Paleo? Yes or no?

Thinking about trying out a paleo-style diet. Everything I've done just doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?


  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    Been there, done that and developed some nasty digestion issues and also spent an insane amount of money on the 'approved' foods. After a few months I realized it wasn't for me lol :p
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited February 2017
    Have you tried eating the calories mfp has given you and using a food scale for all solid/semi-solid food, and using cups and spoons for liquids only? For at least a month?

    Weight loss is not about the type of food you should or shouldn't eat, it's about calories.
    Been there, done that and developed some nasty digestion issues and also spent an insane amount of money on the 'approved' foods. After a few months I realized it wasn't for me lol :p
    This was my experience as well. Never again!

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Whatever way you eat, you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Different people enjoy different foods and are satiated by different foods and macros. So the key is going to be finding a way to eat that you enjoy and keeps you satisfied at the right calorie level.

    I've never tried Paleo as it cuts out a lot of the foods I enjoy and I don't think I could eat enough meat to follow the program. Honestly I've only ever seen people on their blogs or in magazines who say they lost weight and stayed on the diet long enough to maintain. I've known a few IRL who tried it but couldn't stick to it. Hopefully more people who have tried it or had success with it will chime in :)
  • lmccarty94
    lmccarty94 Posts: 19 Member
    Been there, done that and developed some nasty digestion issues and also spent an insane amount of money on the 'approved' foods. After a few months I realized it wasn't for me lol :p
    lmccarty94 wrote: »
    Thinking about trying out a paleo-style diet. Everything I've done just doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?

    What do you mean by working, what is your goal, what have you done to achieve it, and how long have you done those things?

    I've been consistently working out since November. I cut out fast food and 80% processed foods, I don't drink or smoke, I increased my work out from 2 days a week to 3-4x a week and have a pretty balanced diet. I'm trying to lose 30lbs or 2 pant sizes (whichever comes first). But I'm not seeing any changes other than physical performance.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    lmccarty94 wrote: »
    Been there, done that and developed some nasty digestion issues and also spent an insane amount of money on the 'approved' foods. After a few months I realized it wasn't for me lol :p
    lmccarty94 wrote: »
    Thinking about trying out a paleo-style diet. Everything I've done just doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?

    What do you mean by working, what is your goal, what have you done to achieve it, and how long have you done those things?

    I've been consistently working out since November. I cut out fast food and 80% processed foods, I don't drink or smoke, I increased my work out from 2 days a week to 3-4x a week and have a pretty balanced diet. I'm trying to lose 30lbs or 2 pant sizes (whichever comes first). But I'm not seeing any changes other than physical performance.

    How many calories do you take in? All that stuff is great, but it doesn't necessarily default to a calorie deficit. I eat very healthy and have put on 10 Lbs over winter due to the fact that my calories coming in have exceeded my expenditure regardless of the fact that it's mostly whole, nutritious food sources.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    lmccarty94 wrote: »
    Been there, done that and developed some nasty digestion issues and also spent an insane amount of money on the 'approved' foods. After a few months I realized it wasn't for me lol :p
    lmccarty94 wrote: »
    Thinking about trying out a paleo-style diet. Everything I've done just doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?

    What do you mean by working, what is your goal, what have you done to achieve it, and how long have you done those things?

    I've been consistently working out since November. I cut out fast food and 80% processed foods, I don't drink or smoke, I increased my work out from 2 days a week to 3-4x a week and have a pretty balanced diet. I'm trying to lose 30lbs or 2 pant sizes (whichever comes first). But I'm not seeing any changes other than physical performance.

    You are not counting calories and you are not weighing your food to make sure you are in a deficit. Eating healthy, cutting out junk and working out still don't mean you are eating less than you burn....
    Do this and "it will work"....
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited February 2017
    Eating "paleo" is fine if it helps you stick to a calorie deficit I guess.
    I suppose it should since there is not much you are "allowed" to eat on the diet...

    Problem is that it blacklists stuff that you probably should be eating, nutrition-wise.
    And it trying to bulk on it or to eat enough carbs to lift heavy is really harder then it needs to be.

    If it works for you then fine, but don't get all preachy and make a big deal about it.
    That annoys people. ;)

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Paleo seems really hard to me. Really, anything that requires me to exclude entire food groups stresses me out. I focus on weighing my food on a digital scale and eating all sorts of foods as long as I stay in my calorie goal.
  • jonnybowers420
    jonnybowers420 Posts: 9 Member
    Works amazingly well for me. Stops bloating, lose weight easily, get to eat lots of yummy meat. It's not for everyone but I am a big fan.
  • CrazyCatLady916
    CrazyCatLady916 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not much of a meat person and I need my carbs to fuel my workouts so no, paleo would not work for me. I know others it has worked for so to each his own I say!
  • theman900
    theman900 Posts: 48 Member
    Been paleo for 3 years now no cheats ever ( sweetness)its great helped me with alot of things energy wise digestion skin allergies and stuff i would agree with people above though you dont nesseacrily need to do it if you want to lose weight just track calories and have will power however for me and my freinds who are on it we've found and ime its very easy to eat at maintenance or below on it and bulking is very hard lol like the foods are way too filling provided you dont binge on nuts which I did plus drinking olive oil to gain weght on it (really) put yeah anyway you could just up your veggies to increase feeling of fullness and try to eat somewhat clean while occasionally eating your favourite foods
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    OP, please answer those who have been asking if you've been counting calories. Thanks. You mention trying everything, but the truth is, if you were counting calories accurately you would be losing weight. No matter which way of eating you choose, calories are always king when it comes to weight loss/maintaining/gaining.

    Working out and cutting foods isn't necessary for weight loss. One can still lose weight even if they eat "junk" food/eat at fast food joints and all since all that is needed for weight loss is a calorie deficit. As you have so little to lose, you should chose to lose half a pound per week.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    lmccarty94 wrote: »
    Been there, done that and developed some nasty digestion issues and also spent an insane amount of money on the 'approved' foods. After a few months I realized it wasn't for me lol :p
    lmccarty94 wrote: »
    Thinking about trying out a paleo-style diet. Everything I've done just doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?

    What do you mean by working, what is your goal, what have you done to achieve it, and how long have you done those things?

    I've been consistently working out since November. I cut out fast food and 80% processed foods, I don't drink or smoke, I increased my work out from 2 days a week to 3-4x a week and have a pretty balanced diet. I'm trying to lose 30lbs or 2 pant sizes (whichever comes first). But I'm not seeing any changes other than physical performance.

    What's your stats? How many calories are you eating?

    The kinds of foods you eat don't matter for weight loss-the amount of calories you're eating does. Same with exercise-if you're not in a calorie deficit you're not going to lose weight, regardless of what kinds of exercise you're doing.

    For what it's worth-I lost around 50lbs and went from size 14 jeans down to size 4s, and I did it while eating fast food several times a week, all sorts of 'processed' foods etc. And I didn't exercise at all either. Lost the weight no problem and also improved all my health markers/blood work panels as well. The only thing I focused on was making sure I hit the correct calorie deficit that I needed for my weight loss goals. I'm also now one of the very few people who are successfully maintaining weight loss long term, and my #1 focus continues to be my calorie intake.