2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • katjennings
    katjennings Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to be adopted. I'm Frannie. I'm 45 years old.
    SW 235 lbs
    CW 226 lbs
    GW 142 lbs
    Height 5' 5"

    I love to dance!
    I'm in a HIIT boot camp program.
  • eluvscats
    eluvscats Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm open to adopting a couple noobs! I'm active every day on MyFitnessPal. I've lost over 70 pounds and am still going strong towards 100! I have lots of tips and tricks regarding eating and changing your relationship with food. I'm a Fitbit user, with PCOS, living in Manhattan, single, former high school teacher turned grad student, with cats! Add me as a friend if you'd like some help getting started. :)
  • Petunia1968
    Petunia1968 Posts: 24 Member
    48 (in menopause) - 203 - 5'4 - have a goal of 145. As long as I am there by 50 I will be happy but I would like to get there now. I need help getting on treadmill and doing the right exercises and eating combo. I like to prep my meals to stay the course. I like carbs over sweets. I can eat chicken/salmon spinach everyday and it doesn't bother me. I would like help building a solid eating plan with the things I like at the right amount. I'm not a shake person and I'm not chatty - I forget to say good morning and all that - so if you're easily offended by that then you don't want me. I like the Adrian Bryant videos on you tube. I get really focused when I want to do something or prove something. Right now I seem to like doing 10 minute exercises 3 or 4 times a day and try to walk the longest routes to get steps. I am not consistent with the 10 minute exercises but I want to be and more. I have dogs/outdoor cats and chickens. Thanks in advance.
  • mp199a
    mp199a Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys, looking for some help.

    5'11, 21, 263lb looking to get to around 180 lb. I struggle most with motivation and seeing an healthy life style past an week. I don't use FitBit etc and I'm currently a student.
    Thanks in advance.
  • tiff0227
    tiff0227 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi!! I'm
    Interested in being adopted!! I recently just had my second baby and need help getting this extra baby weight off. I am very VERY motivated and am looking for someone to encourage me and help hold
    Myself accountable.

  • rhondagm1910
    rhondagm1910 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a 43 year old mom of three (13, 11, 8), I am looking for a mentor. I have slipped into the habit of over-eating "whatever" "whenever". I continued to raise the bar of what I saw as an acceptable weight for myself. I would like to lose about 30lbs, I have lost about 10lbs so far. I have been using the Couch to 5K app almost everyday, with a goal of doing a 5km in April then possibly moving on to 10km... will see.
    My clothes aren't getting any looser yet-I think I was in denial about how tight they were before I started.. Just looking for someone else to join me - guide me- on my journey..
  • MissMockTurtle
    MissMockTurtle Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to be adopted!

    I'm 25, work a full time desk job, and am trying to lose weight to feel better about myself.

    I have the healthy eating part down-- I eat a plant based diet with very few processed foods and stick with my calorie goal as best I can.

    Buuut I really need someone to motivate me to workout and hold me accountable!
  • kncarmack
    kncarmack Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning! I need to be adopted :smiley: . I have well over 100+ pounds to lose. I'm 36, work full time at a desk job and have equipment at home in addition to a gym membership. I struggle with emotional eating as well. I have high blood pressure, bad knees, migraines, etc., and finally decided I need to do something to change so my health doesn't continue to deteriorate. Please feel free to add me, I need all the support I can get! - Kara
  • kirkwoodlvr
    kirkwoodlvr Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking for a mentor! I've used MFP off and on for about 2 years but suck at staying on track for more than a few months at a time and I think what's missing is having someone to keep me accountable/mentor me! I'm 22 and from Portland, OR and I love being outdoors skiing, camping, biking, hiking etc. Working out is not really an issue for me it's something I enjoy and do often, but I know my diet needs a bit of an overhaul. So I'm really trying to focus my energy on getting my calorie count down and then figuring out what a good maintenance count looks like. I'm very friendly and log everything reliably (even when I regret it immediately after) and hoping for maybe a younger female mentor to help me out!
    Thanks so much!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    About me:
    -60 pounds down, 30 to go
    -recovering Type II Diabetic
    -Christian young lady, willing to help a couple of Christian young ladies
    -wheelchair/bed bound
    -loved playing baseball
    -uses a hand-bike, rides a horse for exercise
    -not very knowledgeable about health but very caring and willing to listen and pray with you during struggles

    About you (the noob):
    -prepared to log every last bite, sip and exercise (open diary ideal but not vital)
    -knowledgeable about the basics of health and how to use MFP as a tool
    -willing to come here and at least briefly message me Every. Single. Day. No matter what! If I don't see you one day, I'll be nice and check in via message. If I still don't see you...goodbye. :'(
    -able to share your struggles and successes with others. I want to celebrate victory together and cry with you during defeat.
    Just putting this back out there since several young ladies are posting "want ads."
  • aerofaerie
    aerofaerie Posts: 20 Member
    I'm kind of hoping to be adopted!

