Help wanting to do better then I am now.

Hi I'm a newbie and help would be appreciated.. thanks and add me as a friend.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Do you need help with anything in particular?
  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member
    I would love any help. I'm trying to loose about 25lbs. And I am taking lipozine and hydroxycut as well as eating healthier, but not sure if I'm doing well myself. But I'm really trying my best. So any help would be appreciated. TIA.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yeah what is it you're struggling with?
    My general tips are:
    •pick a reasonable weight loss rate of between 0.5 and 1 pound per week loss rate (or a deficit of 250 to 500 calories)
    •try to hit your protein goal every day- treat it like a minimum, not a limit.
    •try to reach your fiber goal every day
    •do strength training
    •take a daily multivitamin
    •get plenty of sleep (8 hours if possible) and take rest days (don't try to exercise every single day)... weight is mostly lost during sleep and muscle is built on rest days.
    •be disciplined and consistent, and don't rely solely on "motivation" to eat within calories and exercise... motivation comes and goes but a responsible person with clear goals and a plan can do what they gotta do wether they "feel like it" or not. So treat this like any other major responsibility in life- like getting to work on time or feeding the dog or paying the mortgage... and you'll do great.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I would love any help. I'm trying to loose about 25lbs. And I am taking lipozine and hydroxycut as well as eating healthier, but not sure if I'm doing well myself. But I'm really trying my best. So any help would be appreciated. TIA.

    What happens when you stop taking them?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Stop taking the pills ASAP. Start logging your food on here and making sure you're in a calorie deficit.
  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member
    I do take multi vitamins, I'm trying to reach my protein and fiber daily.. I'm also doing a low fat diet, as well as trying to stay under everything else as well. I'm trying to stay under 10g of saturated fat daily.
  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member
    Also I'm not doing to well on my protein any suggestions on how to get it better?
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I would love any help. I'm trying to loose about 25lbs. And I am taking lipozine and hydroxycut as well as eating healthier, but not sure if I'm doing well myself. But I'm really trying my best. So any help would be appreciated. TIA.

    You don't need drugs to lose weight, all you need to do is be in a caloric deficit... consume fewer calories than you burn. More specifically though you want to eat less than your TDEE and more than BMR. That's why "as few calories as possible" is a bad way to diet. You need to eat more than BMR or you will have health problems and crash your metabolism and feel bad and not be able to stick with it.

    They this to find your TDEE and BMR:

    I highly recommend skipping the drugs and instead follow a sustainable weight loss plan of eating an appropriate amount of calories each day and getting regular exercise.

    Weigh all food you consume using a digital food scale (they are inexpensive and incredibly necessary), log all food you consume into myfitnesspal. Follow my other tips above.
  • doxielady123
    doxielady123 Posts: 4 Member
    Personally, I would ditch the pills. If they really worked everyone would be flocking to buy them. I think they can do a lot more harm than good. I have a lot more to lose than the 25. I tried a variety of stuff- weight watchers, Richard Simmons, etc. Nothing works better than calorie counting in my opinion. Does your Dr agree you need to lose 25? Prayer and meditation can help with getting your mind in a better place. I used to eat Taco Bell Bean Burrito because I thought it was a healthier choice, beans are full of protein and fiber. That burrito is twice the calories of a taco. Lesson learned. Healthier isn't always leaner. You have to read the labels on everything.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,127 Member
    You don't need to take those drugs to lose weight, and they can backfire on you when you stop taking them. My main tip is to LOG ALL YOUR FOOD AND DRINKS. Don't lie to the app. You're only lying to yourself. It's a tool to learn about yourself and how much you really eat and drink everyday, and apply that knowledge. I also love the advice above to treat it like one of your responsibilities!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Also I'm not doing to well on my protein any suggestions on how to get it better?

