Need Support - Dealing with stressful situation!



  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    @questionfear thanks! Part of the problem is we are far enough away from the REAL city that there are very few programs my son can get to. In order to get a clinic that even deals with LGBT people, he has to travel over an hour by car - and he doesn't have a car, so relies on family to give him rides.

    Our community is still getting out of the dark ages as well - very religious, anti-LGBT area, although it is slowly getting better. I'm sure we have the highest number of churches per capita. And before anyone says anything, I am Christian myself, and no, I don't think all church goers are anti-LGBT. However, in this area, many people (in general) are very against it.

    Gotcha. Hopefully with a little legwork you and your son can find him more resources. If I think of any specific resources that can help I will let you know...(I am a lesbian, was very involved with LGBT issues when I was in college, and have a few friends who went on to work for national orgs, and the challenges your son is facing come up a lot-you'd be surprised how many times I ping my friends for resources to help someone's friend/cousin/child dealing with trans issues).

    My daughter is a lesbian and has been involved in LGBT community at school. We are lucky living just outside NY it is a large community and lots of support. However, you still see too much anti LGBT. One of her best friend's parents refers to her and another friend as "those gays". It is a shame so many people have closed minds.
  • CutsandCurves
    CutsandCurves Posts: 335 Member
    Hey all, I'm still fairly new to the site but I'm hoping to get some encouragement at this time. I've been working on myself for a while now. Seeing a psychologist, finally admitting I need anti-depressants, settling in my job, etc. OK, so I'm doing alright!

    BUT THEN my youngest, who is 21, living close by but on his own (with roommate) is going through a really tough time. He is going through transgender changes (he was originally my daughter). He has issues with a lot of things, but mostly he's really depressed, unemployed, burning through savings, etc. I'm helping him find some counselling and community assistance, but I simply don't have the funds right now to assist him with cash. His stress and depression is making me doubt myself as a parent, and as a person. I struggle with feeling my son has some possible emotional/mental disorders and just feeling like he's lazy and refuses to structure his life.

    He's staying with me and hubby for a few days, and that's creating more stress, as my hubby is not his dad, and I feel so much that he doesn't really want my son there. I'm ready to break down and binge eat. I haven't yet, but I really, really need some encouragement to stay on course despite the issues I'm dealing with. Thanks for any help.

    Honey this will pass. I've been through a terrible time with worrying over my son and not happy with my marriage. I got to the point my dr was willing to commit me for my own good. Depression anxiety are evil. I did learn I had to start doing something to make me happy and that's always been working out. So I went back to it and am finding myself again. You can to. I'm so sorry your have to suffer such an ordeal.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Thank you! I try to keep stress down.

    Things are looking better for my son. He's found a good youth clinic that runs twice a week and even provides cheap fresh fruit and vegetables. He is also now in the "que" at mental health to talk to a psychologist. He is much more optimistic about the future.

    Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and empathy. I really needed them and they helped a lot.
  • Irv2015
    Irv2015 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you! I try to keep stress down.

    Things are looking better for my son. He's found a good youth clinic that runs twice a week and even provides cheap fresh fruit and vegetables. He is also now in the "que" at mental health to talk to a psychologist. He is much more optimistic about the future.

    Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and empathy. I really needed them and they helped a lot.

    Wonder how you are doing now - your story sounds like mine...