Help wanting to do better then I am now.



  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member
    Also I'm not doing to well on my protein any suggestions on how to get it better?

    Eating enough protein should help you have more energy- it did for me at least. I also struggle getting in enough protein and have my whole life since I'm not one to eat large servings of meat. So I try to incorporate protein into every meal and snacks too. It doesn't have to be meat either- other good sources of protein are cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, and I even do a protein shake after my strength training workouts- that's 20 grams of protein that goes down as easily as a glass of chocolate milk!

    I wouldn't cut out fats- eggs and peanut butter and beef are all good sources of protein that contain fat. But do be careful of too many fatty foods in one day simply because they have a higher calorie content.

    I switched to using spray oil instead of liquid oil for cooking and when I cook with butter I only use 1/4 tablespoon. This simple small change makes a big difference for calories and the food if anything tastes even better (less heavy).

    If you still have low energy after increasing protein then maybe get your blood tested for deficiencies- make sure they test for anemia/iron levels, vitamin D, magnesium, and B12, along with everything else.

    Regular exercise can boost energy levels too- it seems odd at first because with low energy you don't feel like exercising... but once you get into a routine you should find exercise gives you more energy rather than using it up.

    I also have switched to cooking spray. And I see where I really need to change now. I am doing smoothies made from yogurt with furit and I also put spinach in it as well.
  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member
    The reason why I was asking is because the macro that is fat can be quite satisfying and our body needs fat. Please do not eliminate or go too low.

    The first step is to enter everything into MFP answering all of the criteria. Try not to be too aggressive with the weight loss. Do not eliminate too many of the foods you like. Work with the calories that MFP gives you while allowing a treat. Weigh all of your food and be sure to drink your water.

    Ii have been trying to enter every little thing. And I am understanding a little more now that I'm talking with people on here. I'm going to change from the low fat diet. I had just started it because someone I know suggested I try it.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    What rate of loss are you aiming for? Everyone sees "2 pounds per week" and obviously wants to lose at that rate, but your potential rate of healthy weight loss is driven by your current weight and the amount you have to lose. Essentially, heavier people can lose weight more quickly. If you only have 25 pounds to lose, a healthy rate of loss is 0.5 to 1 pound per week; aiming for any more can set your calories too low, cause your energy level to tank and increase the likelihood that you'll burn out and quit or that you'll experience reactive overeating.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    This chart is usually used when someone isn't losing weight like they want to, but maybe you could read through it @got2loveme863, and get ideas on where to start and what to expect.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Also, the chart refers to using a food scale instead of measuring cups. This video illustrates why a food scale is so powerful for your weight loss.
  • got2loveme863
    got2loveme863 Posts: 28 Member

    OK thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it all