2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • BeverlyMarsh1986
    BeverlyMarsh1986 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm still on the way, but I could help a little if anyone would like me to! I am 30, started off at about 237 lbs and am now at 195 lbs after 242 days. I logged consistently except for a 2 week period over Christmas... No diet restrictions - I eat meat and dairy and chips and pizza and ice cream and chocolate and salads and fish and all. My goal is set to a 500 calorie deficit per day, so I lose about a 1 lbs a week. No gym membership - I mostly walk or play Just Dance on the Wii and I just started the DVD "30 Day Shred". Next month I will start horseback riding lessons for fun. I'm trying to get my body to a healthier weight and build up a little strength, partly to prepare for my first pregnancy planned for next year.
  • abundantlyme
    abundantlyme Posts: 44 Member
    Oooh, someone adopt me! :)
    43 years old in Seattle. I'm a clean eater, but I've always eaten too MUCH. I came to MFP yesterday, logged my first day of food and was blown away by how all of the little things I was eating were really adding up -- a bit too much olive oil here, an extra serving of ground turkey there, a soy latte...dang! It was really eye-opening for me, so I'm very glad to be here.

    I'm fighting insulin resistance and want to reverse it before I become diabetic - I want to drop 50 pounds by my birthday, September 10th. Who wants to help hold me accountable?
    THANKS in advance!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    I'm still on the way, but I could help a little if anyone would like me to! I am 30, started off at about 237 lbs and am now at 195 lbs after 242 days. I logged consistently except for a 2 week period over Christmas... No diet restrictions - I eat meat and dairy and chips and pizza and ice cream and chocolate and salads and fish and all. My goal is set to a 500 calorie deficit per day, so I lose about a 1 lbs a week. No gym membership - I mostly walk or play Just Dance on the Wii and I just started the DVD "30 Day Shred". Next month I will start horseback riding lessons for fun. I'm trying to get my body to a healthier weight and build up a little strength, partly to prepare for my first pregnancy planned for next year.

    @BeverlyMarsh1986 Congratulations on already having lost almost 50 pounds. Thank you for being willing to mentor a noob. I have added your name to the OP for noobs to browse through. Please also consider reaching out to one of the many folks who have posted in here looking to be adopted.
  • MissteeC87
    MissteeC87 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    I am currently looking to be adopted... I have been trying to lose weight over a number of years trying many different plans that have not been sustainable for my life style.

    I have approx 100lbs to lose and with this in mind I would like to implement an exercise I enjoy in to my lifestyle.

    I am 30 in June and there is so much I want in life in which my weight is holding me back... Children, Holidays, Finally actioning my engagement and getting married.

    I know this is going going to be a hard slog but I am ready to do this with support... Please adopt me :)

    If you have any questions, please ask!

    Much Love

    Tee xx
  • ctrdawn
    ctrdawn Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to be adopted!

    I am 26, I need to lose about half my body weight which is about 150lbs, I want to actually be able to have fun and do outdoorsy things without getting so tired or out of breath.

    I have started logging my food intake, which I have never done other times I have lost weight. I bought a fitbit and will be starting my workout routine Monday.

    I am getting married at the end of may, and want to lose as much as possible by then, and at least be able to be on my feet for more than a few minutes.

    I have lost 40 to 60lbs on multiple occasions, but have never made it under 200lbs. I am ready to do so now.

    Just looking for some extra support. Very open book ready to do what it takes.
  • JstTheWayIam
    JstTheWayIam Posts: 6,357 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Jesse and I am from the San Francisco Bay area! I've been on a journey of mind and body over the last... almost 4yrs now.

    I started out somewhere just north of 333lbs. After 2yrs, with no drugs, fad diets, trainers, or surgery, I managed to lose about 180lbs.

    For the last year or more, I've been working on building muscle and gaining weight back. I'm currently 182lbs and somewhere (I think) around 10%bf. I don't honestly see 10%bf in the mirror because of the loose skin I have (not much but enough)

    Any how, I work out 7 days a week and have listened to over 50 audiobooks from star wars to mindfulness and health and do my best to post everyday and comment on statuses where I can add value...

    I have over 400mfps so I'm not the best at keeping up with people but I'm always willing to help...

    If you would like to reach out to me for anything at all, advice on dealing with cravings, workouts, finding peace... Please pm

    I love myself just the way I am, thank you God for making me just the way I am.

    Jesse <3
  • AverageJoeFit
    AverageJoeFit Posts: 251 Member
    edited February 2017
    I would like to be a mentor. :smiley:

    I'm Joe I'm a 35 (almost 36) male who has been doing maintenance for over a year. I was a life time yo-yoer in the losing weight category. Until I had enough two years ago and lost it. I went from 240+ two years ago to 190ish. I want to spread the join of a weight loss journey.

    Professionally I am a Sonographer (Ultrasound tech that looks at babies). So I have an good knowledge of how the human body works and what to do. I also know how to do true research if there is a question that I can't answer off hand.

