What's your diet like? What's working for you?



  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    I am currently eating Keto and steadily losing. I've tried many different ways of losing weight. And many of them worked, at least temporarily. But, I struggle with "fast" carbs like bread, pasta, potatoes as they seem to make me more hungry and lose control. I most often fell off the "moderate portion" wagon when I allowed myself to eat those things.

    So, Keto works for me, as long as I also plan, plan, plan. It is very hard to eat this way without pre-planning and packing my own lunch EVERY day. I do try to avoid restaurants and fast food chains that don't have good options for me. I usually skip breakfast or just have a coffee with milk. Lunch is usually a big leafy green salad with meat or eggs, grape tomatoes, olives, cheese and full fat dressing, yummy. Sometimes, like today, I will have a bunless burger instead with a small salad. Dinner is usually a simply cooked fatty meat with delicious baked broccoli or leafy salad. I could have other veg, but I really like these. Snacks are some combination of boiled eggs, cheese, nuts, olives, low glycemic index fruit like berries, etc. Dessert is usually a Keto dessert recipe, like Keto cheesecake, or some fat bombs, or berries with whipped cream. And, always, always, I count my calories on MFP.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    calorie deficit + structured lifting regimen + micro/macro ...

  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    I eat intuitively. Using Precision Nutritions portion control, I'm able to gauge how much to eat using my hand. If I want to lose weight, I eat to approximately 80% full and allow myself to be hungry between meals. If I want to gain weight I'll eat just a little beyond full.

    For an idea on how I lost my initial 40+ lbs, search for In Place of a Roadmap on this forum.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    I don't count or log and never have. I stay away from sugar (including fruit) and grains. My diet consists of protein and vegetables for the most part. I am not looking to lose weight, just maintain. Some say it's not sustainable but I've been eating like this for many years and feel better than ever. I also workout (cardio and weights) seven days a week.
  • FitBody3
    FitBody3 Posts: 36 Member
    When I am losing weight I eat in a 500 calorie deficit. When maintaining , I eat in a deficit during the week and indulge in drinks and pizza and sweets during the weekend. I am working towards maintaining without logging tho and listening to my body. Even when I am in a deficit , I still eat foods I like though.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Good calorie defecit, normally 500-100 depending on how much i walk that day. Very basic meals at home i eat most of the same stuff i found satisfy me over the past 9-10 months (lucky for me their cheap as dirt! :D )

    If i want something else ill have it but i walk my butt to the store for it. (obviously make it fit my calories)

    Iv recently perfected my macros finally, Managed to get them all in which i struggled to do before on 1200 calories. I upped my calories to 1300 and it helped me finally get my fat in.

    I dont eat until later in the day. Start my day at around 1-2 with a small piece of kolbassa and then i wait an hour (sometime more kolbassa is a tiny miracle for appetite supressing for me) And hve my first meal. I love to eat at night so this has helped me hugely to stick to my calories.

    As for exercise i walk. Alot. If im going to work or an appointment i walk there i try to get atleast a few hours walking in a day. I tend to save my calories for weekend drinking although i need to cut that down again soon. Stupid yummy booze.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Eat less, move more are the only changes I made. I already ate a diet rich in plants and whole foods and I was gaining weight very slowly so I only needed small changes to get back on track.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    No big lifestyle change, just eating less calories than I burn. I do plan my meals for the day ahead of time just so I know I can get everything in. Also bought a Fitbit Charge 2 to help track my calorie burn. Guess that's kind of boring, but I'm keeping it simple. Down 14 pounds since New Years.
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    delisha527 wrote: »
    Its working out great....I am also a monthly weigher so I will let you know on the 20th of this month :p
    What's the difference between keto and low carb?

    low carb can be 150g or less ....Keto is very low carb I am set at 5%...moderate protein I am set at 20% and high fat I am set at 75%
    I'm pickin ur brain smarty pants lol... what do you usually eat in a day?

    today was bulletproof coffee ( 16 oz. coffee....1 Tbsp. unsalted butter, 1 Tbsp of coconut oil, 4 Tbsp. heavy whipping cream and 1 Tbsp. of sugarfree vanilla syrup (it keeps me full until lunch time which is around 1 or 2 )
    Lunch was bacon with 2 eggs ....dinner will be steak and salad ...dessert is 4 pieces of sugarfree chocolate vanilla candy
    I like the candy part at the end lol
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    111 pounds lost and i am a recovering binge eater currently on vyvanse for it.
    The medication leaves me with no real desire to eat the way i used to when i would binge and often times now i am not hungry at all when its time to eat so i had to make a system.

    Breakfast between 7 and 8am, Snack at 10:30 if i am working, lunch betweem 12 and 1, snack at 3:30 if i am working, supper between 5 and 6 and snack at 8pm if i am at home all day.

    I currently eating somewhere between 1600-1700 calories, and have a very active job, go to the gym for 2 hours a day 5-6 times in a 2 week period on my days off.

    Since satiety isnt really an issue for me at this point, i basically just plan whatever fits into my calories and eat what i plan.
    Vyvanse I never heard of that medication how long did it take for you to lose 111lbs?
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    DEBOO7 wrote: »
    I'm a keto-eater. Been that way for nearly 3 years and have lost 84lbs with about 6 more to go. I make sure I get at least 10k steps a day or more and swim 2-3 times a week - usually 1km each swim. Calories set to 1142 - and I try not to eat back any exercise calories which give me a bit of room for ups and downs. Daily calorie burn is about 1700. In January I managed to lose 2lb 8oz (1.3kg) and I was happy with that. Gets harder the closer the goal comes!

    Has your calorie intake changed a lot since you first started to now?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I'm another keto'er. I lost about 40 or so pounds in about 5 months but I regained a little over 5 lbs this winter when I experimented with going higher carb for maintenance (all the way up to 50g LOL). My body just does better when I keep my carbs very low.

    I was pretty sedentary when I lost my weight. I was actually more active when I was regaining. I think it got my appetite going and I wasn't consistent in my logging.

    If you want to look into keto, or low carb, join the Low Carber Daily MFP group. The Launch pad sticky has a LOT of information in it. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    ALOT of people are doing keto! I did low carb before and lost about 30lbs but when I tried again recently my body didn't respond to it maybe keto will be something to look into!