What is driving you to stick with your diet?



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,039 Member
    I sign up for races: half marathons & marathons. I use those as goals to keep my diet in check.

    Yep ... mine are long distance rides.

    When I moved to the area where I now live, I couldn't do the long distance rides I used to be able to do because I'd put on a bit of weight and this area is very hilly. I might have managed on flat ground, but hauling that weight up hills put me out of the time limits for my events.

    So I lost the weight so I could get back into my events ... and I keep it off so I can keep doing my events. :)
  • frawley23
    frawley23 Posts: 31 Member
    I had gestational diabetes which is a pretty good indication that I will develop type 2 diabetes in the future. I'm.dedicated to changing my lifestyle so that I can avoid diabetes as long as possible. Being a positive role model for my little girl as she grows up will be an added bonus.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    What is making me stick to it is that it is working. I now understand how to lose weight (thanks MFP) and have been losing consistently since September. as the weight comes off, I want more to come off.

    I'm doing this for me. Not for my wife or family or anything like that. This is all about what I can do for me. And it's working.

    Same here- I've wanted to lose weight/not be overweight my whole life but nothing was working or if something did work it was temporary (like crash diets)... I was ready to give up when I discovered tracking macros and counting calories with myfitnesspal and figured "why not"... not expecting it to work but I'd tried everything else so might as well give it a shot... and it WORKED!!

    I also had a health crisis in my early 30s which made me truly value my health. Once you lose your health you realize how valuable it is and will do anything to get it back and keep as healthy as possible!!

    So yeah a combo of a major health wake up call, having wanted to lose weight for practically ever, and finally finding something that works!!! Yay!

    OP remember to plan for maintenance once you lose the weight. You don't want to do all that work, win (or lose) the bet, and then go back to your old ways of eating and end up gaining it all back!! Make sure when you're finished losing weight to do a reverse diet and then keep tracking everything but at your maintenance calories instead of a weight loss deficit. Losing the weight is only HALF the battle! The other half is keeping it off!
  • Boland_D
    Boland_D Posts: 85 Member
    My hot bod from two years ago.
    Jk, but kinda not.
    I just feel how out of shape I am in everyday activities. It's a lot to carry around and it's weighing me down.
  • Budjola
    Budjola Posts: 148 Member
    overall feeling of being healthier and looking good while doing so
  • gregfrompenn
    gregfrompenn Posts: 13 Member
    I probably should be eating a little heathier but I am sticking to counting calories, 1,600 per day and I have been satisfied.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I began my journey for my health and to set a better example for my kids. I don't eat "clean," but I do stick to my calories, and I don't hardly ever have days that I'm hungry by the end of the day.
    Now that I have had a 22 lb loss, what is driving me is the results. My reasons now are mostly vanity. I really want to look good in a cute little sun dress on spring break. I want to rock the dress for prom (masquerade theme this year). I want to look good in a swimsuit without me or my kids being embarrassed by the size and jiggle of their mom. The fact that I haven't had a plateau of more than a week at a time with the same 2 lbs coming and going before the scale finally started moving in the right direction again gives me the drive I need to keep at it. I have just over a week of February left, and my goal is to lose 2.4 more lbs by the 1st. After that, 10 lbs in March. That will allow me to be amazing in a cute prom dress, because those pictures in the yearbook last forever, and then only 5-10 lbs after that to goal range.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    Vanity, pure and simple.
  • breannemarie1993
    breannemarie1993 Posts: 161 Member
    My cousins wedding in July and figuring out how to live properly with a high gluten intolerance!'
  • NatashiaGonzalez
    I want to be at my healthy weight before getting pregnant.
    Kicking PCOS's *kitten*
    Finally fitting into my clothes
    Not being the chubbiest of my friends

  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member

    This is the first time I'm losing for me! Not at event, occasion or person.

    I stick with counting calories because I want to do this for me.
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    I have lived in the shoes of a significantly overweight person and healthy person. I've been at my goal weight for two years. I understand the struggles.

    What motivates one person may not motivate you. Find your reasons! I waited until I had a health crisis and my heart stopped in the emergency room. I get a second chance. What has me sticking to this is I make myself and my health a priority. We only get this one life...... use it well.

    The work does not end after your weight loss goal. You still have to maintain it. This app has been key. I had to learn how to eat and hit my macros. I'm not on a diet...I eat to fuel my body correctly. This is my healthy lifestyle that has become my new normal.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Vanity, pure and simple.

    Nothing wrong with that. :)