    Pretty log your day so you can work out what you need to eat to hit your goals
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I do take multi vitamins, I'm trying to reach my protein and fiber daily.. I'm also doing a low fat diet, as well as trying to stay under everything else as well. I'm trying to stay under 10g of saturated fat daily.

    Fat doesn't make you fat
  • kpeterson539
    kpeterson539 Posts: 220 Member
    I do take multi vitamins, I'm trying to reach my protein and fiber daily.. I'm also doing a low fat diet, as well as trying to stay under everything else as well. I'm trying to stay under 10g of saturated fat daily.

    May I ask WHY you've decided to go low fat?

  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm ditching the pills for sure. I'm not sure why a chose low fat. I just didn't know where to start. I really do appreciate everyone's help on this. Also how do I know what calories to stay under and everything else as well. Like I said I'm very new to all this. But I am eating a lot healthier.
  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member
    Also one issue is sometimes my energy feels low and that's why I started taking the pills. But that's also why I'm here asking for suggestions. And really I do appreciate it all.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Also one issue is sometimes my energy feels low and that's why I started taking the pills. But that's also why I'm here asking for suggestions. And really I do appreciate it all.

    The best thing I found to boost my energy was exercise. It's a vicious cycle. You don't have energy, so you don't want to work out. But consistently working out has shot my energy through the roof. As soon as I skip a few days, BAM, no energy again and no drive to go to the gym. I just have to drag myself in there and break the cycle.
  • kpeterson539
    kpeterson539 Posts: 220 Member
    The reason why I was asking is because the macro that is fat can be quite satisfying and our body needs fat. Please do not eliminate or go too low.

    The first step is to enter everything into MFP answering all of the criteria. Try not to be too aggressive with the weight loss. Do not eliminate too many of the foods you like. Work with the calories that MFP gives you while allowing a treat. Weigh all of your food and be sure to drink your water.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    edited February 2017
    Also I'm not doing to well on my protein any suggestions on how to get it better?

    Eating enough protein should help you have more energy- it did for me at least. I also struggle getting in enough protein and have my whole life since I'm not one to eat large servings of meat. So I try to incorporate protein into every meal and snacks too. It doesn't have to be meat either- other good sources of protein are cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, and I even do a protein shake after my strength training workouts- that's 20 grams of protein that goes down as easily as a glass of chocolate milk!

    I wouldn't cut out fats- eggs and peanut butter and beef are all good sources of protein that contain fat. But do be careful of too many fatty foods in one day simply because they have a higher calorie content.

    I switched to using spray oil instead of liquid oil for cooking and when I cook with butter I only use 1/4 tablespoon. This simple small change makes a big difference for calories and the food if anything tastes even better (less heavy).

    If you still have low energy after increasing protein then maybe get your blood tested for deficiencies- make sure they test for anemia/iron levels, vitamin D, magnesium, and B12, along with everything else.

    Regular exercise can boost energy levels too- it seems odd at first because with low energy you don't feel like exercising... but once you get into a routine you should find exercise gives you more energy rather than using it up.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Also one issue is sometimes my energy feels low and that's why I started taking the pills. But that's also why I'm here asking for suggestions. And really I do appreciate it all.

    I second the advice to exercise to boost your energy. Seems counterintuitive at first but it always works for me. Even starting my day with 15-30 minutes of yoga helps me energized and accomplished, even if I don't make it to the gym later for my workout.

    Fat and protein will help energy too. Eating too low fat makes me feel sluggish. I personally like avocado for some good fat and fiber.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I found it easier to make little changes instead of trying to do everything at once. Ditch the pills. You need to learn to change your eating habits and not rely on crutches. Remember that the weight isn't going to come off right away and it won't stay off if you don't make sustainable lifelong changes. I initially lost most of my weight just by eating under calories. Once I got that under control then I started looking at macros and trying to eat according to my macros. I feel like small changes along the way make for better success, but everyone is different. Find what works for you. Just don't expect miracles from pills.

    Good luck! :)