    I really like teaching, giving knowledge and am an open book. So I hope I get accepted to be a mentor and get a lot of PM's :smiley: .
  • kevinp2
    kevinp2 Posts: 5 Member
  • ransaka
    ransaka Posts: 135 Member
    I have adopted some noobs and don't think I can take any more on at the moment without compromising the help I can offer. Could you cross me off the list for now please Alex, I'll update if anything changes. Ta!
  • JustDoIt987
    JustDoIt987 Posts: 120 Member
    This is awesome ! I'd love to have a mentor ! I am more or less at my goal weight but still do not have the body I want ! I need a mentor to help me recomp
  • RachaelIsLosingIt
    RachaelIsLosingIt Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my goodness this looks great. I would love to be adopted! My main goal is fat burning through hiit and weight lifting - Anyone who is a pro at this please, please adopt me! x
  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    Not sure if I'm too late to the game or not, but I'd love to be adopted! A little about me:

    I'm 38 years old, wife and mother to a 3 1/2 year old boy. I work from home and I'm pretty sedentary, but I'm trying to change that by riding my bike. I currently weigh 189, and my ultimate goal weight is around 125 - 130, but for now I'm aiming for 150 which was my weight at my wedding. When I got pregnant with my son, I gained 100 lbs. I used it as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted, and I never really committed to losing it - despite half @$$ trying a few times.

    I'm committed now. I haven't felt good in years and I want that feeling back! Right now I'm counting calories as weight watchers no longer works for me.

    What I'm looking for in a coach:
    I mostly need someone to help keep me on track, motivate me when I'm down, and remind me there are no excuses. I need the extra push! If you're willing to help me, I'd really appreciate it.
  • Kristend14
    Kristend14 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to be adopted! I just did the whole 30 in January so I am working hard to maintain that weight loss and keep it going! I would like to be adopted by someone who knows a lot about the 'science' of weight loss since I have dieted in the past and it always seems to come back and am very interested in topics regarding the body such as hormones, leptin and insulin resistance and psychology of weightloss.

    1/1/17- SW: 195, 2/21/17- 184.4 GW: 170 ( by 5/15 for my friends wedding)

    Thank you in advance!
  • ChelsOlivia88
    ChelsOlivia88 Posts: 9 Member
    Me please!!!

    I need help!!!

  • mandalaysissa
    mandalaysissa Posts: 35 Member
    anyone want to adopt me? Thanks.
  • tiffanywilliams12047
    I would like to be adopted please!
  • tola_getsfitnhealthy
    I'm a newbie and would be interested in a mentor that can motivate me to eat right and exercise. I'm 24 and I am looking to lose about 45 pounds. I think am doing the right things but I would like some assistance. Maybe a lady around the same age would be nice.

    Pick ME!! <3

    Having some friends on here would be nice. :)

  • Kaowdo
    Kaowdo Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2017
    cabwj wrote: »
    I am interested in mentoring one or two women in the 50+ age range.

    I'm Cheryl. I'm 56. I have been on MFP for about a year and a half. I've lost 82 pounds to date through sensible eating and have increased my fitness through exercise. I'm not done yet, have about 35-40 more pounds to go. The most important part of my journey has been sustainability. I chose to make healthy changes slowly, and one at a time, in a way that has allowed me to stick with it. I'm not a fan of gimmicks, fads, or anything promising fast results. There is no end date to this journey, it's a way of life.

    @cabwj Hi Cheryl. My name is Kay, I'm 74 yrs young..and started about 1 week ago at 217#. I now weigh 212#. I love your post here, and how you have succeeded losing 82 lbs. I'm here to kindly ask..."Would you pleease consider being my mentor?". I would love to have someone like you who 'knows the ropes'. I promise not to take up to much of your time, as I can do OK on my own. I would just like to have someone like you to talk to when I have a question or need a kick in the butt. My main problem is if I get hungry, and my calorie allotment is gone....I will eat. Since I started I have been eating a good breakfast with a couple eggs, turkey sausage and maybe a slice of cheese if I'm having a egg sandwich. The protein really helps me to last most of the day...and so far..so good. Thanks for listening.
  • katewrites12
    katewrites12 Posts: 3 Member
    Up for adoption.

    Six years ago, my oldest daughter pushed me off the grandmother cliff when she called to announce she was having triplets. We have all been scrambling to keep up with the joyous chaos ever since. Now that they are in kindergarten and with my youngest daughter's graduation, it's time for this Gigi to get her groove back.

    I will turn 53 this year. My mom died at 53. So this is a significant milestone year for me. My goal is to lose 25 to 30 lbs. In addition to the weight loss, I just want to feel better. The extra pounds are starting to take a toll on both my physical and mental health.

    I need to get more active, but as a writer who sits in front of a computer most days, it has to be a deliberate effort. Unfortunately, organized exercise has never been my strong suit. I could really use a cheerleader.
  • mgbb0611
    mgbb0611 Posts: 2 Member
    I could use an adopted mentor if anyone is open to it. :smiley:

    I'm 27, currently weight 180.2lbs, and am looking to get down to 130lbs. I've eaten a heavily-processed, carb-filled diet most of my life, and I'm feeling pretty bad about myself and about my health. I am done with it.

    I have OCD and generalized anxiety disorder, which really play into healthy living habits, as well as the way I think about myself and my health. It also makes me a HUGE mental health advocate, so I am open to connecting with anyone who needs a lift now and then.

    I might just be getting started, and I might be a little lost right now, but I am committed. If you are able to mentor me, I will do my best to make you proud. :smile: Either way, thanks for reading and GOOD LUCK on your journey, whether it's weight loss, weight gain, or maintenance.
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