all the single ladies!!



  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    The toilet seat is always down.
    You can make all the noise you want when you have to get up early.
    You don't have to share the covers!
    You can watch all the chick flicks you want!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    You don't have to share your moonshine.

    ........... that was probably too specific. :indifferent:
  • :heart: SHARING MY BED
    :heart: Not sharing my food or drink <3
    :heart: Can change my hair color all I want too
    :heart: wearing my not so sexy hello kitty pj's

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I hate to argue.....ITS A DEALBREAKER
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    All the things I love about being single are all the things I miss about not being with someone!
  • ladies ladie ladies...why so sad some of you?. Being single is bloody awesome!

    i was with my partner for 16 years until 3 years ago. ive dated for a few months here and there and you naturally find yourself biting your tongue or slightly acting different around that new date. i decided to be true to myself each time and ditch them cos i am faaaar happier on my own. if someone perfect happens to land on your lap? so be it. but learn who you are if you havent already and enjou your own company, take up some new hobbies, get a new friend family. who knows it may lead to something more than friendship anyhow, but for now i cant see a man or woman in my life, do what i want, when i want. selfishness to the max.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I used share my bed with the Dogs when I was single :smile: I have had a partner for over two years now and my eldest dog still ignores him because they all sleep downstairs now.
  • two years of ignoring from a dog. hahah brilliant.
  • holyguacamole37
    holyguacamole37 Posts: 73 Member
    Oh my gosh, I DEFINITELY needed this tonight. Thanks so much for posting this!! Some of my personal single faves are:
    -Not feeling guilty about checking out hot celebs/attractive guys at bars.
    -Being able to order whatever I want on my pizza without judgment (ESPECIALLY onions).
    -Freedom to do what I want, when I want.
    -Not feeling guilty for girls nights. (I usually don't, but there's nothing worse than a whiny "I miss you" text raining on your fun...)
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    1. You don't have to answer to ANYONE!
    2. You can do whatever you please!
    3. You can make your own choices!
    4. you don't have to get permission for ANYTHING!
    And the best one of ALL......................................................You get to work on YOURSELF with NO INTERRUPTIONS! And make yourself better all around!

    I still get lonley
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Right after my last b/f and I broke up, I remember going to a wine bar and when I walked in 3 guys at the same time broke their necks looking at me. I realized at the time that felt foreign to me. Like I forgot I'm actually attractive. I had thrown all the enjoyment of being "hot" into one guy's basket and stopped noticing when other guys were looking. My ex was insecure (but masked it with feigned confidence) so in order to make him stop interrogating me (in his passive, "tee-hee you're a fox who talked to you when you went out, I know there must have been like 10 guys" way) about other guys, I stopped being aware of the other guys, which made me feel less attractive. I don't miss that *kitten*. I don't miss having a boyfriend at all. No matter how alone I am, I'm not lonely.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. No questions asked. No guilt about doing it either. You don’t have to make excuses. You don’t have to call someone to check in on her or ask permission to go somewhere.
    If you had to ask permission to go somewhere when you weren't single, you were with the wrong kind of guy [or girl].
  • deleted
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It's all fun and games until you need something off the top shelf!
  • Some repeats but my faves:
    Garlicky pasta :)
    Not having to shave
    Getting to sleep on my ENTIRE pillow :P
    Sprawling out on the bed
    Oh yeah, and being totally selfish working two jobs and training for MARATHONS without having to worry about him wanting all of my time (PS, I have gotten way hotter since we broke up too hahahahaha)
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    It's all fun and games until you need something off the top shelf!

    LOL, I think the only good thing was when they killed spiders for me. I fend ok for myself when I lived alone but I had an excuse when I had a guy to do it for me. I'm much braver when I'm single so maybe relationships are bad for me :P

    Sometimes I forget how hard it is to be in a relationship. I like the one about nobody holding you back. Also:

    - Don't have to listen to lame excuses
    - Nobody to make you cry
    - Don't have to worry about infidelity
    - Don't have to put up with his attention on video games rather than on you. I swear I deserved so much better
    - No more sacrificing or compromising.
    - No more trying your best to please their parents and family, especially if they hated your guts
    - I can finally go home late, a bit drunk from dancing with friends and nobody will tell me off :P
    - I use to get complained that I don't dress up at home ( what century did he think we lived in?!)
    - No one is the boss of me!
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Single.....what's this single of which you speak? :laugh: I vaguely remember being single but I'm sure I'd love it and hate it equally. I love being with someone and likewise hate being alone.

    To all the singles out there though, I say enjoy it, live it up, accomplish things you want to before life gets in the way. :tongue:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    You can buy as many shoes as you want!

    Jealous of those of you who have the bed to yourself -- I share mine with the dog! :blushing:

    I know how you feel. I share mine with a cat. He doesn't understand boundaries as in this is your side of the bed and this is my side. :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    It's all fun and games until you need something off the top shelf!

    :laugh: :laugh: You're so right. Fortunately for me my tall son lives with me (for now) and he comes in real handy. :bigsmile:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    kinda makes me want to splurge on a step ladder
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    kinda makes me want to splurge on a step ladder

    that's what kitchen chairs are for...or just stand on the counter. really...i can only think of one thing any man i've lived with has been good for...and i found a way around that one too
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