Green tea capsules

Does anyone take these?


  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Curious - what benefits are you hoping to gain from the capsules?
  • SR1986
    SR1986 Posts: 92 Member
    Matcha powder is supposedly a much better form for you. People swear by it, and something called golden milk (made out of turmeric) to help facilitate weight loss naturally.however, without another specific supplement our bodies don't digest turmeric very well :/ I haven't tried either, but I've taken green tea capsules with Hoodia in them and it did nothing. Looking great btw! Hopefully someday (sooner rather than later) I can look something even remotely close to that! What kind of abdominal exercises do you do?!
  • mir1104
    mir1104 Posts: 101 Member
    If you are looking at them for fat loss they're useless. I used them as a diuretic when I was bodybuilding and they were good, but that was water, not fat!
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    I don't but I do drink a lot of the Lipton diet green tea. I find it curbs my Appetite. It's also 0calorie and it's really tasty. You just have to make sure you drink enough water with it. My dietician said it will dehydrated you.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    There are no pills, powders, wraps or potions that will cause you to lose physical weight, however your wallet will get lighter. Even on the box it says something to the effect of "in combination with diet and exercise" and "results may vary" all in tiny writing. Just skip this and stick to your calorie goals.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    I took them when my mother in law gave them to me and they did not help suppress appetite or increase energy.
  • readytobeatfat54
    readytobeatfat54 Posts: 91 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    There are no pills, powders, wraps or potions that will cause you to lose physical weight, however your wallet will get lighter. Even on the box it says something to the effect of "in combination with diet and exercise" and "results may vary" all in tiny writing. Just skip this and stick to your calorie goals.

    Don't tell this to big pharma. Weight loss prescription drugs are big business. :smiley:
  • readytobeatfat54
    readytobeatfat54 Posts: 91 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    I know. I work in the medical field and have patients ask all the time about taking a pill or getting surgery. I have no problem educating them that these are only tools and the ultimate goal is to get them eating healthier and exercising more. The side effects alone are enough to keep me away (i.e seizures and suicidal ideations - uh that's a big no for me)

    I feel the same way. Surgery can be important for some, but it isn't for the masses. I know someone who had it, lost a ton of weight and afterward online she started posting remarks that people didn't much appreciate, such as "It's tough being so thin," or "does anyone have size small clothing, I don't fit into my clothes".

    Recently she has struggled with recurrent small bowel obstructions, likely resultant from the surgery. I would never ask her, but I often wonder if she regrets having the surgery knowing that she loses more and more bowel with each SBO.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    I know. I work in the medical field and have patients ask all the time about taking a pill or getting surgery. I have no problem educating them that these are only tools and the ultimate goal is to get them eating healthier and exercising more. The side effects alone are enough to keep me away (i.e seizures and suicidal ideations - uh that's a big no for me)

    I feel the same way. Surgery can be important for some, but it isn't for the masses. I know someone who had it, lost a ton of weight and afterward online she started posting remarks that people didn't much appreciate, such as "It's tough being so thin," or "does anyone have size small clothing, I don't fit into my clothes".

    Recently she has struggled with recurrent small bowel obstructions, likely resultant from the surgery. I would never ask her, but I often wonder if she regrets having the surgery knowing that she loses more and more bowel with each SBO.

    That's awful and something people don't think about. Many people believe they can have the surgery and then live happily ever after. Reality is a lot different
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    I take them for energy, boosting my immune system and help me sleep better, I know they aren't a weightloss aid
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    I take them for energy, boosting my immune system and help me sleep better, I know they aren't a weightloss aid

    They don't do any of the other things either except the energy boost from the caffeine.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I got a free bottle with my protein powder a couple of months ago, so i foolishly started taking them, they gave me a little bit more energy but no extra weight loss.

    Whether this was a coincidence or not... For the first time in my life my periods were late, 6 days late, they are usually incredibly regular, down to the day and hour. Talk about panic stations! I ended up throwing the rest of the bottle away.
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    The ones I take are caffeine free and contain equivalent of 6 cups of green tea. 69% green tea extract and 97% polyphenols
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    The ones I take are caffeine free and contain equivalent of 6 cups of green tea. 69% green tea extract and 97% polyphenols

    Even more useless.
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't agree, I feel amazing but could be all the other antioxidant boosting supplements too