    A little about me
    Age: 27
    Status: Single, never been married, no kids. I'm boring.
    Work: CNA at a nursing home
    Fitness tracker: fitbit alta
    Starting weight: 328
    Current weight: 312
    First goal weight: 289
    Final goal weight: 150

    I'm not new to forums but I am new to mfp and I can't help but think I'm missing some features :) it would also be nice to not feel like I'm all alone on my journey.
  • pharmdkathy
    pharmdkathy Posts: 2 Member
    I am relatively new to MFP. I started using it about 30 days ago to help me "tweak"/monitor my nutrition after hitting a weight loss plateau since the Nov/December.
    I started working out in September 2016. My weight at that time was around 187lbs. I am 5ft 6in. I started with 21 day fix and it was great, the portion containers helps me visualize my portion sizes. I did great and saw amazing results, as well as increased muscles. I lift and do cardio with at least 1 active recovery day a week (usually Yoga or Pilates). I changed up my program to 21 Day Fix Extreme, a little more intense, when I hit the first plateau in October, and that worked I lost another 10 pounds. But then I hit another plateau, and have been trying to how to break through. I am currently doing Master's Hammer and Chisel, and I've held steady after dropping 5 lbs. when I first started. I am down a total of 35lbs, but I would like more muscle definition. I have started lifting heavier weights and really paying attention to macros rather than calories, to make certain I get the balance I need.
    I would love a mentor and friends who are familiar with macros rather than just calories. Also would like suggestions for at home workouts and exercise routines for EVERY day of the week. I don't want/like to kill myself with hours at the gym.
  • arigsby542
    arigsby542 Posts: 5 Member
    I will look for a mentor to send a message to however if someone has not been selected to be a mentor and would like to work with me I will be thrilled to have you!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Continued thanks to all of our mentors!

    @OldSportOldsport @adammeynell86 @eluvscats You are awesome for being willing to mentor a noob. I have added your names to the OP and as you can see there are lots of folks in here hoping to be adopted.
  • sumchick82
    sumchick82 Posts: 3 Member
    Please adopt me :)
  • michumetamorphosis
    michumetamorphosis Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2017
    Would like to be adopted.
    I am a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian so perhaps by someone who understands the concept.
    I quite often exceed my daily recommended protein intake.
    I'm 25, and from South Africa. I am looking to get lean and toned and build muscle - and kick BUTT - in that order.
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    I'd like to be adopted. I'm based in the UK and mainly vegetarian ( my partner does most of the cooking and he only cooks vegetarian food but I do eat some fish). I'm back here, heavier than ever. I really got into swimming but frayed cartledge made me stop just before Christmas because I was waiting for a physiotherapist appointment for over 8 weeks and the swimming was making my knee much worse.
    I work 3 days a week in an office, mainly sitting.
    What do you think? Could you help me improve my carb laden diet? Or is there no hope?
  • mjbere003
    mjbere003 Posts: 2 Member
    I need some guidance in meeting my daily nutritional goals, I have trouble getting the right amount of fats in.

    My name is Josie and I am from California, USA. I am 32 years old and SW is 186, my goal is to be at 140lbs no matter how long it takes. I do attend the gym about 4 to 5x per week and try to get a good mix of cardio/weight lifting in.

    I have struggled with weight issues mostly after my first pregnancy and it became worse with the second. I am committed and ready to loose this stubborn weight. Any help would totally be appreciated and I could never thank anyone enough.

    Thanks and good luck to everyone starting out on their journey!!!
  • BeverlyMarsh1986
    BeverlyMarsh1986 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm still on the way, but I could help a little if anyone would like me to! I am 30, started off at about 237 lbs and am now at 195 lbs after 242 days. I logged consistently except for a 2 week period over Christmas... No diet restrictions - I eat meat and dairy and chips and pizza and ice cream and chocolate and salads and fish and all. My goal is set to a 500 calorie deficit per day, so I lose about a 1 lbs a week. No gym membership - I mostly walk or play Just Dance on the Wii and I just started the DVD "30 Day Shred". Next month I will start horseback riding lessons for fun. I'm trying to get my body to a healthier weight and build up a little strength, partly to prepare for my first pregnancy planned for next year.
  • abundantlyme
    abundantlyme Posts: 44 Member
    Oooh, someone adopt me! :)
    43 years old in Seattle. I'm a clean eater, but I've always eaten too MUCH. I came to MFP yesterday, logged my first day of food and was blown away by how all of the little things I was eating were really adding up -- a bit too much olive oil here, an extra serving of ground turkey there, a soy latte...dang! It was really eye-opening for me, so I'm very glad to be here.

    I'm fighting insulin resistance and want to reverse it before I become diabetic - I want to drop 50 pounds by my birthday, September 10th. Who wants to help hold me accountable?
    THANKS in advance!
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