found I can't resist it, ridiculous as it sounds, it's so healthy. This morning, it's all gone! I had no sleep yesterday due to a young child being awake all night. I brought the bread with the best of intentions but I have three slices then want more! The whole thing has gone. In my massive tummy hashtag greed.

    What's your definition of a loaf of bread? How big is this loaf? I get a large loaf of Bran Sandwich bread - 980g with about 24 slices. No way is that going to be eaten all at once.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    edited April 2017
    I baked a 1 lb loaf of seeded wheat bread last Saturday and 14 grams remain. When that's gone, I'll have eaten the whole (small) loaf in a week.

    When it's fresh and warm, I cut off one end, weigh it, and add a few carefully weighed grams of Sola Stella olive oil to make the gastronomic highlight of my Saturday.